Saturday, May 30, 2015


Sorry I haven't been posting in while hahahaha.

So today I'll be writing about my midterm results and books (or rather, how I judge books) and maybe come up with a study plan.

I got 10 for my L1R5 again... Same as last year's overall.

English Language 65 B3 ----- only 2 people in the entire level got distinction I think. will get A1!!!
Higher Chinese 56 C5 ----- at least I passed lol
Additional Mathematics 65 B3 ----- I need to put in more effort for this. flunked paper 1 so bad
Mathematics 87 A1
Biology 80 A1 ----- 2nd in class with William
Chemistry 77 A1 ----- idk I think I'm doing better at chem nowadays. (pls dun go Dr Slatter!)
Physics 70 A2 ----- promised my physics teacher I'd get A1 for prelims and O's
Combined Humanities (S,G) 66 B3 ----- will get A1 for prelims!
AS-Biotechnology 75 A1 ----- HAHAHA I remembered a time when I found it so darn difficult

I deproved by 1 grade for Humanities.
I deproved by 2 grades for English and Chinese.
I improved by 1 grade for A Math, Chem and Physics.
I improved by 2 grades for Biotech.

I think by prelims I can get my perfect 6 L1R5 raw yeah? ;)

*for fiction only*

You know how goodreads has that 5 star rating thing right? So basically, I judge by 3 criteria: concept/realness, plot and writing.

Concept: applicable when the book is about something out-of-this-world, like dystopia or supernatural things

Realness: applicable when the book is about something that really does happen irl, like drug abuse

Plot: the flow of the story, like the introduction, the point of climax, the ending... so basically the story structure lah

Writing: the clarity and nice-to-read-ness of the author conveying the meaning of the story and emotions of the characters? I think it's really a huge deciding factor. if I don't like the style of writing, the highest I'll give is 3 stars, even if everything else is fabulous.

So basically that's it yeah!

Study timetable ah?

Constant things:
I'm practicing my piano for O's at least once per day
I'm doing 1 english paper per 3 days
I'm listening to Schubert's Unfinished once a week

I'll add on more when I feel like it lol

Good luck for people taking MT O's!!! Jiayou and God bless
