okay. today I'm finally going to talk about the thing that I've wanted to talk about for some time. I just have to get this really conflicting thing off my chest, so please ignore the disorganisedness and stuff. also please tell me if I get any facts wrong, I didn't exactly research much.
number one. obviously, the society believes in a concept of rightness and wrongness. with the law and emphasis on law enforcement, this is quite a big thing in our society. I would go as far as to say, WITHOUT the concept of rightness and wrongness, our society will not be able to function properly.
what, then, is "functioning properly"?
I believe the basic thing about a society is that everyone in the society has to feel safe. this means, they won't be scared about getting killed any moment, or getting robbed, or their house burning down. stuff like that. thus laws that forbid murder, stealing and destruction in general should be considered "correct"..?
how about laws that make gay marriage illegal? how about laws against racism?
I understand that gay marriage is a controversial topic (i.e., some people think it's a natural thing, some people think it's a choice), and much of the world is still against homosexuality.
racism, however, is only bad, never good, in terms of the society. often, people who are racist have a negative impression or opinion on other races.
this brings me to point number two. opinions and freedom of speech. let's make an example right now.
my opinion: I believe that all opinions should be respected.
that right there ^ already opposes some people's ideals.
my opinion: I also believe that. sometimes, in society, in order to maintain peace and harmony, you cannot always say what you want to.
and there again, my opinion number 2. some people believe that freedom of speech should be a thing, you should always say whatever comes to mind.
the thing is, with the introduction of social media, it's always so easy to have an opinion on everything. it's also very easy to share your opinion. and sometimes, these opinions of yours will offend other people, as they have contrasting opinions. and this will cause arguments and unhappiness.
am I saying, you ask, that you shouldn't have any opinions?
I'm not trying to convince you to do anything here.
anyway, let's go back to where I said that "I believe the basic thing about a society is that everyone in the society has to feel safe."
that was an opinion, not a fact. nothing in our society is fact. it is wrong to kill people wrong? that is just an opinion. it is wrong to steal? that is just an opinion. it is wrong to be gay? that is just an opinion. it is wrong to be racist? those are all just opinions.
the concept of rightness and wrongness is just an opinion.
then again, that is my opinion on this. I could be wrong, but that wrongness is also just an opinion of someone who holds opposing views from mine. (as you can see it is all quite confusing).
OPINIONS RUN THIS WORLD. they are so powerful. they are the voices of the people (the definition of people depends on your type of society), usually the majority in a democratic society. it is what people think how everyone should be.
am I against the law? no. it usually helps to make complicated things simpler. it is a tool to help maintain safety amongst the people and helps societies flourish, nothing much more than that though.
am I against contrasting opinions? unlike many people, no. I think it is interesting when people have strong opposing views on a subject. however, when it starts to harm the safety of people, I believe something should be done to stop the conflict, aka, to put a law in place to stop the people from fighting.
another point. your opinions change based on information that you receive and make sense of. this blog post right here is a piece of information, an opinion, that could change your own opinion. but it doesn't have to change your opinion.
but that's just me. I think people should have the right to try to change other people's opinions, to convince them of something. f it was a different person writing this blog post, they might be saying things like "I believe, thus you should.", and that, to me, is not a wrong thing to do. again, my purpose for typing this is not to change your opinion, but if your opinion does change, then okay.
this is all rather confusing, and I'm just trying to sort through it, and putting it in words helps that. so I'm sorry if you couldn't quite follow that, or if I contradict myself, or if I just don't make sense at all. feel free to talk to me about this.
(I can be quite aggressive when trying to convince you when I think I'm correct, so if you do talk to me about it, sorry if I go all "hey listen u sht I'm the correct one here" lol)
I feel so contradicting okay BYE.