Sunday, March 1, 2015

[mobile update]

Okay I had a weird dream last night.

I forgot most of the first part, but I think it was something weird too, I woke up multiple times.

The ending was me, my classmate Bruce, my classmate William, and I think my exclassmate Jiawen, and we were all walking out of school from the zebra crossing entrance and talking. Just before coming out, I noticed a green light coming from somewhere above the general office (principal's office?). Then suddenly William threw some weird fit (idk how to describe this) like, he suddenly stopped walking and shouted angrily or sth (which has never happened irl before, so it was weird). Then idk what happened, but he calmed down quickly and continued walking.

So then we walked out of school, and I commented to Jiawen how everything looked funny that day, like how everything looked clearer and more transparent (I didn't mention the green light in sch) but Bruce was like "no" in a pissed off tone so I was like "okok, no difference today"

Then after we crossed the zebra crossing, Bruce got into a weird mood and wanted to do math questions. Apparently in that world I labelled my files by weird names, and he was asking for a particular one (quite urgently, like he was scared that I had lost that file), though I forgot what the name was. I also happened to bring all my files that day, so I unzipped my bag and took out a purple file, and he accepted it even though that wasn't the one with the name he requested. He sat down and opened it (it had done and marked practice papers in it) and worked through a few questions in his head while I flipped around my bag and found the file that he wanted, which was pink, and he accepted it but continued working on the purple file. Then he decided it was enough, then we continued walking to Dover. I was to the right of Jiawen, Bruce was in front of me, and in front of Jiawen was William.

After we walked about halfway to the traffic light, we saw Mr Dennis walking from dover to school. I turned back and saw him standing at the grass there. Soon after that, a group of guys in S&W ran past us from dover to school as well. I turned back to look, and Mr Dennis TURNED INVISIBLE and the guys were gathering around him. I turned back in front and told them "he turned invisible" then they looked back at the grass area and nodded and then I woke up.

I speculated for a while after I woke up that there was a serial killer around school or something, but the school didn't want to tell us. How I came to that conclusion, I don't really know.

Anyway, that's all, so bye!
