haven't blogged for SOOOOOOOOO LONG!!! meant to do it two weeks ago but was kinda preparing my awesome blogskin :3
so let's catch up on stuff that has happened since..... i don't know.... when?? but anyways, i have decided that i won't be a daily, or even weekly blogger. i will only blog when i feel like it :)
so don't accuse me of neglecting my blog!!!!
my awesome blogskin is insanely awesome!!!! :D
so i have lot's to blog about: last day of school, archery, books, psle, secondary sch, overseas, TAYLOR SWIFT (I AM SO SORRY for not blogging on your bday!!!!), etc
i have missed blogging :(
so..... last day of school!!! here are the awesome pics [200+, so just skip them if you want to :P]:
even though its like 1am ++, im still going to complete this post
recently i bought a book!!! from the inheritance cycle... the LAST book and therefore completes my collection!!!!! <3 <3 im sure it would be awesome but Nicole said the ending wasnt that nice :P yeah havent read it yet coz of all the books from the LiBrArY!!!!!!! shall recommend some awesome books..... alongside the all-time harry potter, inheritance, cycle, percy jackson, and i am number 4//the power of 6........ [p.s. please lend me the book Grimpow if you have it!!! I didnt get to read it finish and im dying for the ending :P]
unbelievably sad... its so sad..... thats all i can say |
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MUST READ!!!! all the stuff you could want in a book!!! |
a beautiful book, set in the future. its just an awesome book, total must read :P |
a totally amazing book!!!! its like, touching, and sad, and crazy, and impossibly ridiculous at the same time!!!! its a pretty and sweet book. |
so sweet..... i just love this book. i wanted to read it again but due date was up!!! this is everything crashed into one completely amazing book. |
this book is VERY awesome. it's all about second chances and stuff. ignore the vulgarities, and it's number one. Kelley Armstrong is one of the best authors in the world. i cant wait for the second book of darkness rising trilogy (out next year april!!) after having read the first!!! i have recently borrowed some of her other books, not yet read. im sure theyd be wonderful. R J Anderson is another awesome-till-im-crazy author!!!! read her ultraviolet, loved it, and read the third book of the faery books. dying to read the 1st, 2nd, and those not out yet!!!! Peter Abrahams is an awesome author. I love his echo falls mystery and reality check!!! again, i read another of Meg Cabot's. it was amazing, as all of her books are. it was the second book in the airhead series.... i wanna read the first and 3rd too!!!!! other books that i wont describe but are still VERY epic and must reads:: im currently reading the river by Mary Jane Beaufrand. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ after all that, you may consider me a nerd :P moving on..... PSLE!!! shall not tell you my marks :P but i did HORRIBLY. so...... its now 2:36am archery!!! i love archery!!!!! tis so fun!!!! even though i stepped into a pond-like thing before i went to the archery thing so i was soaking wet. still fun anyway :P I'M SORRY TAYLOR!!! I DIDNT BLOG TO WISH YOU HAPPY B DAY!!! SO HAPPY BELATED BDAY!!!! i want to get into NUS high sch.... i went to genting highlands.... shall edit this post some other time and tell you about it :D >edit< so, i was the same room as my two AWESOME cousins!!! then we were playing Awakening: The Dreamless Castle, free download at bigfishgames (since no internet). we had played that game almost 15 times already, trying to complete the game in an hour but forever failing. so yeah. and after we did that, we played this super creepy game that made me scream over and over again: Weird Park: Broken Tune. to make it worse, it was past midnight and the tv was on during the scary game, then my younger cousin was like: please someone turn off the tv... the music is freaky (it was some opera horrible thing music)!! then my older cousin got up to turn it off and i was watching her. then suddenly a freaking creepy ghost kind of face appeared on the screen the second before she turned it off and duh, i screamed. she was screaming (luckily my younger cousin didnt look at it or she ll be crying) too then i was like super freaked out the whole freaking night, referring to the tv as [the... thing]. then we finished the game and my younger cousin was asleep (it was 2am ++). so since i was too freaked out to sleep, i showed my cousin how to play spider solitaire and minesweeper..... then we turned on music (lots of Taylor Swift!!!) and decided to try to sleep (approx. 4am). since im like claustrophobic or something, i go crazy when anything's smothering me... as in anything on my head or around my head, but if i took the blanket off my head, i would be directly facing the stupid tv so i was like freaking out the whole time until 5am then i asked my cousin if she was asleep. her: no, duh!!! me: i cant sleep with this freaking thing over my freaking head and i cant pull it off either!!!!! can we just like face the.... thing??!!!! her: i dont want to. me: seriously. her: fine. so i sat up closing my eyes. me: on 1,2,3 ,go! then i opened my eyes, saw that the tv was totally normal, her too, then fell asleep listening to Mean xx Taylor Swift. yay!!!! the next day (10am... yawn) we found out that the show was actually not scary, just the one freaking image at the start of the show was. so i felt stupid. yeah, but the face was VERY creepy. so yeah. and i forgot to tell you about my cousin's wedding!!! here are pics: ending with some pics from when i went for my grade 6 theory exam at hotel royal (i met Germaine there!!!).... very difficult >end edit< ok my mom is about to kill me now so bye!!!!! *runs off* |