Saturday, November 4, 2023


I'm trying to work through my thoughts. Who I am, what I am, how I feel.

Nobody owes me anything.

"Yeah we can be abandoned, and that will be okay."


1. I am grateful for my friends at uni. They are kind to me and help me feel valued.

2. I am grateful for the house I live in. It provides me comfort and a space which feels safe.

3. I am grateful for the honest open conversations that I can have with the people around me. It helps me stay connected to who I am.

Recognising my strengths:

1. I am good at being social, talking to people, getting to know them. It makes me happy and comfortable, and boosts my self-confidence.

When did I do a good job / use a strength of mine?

1. When I went to Flodge on Thursday. I was able to talk to people semi-comfortably. I was happy to be sharing in that space.

What I'm getting right?

1. I'm taking time for myself, learning and growing who I am. Quieting my anxieties about the world. Choosing to understand the things that out of control in my life. Loving to love. Passionate stoicism.

What is good in my life?


What I want to adjust?