Saturday, May 30, 2015


Sorry I haven't been posting in while hahahaha.

So today I'll be writing about my midterm results and books (or rather, how I judge books) and maybe come up with a study plan.

I got 10 for my L1R5 again... Same as last year's overall.

English Language 65 B3 ----- only 2 people in the entire level got distinction I think. will get A1!!!
Higher Chinese 56 C5 ----- at least I passed lol
Additional Mathematics 65 B3 ----- I need to put in more effort for this. flunked paper 1 so bad
Mathematics 87 A1
Biology 80 A1 ----- 2nd in class with William
Chemistry 77 A1 ----- idk I think I'm doing better at chem nowadays. (pls dun go Dr Slatter!)
Physics 70 A2 ----- promised my physics teacher I'd get A1 for prelims and O's
Combined Humanities (S,G) 66 B3 ----- will get A1 for prelims!
AS-Biotechnology 75 A1 ----- HAHAHA I remembered a time when I found it so darn difficult

I deproved by 1 grade for Humanities.
I deproved by 2 grades for English and Chinese.
I improved by 1 grade for A Math, Chem and Physics.
I improved by 2 grades for Biotech.

I think by prelims I can get my perfect 6 L1R5 raw yeah? ;)

*for fiction only*

You know how goodreads has that 5 star rating thing right? So basically, I judge by 3 criteria: concept/realness, plot and writing.

Concept: applicable when the book is about something out-of-this-world, like dystopia or supernatural things

Realness: applicable when the book is about something that really does happen irl, like drug abuse

Plot: the flow of the story, like the introduction, the point of climax, the ending... so basically the story structure lah

Writing: the clarity and nice-to-read-ness of the author conveying the meaning of the story and emotions of the characters? I think it's really a huge deciding factor. if I don't like the style of writing, the highest I'll give is 3 stars, even if everything else is fabulous.

So basically that's it yeah!

Study timetable ah?

Constant things:
I'm practicing my piano for O's at least once per day
I'm doing 1 english paper per 3 days
I'm listening to Schubert's Unfinished once a week

I'll add on more when I feel like it lol

Good luck for people taking MT O's!!! Jiayou and God bless


Saturday, May 2, 2015


I didn't post last week, and wasn't intending to post this week, because of exams, but I just realised something so I'm gonna write it down here.

I realised that you can sorta tell how someone's relationships with people (including yourself) will be, just by how they treat their music.

Sort of like their level of obsessedness about a song they like, or even about the range of songs they like, or if they listen to music on Spotify or Youtube or iTunes or whatever.

Seriously. Think about it.

Okay short post, bye!