I have a bad feeling about how it's going to play out.
I'll be at the MPH, seated and waiting to get my O Level results. The atmosphere will be tense and I will be busy calming my nerves by pretending that O Levels is nothing big.
The new principal would have already made a speech, and maybe talked about how we did as a cohort, and saying things like no matter how we did for our O Levels, we can only look forward.
The certs will be given to us by our form teachers, and already there would be people, level-mates of mine, clutching their certificates, some pale-faced, some smiling, some trying their best to hold back their tears, some in disbelief... If emotions were colours, the MPH would definitely be a rainbow that day.
As for me, my mother would have wished me good luck at home and high-fived me. I would have worked up the courage to believe that I've done well. Really well. And I would be all confident, carefree and "it's no big deal if I fail right?" while thinking, no way am I going to fail this.
Until my name is called. Reality will hit me in the face when I realise that my future lies on that paper just a few meters away from me. A rush of panic will shoot through my body as I stand up and walk, still "chill", to get my results. A wane smile will fall across my face as I try to read my teacher's facial expressions, to get an insight on how I did.
"Have a seat, Lynnette."
I check that my details are correct, ensure that my name has both n's and my NRIC number ends with the correct letter. Wasting as much time as I can before I let my eyes wander down to where subject grades will be.
In the deepest corner of my heart, I wish for straight A1s, except Higher Chinese which I'll be elated with just a pass. In fact, right up until the moment I actually see my results, I believe that that's exactly how I did.
But life isn't like that.
At that moment, I wouldn't feel anything. My expectations would just have lowered themselves to suit my results.
"Haha, I didn't think I could do this well."
Oh, what lies.
I would then clutch my cert just like the others before me, thank my teacher and leave.
I would digest what my results mean to my future.
I would start to consider my options in a clear-headed, logical way that is my escape route when things get messy emotionally.
Even my closest friends will think I'm a downright bitch when I act like O Levels is nothing and ask to compare results like comparing luxury handbag brands. But that's because by then, I will have thrown every emotion out of my window.
This blog post is a preparation for that day, coming up very soon. My expectations for myself are outrageously high for what I know I can get realistically. So I'm just gonna go ahead and say this to me in the future (on O Level results day):
Don't lower your expectations just because you did bad. That's cowardly and disgusting, though it may make you feel better about how you did. If you did shit, you did shit, and just accept that. Stop running away. You've set your expectations, so keep to them. Accept that you haven't met them, but also accept that it's alright to not have done so. If you can't yet... You can be sad for a while. But just a while.
Oh but if you did better than someone else, don't tell them you did shit, because that's insensitive af.
This unsexy blog post is probably the realest thing here ever.
Notice that I didn't include anything about worrying for my friends' results. You guessed it, I'm the most selfish thing on this planet. JK lah, I honestly just know that they're gonna be good.
Bonus panic mode!
Dammit what if I actually fail? I'm being so damn arrogant and all and thinking that I can't possibly fail, but what if I do??? God please don't let me fail O Levels amen. Ugh, what if I'm just short of 1 point???? It'll be so stupid. What if my friends become awkward around me because they want to empathise with me but they don't know exactly how to do that? Man that'd be freaking awkward. I wouldn't be able to live with that. Are my expectations very very high? Am I putting too much pressure on myself? When does stress become unhealthy? I'm not even stressed I'm just.... Worried? Isn't that like similar. I mean, okay, but it's reasonable to get worried about exam results right? Results aren't everything... There are definitely many other cooler and better things in life that don't require academics. Okay I need to sleep.
Thursday, December 3, 2015
Our Times (spoiler alert?)
Maybe for the older audiences, this movie would be relatable because of the day-to-day way of life in the movie, with such old-school tuckshops, obsession with pop artists of their period and traditional punishments meted out by all teachers. I do also remember using an actual physical contacts list (I still have it! Primary school friends, if you haven't changed your home phone number, I still have yours!!) and writing dumb love letters to people. However, growing up into the digital age, and written chain mail became chain emails (which I forwarded loads when I was younger), phone calls mostly became online messages and petitions to change school rules are done online (and it never ever works).
School life is always pretty much the same-old... Though maybe not as clear-cut as in the movie where the smartest, handsomest boy who's also student president (the boy everyone, including you, likes) takes notice of you when you take off your glasses and hand him a popsicle for his injury. And probably never where the worst gangster student in the school is actually a science honours student and is also hot damn... And he wants to be your friend because you send him chain mail. But of course he likes the most popular girl in the school. But he falls in love with you instead coz movie. Oh, and the other guy kinda likes you too.
