Wednesday, December 31, 2014

according to the time on my mac

31 Dec 10:24:41pm

yeah, I'm doing a time-based post. it doesn't even feel like new year's eve. I can say I'm pretty excited for next year. I have this whole good-feeling vibe about 2015. I'm sure it's going to be a great year.

well I'll change timings only when I feel like it, and obviously I'm not typing this whole paragraph within 1 second. I wish I could though :3 (be careful what you wish for pls) (there's new year's magic in the air) (pshhhh)

31 Dec 10:36:55pm

it took that long to type that much up there? that's surprising. hold on let me go get a book I'm going to talk about (halfway reading btw) and yeah I know it's new year's eve why am I reviewing a book WELL I'M SORRY. what if years actually start in July and we don't know it? years and months and weeks and days are a manmade thing anyway. lol okay I'm going to get the book.

31 Dec 10:39:10pm

okay so this book is called No Angel by Helen Keeble, and I swear she got the idea from some harem anime. I mean, I'm on page 74 and I already can tell that it's going to be so haremy. I mean, what can you expect, a single male in an all-girls school. don't worry that's on the blurb so it's not going to spoil anything for you, if you want to read it. it should totally be made into an anime.

there are some harem animes like BroCon, NouCome... I'm going to include SAO and Clannad too, just because there are so many females in them. I find them quite entertaining coz they're usually funny and so good for fanfiction lol. of course there are reverse harems too but not as common.

31 Dec 10:44:03pm

I've been typing for about 20min already. should I bring this post over to the next year? I think I've been doing that straight for the past few years, so maybe I won't this year :) something new. changes can be good or bad, but that shit's already too deep for me so I won't go into that.

the new year's show is playing in the background and it's commercials now.

31 Dec 10:46:19pm

ooh only 2min. it's actually fun to see how much time I'm wasting on the internet that I could use doing actually productive things. but I think one day I'll look back at this blog, read through all the posts, and see myself smiling at myself from the past... no, actually, more likely, I'll be sitting there just staring blankly at all my posts. maybe I'm not even going to read all of them. especially long ones like this oneeeeeeee.

so I've decided. this will be my last post of 2014. it won't continue into 2015. 2015. 2015. 20151005

did you see what I did thar hahahah multiples of 5 bitcxh. hahahahahahah. I'm so lame. thanks me


(omg hahaha it's on tv)

okay sorry I just turned around to watch the tv.

31 Dec 10:54:49pm

hmmm last words for 2014? this year was bittersweet. more bitter than sweet. I don't know what to say about everything since 1999, but my life has been a pretty privileged one. I'm thankful for everyone who has helped me in one way or another. and though this "everyone" will probably never read this post, thank you :D maybe I'll post the link of this blogpost on facebook later. who knows.

31 Dec 10:57:19pm

I just realised that there's still about 1 hour until 2015, so I'm probably going to stop typing periodically and watch tv or something. I want to post this at... 11.58pm? I like the number 8, in case you don't know. idk how people can like numbers though, it's a weird concept. ooh it's almost 11

31 Dec 11:00:00pm

heyy :3 staring at the scrolling thing at the bottom of the tv screen makes me dizzy lol

31 Dec 11:09:25pm

I'll try to catch the last 11:11:11pm of 2014 okay :) there's really not much more to type.... ah new year's resolutions! so cliche but people still do them. let's see.... I don't actually want to resolute anything for next year. I just want to see where life takes me. I just want to do my best.

31 Dec 11:11:23pm

awshit. AWSHIT. it's okay, there are many other years ahead of me, hopefully. I've done one of my physics homework :D happy about that.

31 Dec 11:35:29pm

it's nearing midnight. I think I've said all I've wanted to say. I might just straightaway post at 11:58:00pm so yeah. just waiting for that time now.

I like potatoes.


31 Dec 11:42:41pm

what if my internet shits up at 11:58:00pm and it stretches to 2015 oh the horror.

that is not what I intend to do ogw.

let's pray to the internet deity and hope that won't happen.

31 Dec 11:50:34pm

8min more till I'm going to post, and 10min more till 2015

oh yes they're going to blast fireworks for like the first half an hour of 2015 right, because air pollution is the best way to start every year.

well byebye :) my last words on this blog for 2014

lynnette leong <3