okay. today I'm finally going to talk about the thing that I've wanted to talk about for some time. I just have to get this really conflicting thing off my chest, so please ignore the disorganisedness and stuff. also please tell me if I get any facts wrong, I didn't exactly research much.
number one. obviously, the society believes in a concept of rightness and wrongness. with the law and emphasis on law enforcement, this is quite a big thing in our society. I would go as far as to say, WITHOUT the concept of rightness and wrongness, our society will not be able to function properly.
what, then, is "functioning properly"?
I believe the basic thing about a society is that everyone in the society has to feel safe. this means, they won't be scared about getting killed any moment, or getting robbed, or their house burning down. stuff like that. thus laws that forbid murder, stealing and destruction in general should be considered "correct"..?
how about laws that make gay marriage illegal? how about laws against racism?
I understand that gay marriage is a controversial topic (i.e., some people think it's a natural thing, some people think it's a choice), and much of the world is still against homosexuality.
racism, however, is only bad, never good, in terms of the society. often, people who are racist have a negative impression or opinion on other races.
this brings me to point number two. opinions and freedom of speech. let's make an example right now.
my opinion: I believe that all opinions should be respected.
that right there ^ already opposes some people's ideals.
my opinion: I also believe that. sometimes, in society, in order to maintain peace and harmony, you cannot always say what you want to.
and there again, my opinion number 2. some people believe that freedom of speech should be a thing, you should always say whatever comes to mind.
the thing is, with the introduction of social media, it's always so easy to have an opinion on everything. it's also very easy to share your opinion. and sometimes, these opinions of yours will offend other people, as they have contrasting opinions. and this will cause arguments and unhappiness.
am I saying, you ask, that you shouldn't have any opinions?
I'm not trying to convince you to do anything here.
anyway, let's go back to where I said that "I believe the basic thing about a society is that everyone in the society has to feel safe."
that was an opinion, not a fact. nothing in our society is fact. it is wrong to kill people wrong? that is just an opinion. it is wrong to steal? that is just an opinion. it is wrong to be gay? that is just an opinion. it is wrong to be racist? those are all just opinions.
the concept of rightness and wrongness is just an opinion.
then again, that is my opinion on this. I could be wrong, but that wrongness is also just an opinion of someone who holds opposing views from mine. (as you can see it is all quite confusing).
OPINIONS RUN THIS WORLD. they are so powerful. they are the voices of the people (the definition of people depends on your type of society), usually the majority in a democratic society. it is what people think how everyone should be.
am I against the law? no. it usually helps to make complicated things simpler. it is a tool to help maintain safety amongst the people and helps societies flourish, nothing much more than that though.
am I against contrasting opinions? unlike many people, no. I think it is interesting when people have strong opposing views on a subject. however, when it starts to harm the safety of people, I believe something should be done to stop the conflict, aka, to put a law in place to stop the people from fighting.
another point. your opinions change based on information that you receive and make sense of. this blog post right here is a piece of information, an opinion, that could change your own opinion. but it doesn't have to change your opinion.
but that's just me. I think people should have the right to try to change other people's opinions, to convince them of something. f it was a different person writing this blog post, they might be saying things like "I believe, thus you should.", and that, to me, is not a wrong thing to do. again, my purpose for typing this is not to change your opinion, but if your opinion does change, then okay.
this is all rather confusing, and I'm just trying to sort through it, and putting it in words helps that. so I'm sorry if you couldn't quite follow that, or if I contradict myself, or if I just don't make sense at all. feel free to talk to me about this.
(I can be quite aggressive when trying to convince you when I think I'm correct, so if you do talk to me about it, sorry if I go all "hey listen u sht I'm the correct one here" lol)
I feel so contradicting okay BYE.
Saturday, January 24, 2015
I hate envelopes.
I'm so bad at opening letters omg. other people open them so nicely it looks like a new envelope, and then there me with the mutilated paper thing.
Coloured toothpaste makes me happy. White toothpaste is so boring.
today I'm going to judge my sec 4 teachers.
LOOK. this is a risky thing for me to do. so here is a DISCLAIMER: my opinions here are strictly opinions, and not facts. if they offend you or anyone, please contact me to remove it, I will gladly do so. using my knowledge accumulated over the years, I believe that this is a reasonable use of cyber space and will not violate the AUP. thank you for understanding :)
starting with my form teacher, who teaches physics. he's a good teacher who goes in depth into the topics, which I really like, and he also trusts us to be responsible students, which I also like. sometimes he can talk for long periods of time about our future and expectations and stuff like that, but I guess that's his duty as our FT. comparing to my previous teacher (in sec 3), I'd say my teacher is more about the subject and what he's teaching, and my previous teacher was more about how he gets what he wants us to know across to us.
next, english teacher. when I first read his emails (before I actually met him irl), I was like "eeee why this teacher liddat one write so much, expect so much", but after the first 2 lessons of english I was like, wow. WOW. firstly, even though some people may complain that he speaks too fast, I think that his speed is what makes the lesson oh so interesting. mind-blowingly awesome. he's organised too, so that's definitely a plus. and I totally see how his emails suit his pace and teaching style. he's the best english teacher I've ever had since the dawn of time.