I have my own story too. He's not a gangster, but his group of friends are considered the cool kids. He sometimes comes really late for school and has to go for detention. Instead of separating the sauce and noodles, his special order would be "add". Chicken rice add rice, Gongcha milk alisan tea 100% sugar add milk, grass jelly drink add more sugar syrup. No fighting or skipping class to go skating, but like in the movie, we study at McDonald's, I'm bad at math and he has to explain, he doesn't tell me things so that I don't worry and we both know "I'm fine" sometimes really means I'm not.
No moving away to the US, but nowadays separation isn't about distance anymore. No head injury, but spiritual wounds also need to heal up. No Andy Lau keychain and recorded message, but a bouncy ball and piano recordings of songs I like.
In the real world, things are less exaggerated and less perfect than in the movies, but that doesn't make it any less meaningful. In the modern world, things are also more relaxed and casual, and nobody confesses their love after leaving anymore. In a way, this creates easier happy endings and less beating around the bush. And much less missed opportunities. Not everyone is a Hsu Tai Yu after all.
All in all, Our Times is a great romantic comedy (coming of age), and very worth the watch (or multiple watches). Amazing connections on the emotional level until you feel like you personally know the main characters. 10/10.
This is not a movie review, it's just another blog post haha. But really it's a good movie unless you're emotionless. So go watch.
Sunday, October 4, 2015
Evolution of my Writing
(Some basic language errors corrected. Not that there are many heheheheheh.)
Sec 3 End Of Year 23/30
When I saw the glimmer of its red eyes rounding the corner, I knew that the dragon had found me. I knew that I was done for. The dragon stalked closer and closer, so close that I could feel the heat radiating off its thorny scales, so close that I could smell its musty breath. I cowered in my corner, trying to make myself as small as I possibly could, trying to make myself as invisible as I usually felt. The dragon towered over me and spat, "You little coward!" He took out his phone with his claws and called his friends, all the while keeping one red eye on me. "Yes, he's here," the dragon growled, "Come here and we can beat him up." I winced at the memory of all the other times this had happened. "Why me?" I thought, as I watched the other dragons make their way towards me, "It isn't fair!"
So they beat me up. I was in Primary 3 back then, and I was a quiet student, always sitting at the back of the class, just being alone and enjoying my own company. I had never been lonely, I disliked being around other people. During recesses, I would be sitting by myself just happily flipping through the pages of a book and enjoying its papery scent. Until they found me.
I was reading Charlotte's Web in a corner of the school library when three students from Primary 6 walked in. Their red eyes scanned through the place like they were looking for something, and maybe they were. They were looking for a new victim to play with. That was when they spotted me, when my book slipped out of my hands and hit the cold tiled floor with a loud "plonk!". I bent down to pick it up, and when I looked up, the fiery eyes of the three dragons were on me. Sharp teeth showed as they grinned at each other and walked away. I did not think much of the experience at first, and dismissed it, throwing myself back into my book.
Every recess after that, I spent in fear and pain, as I ran around the school, frantically trying to dodge the dragons. Somehow, they always managed to locate me, and when they did, they would punch me in the stomach and my scrawny, skinny frame would shake in terror and pain, even during the weekends. I was so scared to come to school, I would feign illness just to stay at home. I told no one, and no one ever suspected anything. I was always quiet, after all.
I had nightmares about them, and sometimes I would wake up drenched in icy sweat, shuddering in the darkness. I thought that if I just took their hits, they would get bored and go away. I had never been more wrong.
The dragons did get bored, but they did not go away like I thought they would. One day, as usual, they stomped towards me. I braced myself for the torrent of blows that were to follow. Instead, I saw the bright yellow flame one of them held. It was a lighter. It was coming towards me. The dragons were using fire. They wanted to burn me. I decided then and there, that I had enough of their bullying.
"Stop it," I said, my voice surprisingly strong. I could tell that the dragons were surprised too, but they recovered quickly and sneered at me. "Or else what?" one of them asked. Raising my head up high, I told them, "I will tell the principal." They put away the flame and glanced at each other. After that day, they never bothered me again.
I had no idea why I had not done that sooner. It was ridiculous, how easy it had been to stop them. From that experience, I learnt to stand up for myself. I would not let myself be bullied again. After that, when I saw the dragons in school, I would not run and hide like I used to. After all, they say and I agree, bullies are the real cowards.
