Thursday, March 14, 2013


I cannot express how much I dislike PTs.

okay moving on~

warning: rant post.

therefore, if you are directly/indirectly mentioned here, you need to know that I don't hate you, and some points about you are probably untrue.

there's this seriously annoying boy. I don't know what his problem is. but one fine day we were having taekwondo. then he sit there and laugh at us. what the shit. like seriously. we were like stretching and he kept saying 'that looks so wrong' in a really loud voice. little piece of shit. he think so easy ah. !@#$@!. he has no respect at all. NONE. not for himself, not for his friends, not for a korean martial art that is probably older than his mom.

yay rant part done.

next week is 'holidays' *yay*

168 hours of holidays.

let's see.

School and Stuff:

18 Mar (Mon) 8.30am-10.30am, 2pm-5pm
19 Mar (Tue) 2pm-5pm
20 Mar (Wed) 9.30am-12pm
21 Mar (Thu) 9.15am-1.30pm, 5.30pm-6.30pm
22 Mar (Fri) 9.30am-12pm
23 Mar (Sat) 9.15am-12.30pm

that's um... 21 hours exactly.

Transport and Stuff:

1 hour from school to home/from home to school
12*1=12 hours

Sleep and Stuff:

8 hours? yay?
8*7=56 hours

that gives me...

168-21-12-56=79 hours

Food and Showers and Stuff:

1 hour 15 min per day?
7*1.25=8 hours 45 min

Project Time? assuming each project takes 3 hours during holidays, and I have approx 10 projects?

10*3=30 hours

let's see.

79-8.75-30=40 hours 15 min

Homework and Practice and Stuff:

1 hour 30 min per day :3
7*1.5=10 hours 30 min

40.25-10.5=29 hours 45 min :D


yay. 29 hours and 45 min <3 <3

I love holidays!~

I better sleep now lol it's 11.55.44pm. nights~

Friday, March 8, 2013


so now I'm eating biscuits and waiting for something to happen. anything to happen


well I'm just gonna sit here and wait for inspiration to rain upon me. inspiration to do my work.



tomorrow is a saturday. I have mixed feelings about weekends.

and I need a cat.

tomorrow got service learning ^^

and omg ronza. mousehunters unite lol

on the confession page:

Confession #1274
I like the sec 2 Lynnette but now she is with someone else

why does it happen to be the last one T~T

well I haven't told you about anything since like the middle of last month, so I'm gonna give a summary of these few weeks.



I still owe people birthday presents >< I'm gonna give them eventually okay T~T

btw, I can't go for level 2 gcp. omg T~T whyyyyyyyyy

well too expensive -.-

on the bright side, I'm saving $1200. yeap. $1200.

I got like $180 hongbao money ._. and I don't get to keep any of it.

yesterday we completed the IRS testing. yay.

wish I was in the girls' group though.

two ponytails ftw #crystalthesecond

I must read my library book finish D: due tomorrow.

and omg we got our yearbook. lol I was lazy to get any autographs. and Ms Kaur is now Ms Sng.

it's also a certain someone's birthday the coming monday ^~^

tl;dr, I am happy-ish.

~not lynette or lynnete or lynete

level test marks.

math: 28/30
chinese: 42.5/70
science: 32/45
history: 15/20
geography: 20/20
english: 20/30

Thursday, March 7, 2013


grrrr I know it doesn't mean much but. omg. stop talking to her T^T

like just go do your work without discussing shit please T^T

nnnnnnn T~T

sorry I'm being unfair and clingish. butbut T~T

omg T^T