I'll talk about my chinese teacher next. surprisingly, her lessons are not mundane. I can see that she's trying to increase the happy energy level of our class, but we're so unresponsive because our previous chinese teachers were all so not-happy-to-teach-chinese-ish, and we're not used to fun in chinese classes lol. she's an average teacher but I think "the amount of effort from me" and "the effectiveness of her classes" are proportional for her kind of teaching style, so I just have to jiayou.
one word I'll use to describe my math teacher would be "thorough" (it's not a bad thing). he does everything in the notes, a teaching style I'm not so used to. I just hope that when revising, he'll highlight the more important points and unhighlight the not so important points. like compilation or something, so I don't have to flip through the whole stack of math notes to study. his pace is a little slow (an effect of being so thorough, I guess), but some of my classmates understand better like this, so who am I to complain?
my chemistry teacher is so cool, and actually gives us answers when we ask them. I think he takes the effort to make sure we'll be ready for tests at any time. I think his teaching style is good for chemistry, but only if I'm not falling asleep by then. nothing much to say about him.
my biology teacher is awesome hahahaha. I like her style and I wished she had taught us in sec 3. she's also really good at comebacks. she's very matter-of-factish. I think she can use more diagrams for her slides and maybe use the textbook a bit more (since biology is a textbook study kind of subject).
moving on, my geography teacher is the same as last year, and she's starting a new note-taking thing, which I think will be useful to us when we're studying (if it's updated properly). I think she gives a lot of group work, which may be good or bad, but she's really responsive to questions, so that's a plus. she's a decent teacher who very understanding, but I think geography is a subject that is easy to memorise, hard to conceptualise. ooh that rhymes. anyway, that's why it's pretty hard to teach without making it seem like she's teaching purely for exams.
social studies was made awesome by this very teacher. she was my teacher last year, and she's still awesome, because she's so lively and animated when talking about the topics. she makes everything look so simple and I actually understand it well. I need to take more notes when she's talking in order to digest the information properly though.
- short break lol I just signed up for a mylibrary account :D -
now biotechnology. my lecturer is still the same, and he's still okay-ish. hopefully he'll actually answer questions directly this year, but his study thingy before each exam is useful (hopefully that'll continue this year, but maybe I'll try to request that he gives it earlier too).
my music teacher is... okay? I would say that she treats us a bit too much like primary school kids though. idk how one would teach music in a way that isn't either super boring, or super ununderstandable. hopefully she'll be okayer.
that's pretty much it! okay I'm going to find food byebye.
Coloured toothpaste makes me happy. White toothpaste is so boring.
today I'm going to judge my sec 4 teachers.
LOOK. this is a risky thing for me to do. so here is a DISCLAIMER: my opinions here are strictly opinions, and not facts. if they offend you or anyone, please contact me to remove it, I will gladly do so. using my knowledge accumulated over the years, I believe that this is a reasonable use of cyber space and will not violate the AUP. thank you for understanding :)
starting with my form teacher, who teaches physics. he's a good teacher who goes in depth into the topics, which I really like, and he also trusts us to be responsible students, which I also like. sometimes he can talk for long periods of time about our future and expectations and stuff like that, but I guess that's his duty as our FT. comparing to my previous teacher (in sec 3), I'd say my teacher is more about the subject and what he's teaching, and my previous teacher was more about how he gets what he wants us to know across to us.
next, english teacher. when I first read his emails (before I actually met him irl), I was like "eeee why this teacher liddat one write so much, expect so much", but after the first 2 lessons of english I was like, wow. WOW. firstly, even though some people may complain that he speaks too fast, I think that his speed is what makes the lesson oh so interesting. mind-blowingly awesome. he's organised too, so that's definitely a plus. and I totally see how his emails suit his pace and teaching style. he's the best english teacher I've ever had since the dawn of time.
I'll talk about my chinese teacher next. surprisingly, her lessons are not mundane. I can see that she's trying to increase the happy energy level of our class, but we're so unresponsive because our previous chinese teachers were all so not-happy-to-teach-chinese-ish, and we're not used to fun in chinese classes lol. she's an average teacher but I think "the amount of effort from me" and "the effectiveness of her classes" are proportional for her kind of teaching style, so I just have to jiayou.
one word I'll use to describe my math teacher would be "thorough" (it's not a bad thing). he does everything in the notes, a teaching style I'm not so used to. I just hope that when revising, he'll highlight the more important points and unhighlight the not so important points. like compilation or something, so I don't have to flip through the whole stack of math notes to study. his pace is a little slow (an effect of being so thorough, I guess), but some of my classmates understand better like this, so who am I to complain?