Sec 4 Common Test 18/30
Competitive sports, paradoxically, bring out the best, as well as the worst, in people. Where they encourage people to strive for the goal, they also encourage people to try to bypass the system and cheat. Where they encourage the bonding of teammates in team sports, they also tear down the relationships between the teammates when even one person feels like another is to blame for a loss. Essentially, competitive sports are sports at which people want to win at their particular sport, and where people want to stand proud at the top of the podium, simply because being the winner means that they are the best at that sport.
During the weeks leading up to the national basketball competition, my school's basketball team trained intensively. They had basketball practice up to eight hours a week, not counting the time they spent during recess or after school playing basketball, practising their dribbling, passing and shooting. All that effort was put in simply to increase their chances at beating the other schools in basketball, so that they could claim the title of "Champion" as a team. Competitive sports such as basketball can bring out the best effort in people, where players make their winning shots in the last few frantic seconds of playtime. It is when people are at their peak, and the prospect of winning motivates them further.
However, on the flip side of things, some athletes choose to take the easy way out. They employ subtle but effective back-handed tactics to cheat, undetected by the referees. Some runners in the Olympics take steroids and other drugs to improve their performances. These cheap methods of obtaining the end-goal happen because of the overpowering desire to win at competitive sports. Thus, competitive sports bring out the worst in people who do not put in the effort and the blood, sweat and tears to win by their own merit, yet also do not have the moral courage to lose gracefully.
Most people would do anything and everything to win, especially at competitive sports. It is where they draw the line between what they should and should not do that determines the values that they display. With good sportsmanship, competitive sports will bring out the best in people. One should accept defeat gracefully and not blame each other for any mistakes that occur. However, for people who have weak morals, the idea of competitive sports will cause them to bribe and cheat. Therefore, competitive sports bring out both the best and worst in people, depending on their attitudes towards them.
Sec 4 Preliminary 25/30
As in the national day song of 2015, "It isn't easy building something out of nothing.", Singapore has indeed progressed quickly, but not without hardships, from tiny mudflats to a busting metropolis. Singapore has many great achievements, such as a renowned education system, an intricately-designed transport system, and even a famous "food mascot", the Singapore Chilli Crab. However, none of these achievements can compare to how people of different races, ethnics and backgrounds can live together peacefully in this country. Singapore's greatest achievement is racial harmony.
Living as a half-Chinese in Singapore, I have never had to worry if I would fit in, or if I would be able to make friends, just because I was of a different race from everyone else. In Singapore, whether a person was Chinese, Malay, Indian, anything else else or anything in between, he would be treated the same, and would be respected as a person. It is important for Singapore to be racially harmonious, as Singapore comprises of many different races. If there was a lack of mutual respect between the races, there would be racial riots, fighting and chaos in the country.
In fact, Singapore has gone a step ahead of mere racial tolerance. In Singapore, we can embrace the fact that we are of different races and celebrate by exchanging traditional costumes on racial harmony day each year. Last year, on racial harmony day, I remember borrowing an Indian friend's sari and taking part in an event organised by my neighbourhood community centre to learn more about each culture in Singapore. It was an enlightening experience for me.
However, it was not until this year when I truly learnt to appreciate racial harmony in Singapore. I visited Beijing, China for a vacation recently, and to my horror, even thought I could speak Mandarin, the local Chinese insulted me for being only half-Chinese. They also mocked my South-East Asian accent. Throughout the trip, I reflected deeply on how fellow Singaporeans rarely judge people on the basis of race or religion, save for a few cases. However, because of that trip, I realised not to take the racial harmony in Singapore for granted.
There are still many cases of racial intolerance in the world today, such as the racial bias against African Americans in the United States, or the ban against the female Muslim headgear and veil in part of Europe such as Switzerland. Due to racial injustice, people protested and fought for their rights, causing disharmony, and sometimes, major disruptions in the countries' development.
Surely, Singapore was not always perfect, with the Maria Hertogh riots and other racial riots in the past. Singapore is still not perfect, with the occasional "Amy Cheong"s popping up on the media. However, as a small city-state, we have achieved a lot in terms of the social cohesion between Singapore's different races, even more other highly prominent countries in the world. This achievement means a lot to me, as it is the only way we can truly embrace each other and live peacefully. One people, one nation, one Singapore.
Sec 3 End Of Year 23/30
When I saw the glimmer of its red eyes rounding the corner, I knew that the dragon had found me. I knew that I was done for. The dragon stalked closer and closer, so close that I could feel the heat radiating off its thorny scales, so close that I could smell its musty breath. I cowered in my corner, trying to make myself as small as I possibly could, trying to make myself as invisible as I usually felt. The dragon towered over me and spat, "You little coward!" He took out his phone with his claws and called his friends, all the while keeping one red eye on me. "Yes, he's here," the dragon growled, "Come here and we can beat him up." I winced at the memory of all the other times this had happened. "Why me?" I thought, as I watched the other dragons make their way towards me, "It isn't fair!"
