there are definitely more. I remember at least one more? but that was a really long time ago and I can't remember anything about it other than the fact that _____.
^ not saying, because it would be a spoiler for one of the books. but yeah, all books where one twin dies are so similar.
I mean, it's a real life situation, it does happen, I get the books (but I don't really relate too well, I don't have a twin), I get how it's a worse-than-horrible thing to happen. I will never understand how the alive twin feels. if any twinless twins are reading this, I don't know what to say either, just like everyone else. so I'm just going to talk about the books.
1. the twin always dies in a car crash, and it's always the other twin who was driving.
2. it's all about the pain and guilt and trying to move forward.
3. there's always a counsellor, and nobody likes him/her.
4. nobody ever knows what to say to the alive twin, and "I'm sorry" is usually not the right thing to say
5. the alive twin might go through some sort of personality disorder where they think they are the dead twin
6. so many other similarities
but maybe that's because it's what happens in real life (except maybe point 1 I guess). it sounds so twisted if I were to say that I enjoy these books, but I think what I like is the emotional impact and how powerful it is (note: I do not enjoy one twin dying). I guess after I started writing this blog post, I realised how real the books could be and how there could be people out there who have lost a twin, and maybe one day reading this very blog post.
I apologise if this post hurt you in anyway, because I realise that it is a sensitive topic, especially if you've been through this situation before. it could be a sibling, or any loved one for that matter. I don't know. I'm not good with this.
this post is starting to seem like a very very bad idea.
read the books. maybe you'll understand my predicament when writing this post at least.
but is it real?