my chemistry teacher is so cool, and actually gives us answers when we ask them. I think he takes the effort to make sure we'll be ready for tests at any time. I think his teaching style is good for chemistry, but only if I'm not falling asleep by then. nothing much to say about him.
my biology teacher is awesome hahahaha. I like her style and I wished she had taught us in sec 3. she's also really good at comebacks. she's very matter-of-factish. I think she can use more diagrams for her slides and maybe use the textbook a bit more (since biology is a textbook study kind of subject).
moving on, my geography teacher is the same as last year, and she's starting a new note-taking thing, which I think will be useful to us when we're studying (if it's updated properly). I think she gives a lot of group work, which may be good or bad, but she's really responsive to questions, so that's a plus. she's a decent teacher who very understanding, but I think geography is a subject that is easy to memorise, hard to conceptualise. ooh that rhymes. anyway, that's why it's pretty hard to teach without making it seem like she's teaching purely for exams.
social studies was made awesome by this very teacher. she was my teacher last year, and she's still awesome, because she's so lively and animated when talking about the topics. she makes everything look so simple and I actually understand it well. I need to take more notes when she's talking in order to digest the information properly though.
- short break lol I just signed up for a mylibrary account :D -
now biotechnology. my lecturer is still the same, and he's still okay-ish. hopefully he'll actually answer questions directly this year, but his study thingy before each exam is useful (hopefully that'll continue this year, but maybe I'll try to request that he gives it earlier too).
my music teacher is... okay? I would say that she treats us a bit too much like primary school kids though. idk how one would teach music in a way that isn't either super boring, or super ununderstandable. hopefully she'll be okayer.
that's pretty much it! okay I'm going to find food byebye.
Sunday, January 11, 2015

this is a SELFIE COMPILATION from 2012 to 2014.
all these are from photobooth so.
I'm sorry is this too obnoxious. sorry.
so 2015 has been kind to me so far, I guess. but it's still too early to say anything, right?
I'm going to collect my HCL O level result tomorrow, so I guess that'll be my first "down" of the year. (HOPEFULLY hopefully it'll turn out to be an "up", but I really doubt so).
my word of the month is BEZ.
BEZ [adjective]
see: best
usually used to describe people and their favourable actions.
example: Mary- have a flower. John- thanks mary u bez.
over the course of January, I'll use the word bez to describe lots of things.
WAIT WAIT. I just realised something. is this the first time I've posted my face on my blog? :OOOO
all these are from photobooth so.
I'm sorry is this too obnoxious. sorry.
so 2015 has been kind to me so far, I guess. but it's still too early to say anything, right?
I'm going to collect my HCL O level result tomorrow, so I guess that'll be my first "down" of the year. (HOPEFULLY hopefully it'll turn out to be an "up", but I really doubt so).
my word of the month is BEZ.
BEZ [adjective]
see: best
usually used to describe people and their favourable actions.
example: Mary- have a flower. John- thanks mary u bez.
over the course of January, I'll use the word bez to describe lots of things.
WAIT WAIT. I just realised something. is this the first time I've posted my face on my blog? :OOOO
I'm currently reading "After Eden". you know at first I thought Eden was a guy's name so it's all weird for me now that I know it's a girl's name.
I'm also reading the Fruits Basket manga :D *insert kawaii face*
so again, start of the new year. to any of my readers (if you even exist), feel free to send me comments/questions at the side of my blog to my ask.fm :D (you can choose to be anonymous, so don't worry!) this is only if you're using a computer, so on phone, go to ask.fm/nyanamania please~
I won't be posting much this year, but I'll still update when I feel like it. like now lah.
oh yeah rmb the issue about blogging or sth I wanted to talk about last year? I'm probably too lazy to ever talk about it because it's a semi-rant kinda thing about society and stuff. I'm too lazy to phrase it in a way that------
sorry that's already too far into what I want to discuss. sorry.
I think this post is kinda long enough for a substantial first post, so LET'S GO! LIVE YOUR DREAM THIS YEAR. BE GOOD. DON'T DISAPPOINT ME (I HAVE HIGH HIGH EXPECTATIONS OF EVERYONE).
I'm also reading the Fruits Basket manga :D *insert kawaii face*
so again, start of the new year. to any of my readers (if you even exist), feel free to send me comments/questions at the side of my blog to my ask.fm :D (you can choose to be anonymous, so don't worry!) this is only if you're using a computer, so on phone, go to ask.fm/nyanamania please~
I won't be posting much this year, but I'll still update when I feel like it. like now lah.
oh yeah rmb the issue about blogging or sth I wanted to talk about last year? I'm probably too lazy to ever talk about it because it's a semi-rant kinda thing about society and stuff. I'm too lazy to phrase it in a way that------
sorry that's already too far into what I want to discuss. sorry.
I think this post is kinda long enough for a substantial first post, so LET'S GO! LIVE YOUR DREAM THIS YEAR. BE GOOD. DON'T DISAPPOINT ME (I HAVE HIGH HIGH EXPECTATIONS OF EVERYONE).
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