So they beat me up. I was in Primary 3 back then, and I was a quiet student, always sitting at the back of the class, just being alone and enjoying my own company. I had never been lonely, I disliked being around other people. During recesses, I would be sitting by myself just happily flipping through the pages of a book and enjoying its papery scent. Until they found me.
I was reading Charlotte's Web in a corner of the school library when three students from Primary 6 walked in. Their red eyes scanned through the place like they were looking for something, and maybe they were. They were looking for a new victim to play with. That was when they spotted me, when my book slipped out of my hands and hit the cold tiled floor with a loud "plonk!". I bent down to pick it up, and when I looked up, the fiery eyes of the three dragons were on me. Sharp teeth showed as they grinned at each other and walked away. I did not think much of the experience at first, and dismissed it, throwing myself back into my book.
Every recess after that, I spent in fear and pain, as I ran around the school, frantically trying to dodge the dragons. Somehow, they always managed to locate me, and when they did, they would punch me in the stomach and my scrawny, skinny frame would shake in terror and pain, even during the weekends. I was so scared to come to school, I would feign illness just to stay at home. I told no one, and no one ever suspected anything. I was always quiet, after all.
I had nightmares about them, and sometimes I would wake up drenched in icy sweat, shuddering in the darkness. I thought that if I just took their hits, they would get bored and go away. I had never been more wrong.
The dragons did get bored, but they did not go away like I thought they would. One day, as usual, they stomped towards me. I braced myself for the torrent of blows that were to follow. Instead, I saw the bright yellow flame one of them held. It was a lighter. It was coming towards me. The dragons were using fire. They wanted to burn me. I decided then and there, that I had enough of their bullying.
"Stop it," I said, my voice surprisingly strong. I could tell that the dragons were surprised too, but they recovered quickly and sneered at me. "Or else what?" one of them asked. Raising my head up high, I told them, "I will tell the principal." They put away the flame and glanced at each other. After that day, they never bothered me again.
I had no idea why I had not done that sooner. It was ridiculous, how easy it had been to stop them. From that experience, I learnt to stand up for myself. I would not let myself be bullied again. After that, when I saw the dragons in school, I would not run and hide like I used to. After all, they say and I agree, bullies are the real cowards.
Sec 4 Common Test 18/30
Competitive sports, paradoxically, bring out the best, as well as the worst, in people. Where they encourage people to strive for the goal, they also encourage people to try to bypass the system and cheat. Where they encourage the bonding of teammates in team sports, they also tear down the relationships between the teammates when even one person feels like another is to blame for a loss. Essentially, competitive sports are sports at which people want to win at their particular sport, and where people want to stand proud at the top of the podium, simply because being the winner means that they are the best at that sport.
During the weeks leading up to the national basketball competition, my school's basketball team trained intensively. They had basketball practice up to eight hours a week, not counting the time they spent during recess or after school playing basketball, practising their dribbling, passing and shooting. All that effort was put in simply to increase their chances at beating the other schools in basketball, so that they could claim the title of "Champion" as a team. Competitive sports such as basketball can bring out the best effort in people, where players make their winning shots in the last few frantic seconds of playtime. It is when people are at their peak, and the prospect of winning motivates them further.
However, on the flip side of things, some athletes choose to take the easy way out. They employ subtle but effective back-handed tactics to cheat, undetected by the referees. Some runners in the Olympics take steroids and other drugs to improve their performances. These cheap methods of obtaining the end-goal happen because of the overpowering desire to win at competitive sports. Thus, competitive sports bring out the worst in people who do not put in the effort and the blood, sweat and tears to win by their own merit, yet also do not have the moral courage to lose gracefully.
Most people would do anything and everything to win, especially at competitive sports. It is where they draw the line between what they should and should not do that determines the values that they display. With good sportsmanship, competitive sports will bring out the best in people. One should accept defeat gracefully and not blame each other for any mistakes that occur. However, for people who have weak morals, the idea of competitive sports will cause them to bribe and cheat. Therefore, competitive sports bring out both the best and worst in people, depending on their attitudes towards them.
Sec 4 Preliminary 25/30
As in the national day song of 2015, "It isn't easy building something out of nothing.", Singapore has indeed progressed quickly, but not without hardships, from tiny mudflats to a busting metropolis. Singapore has many great achievements, such as a renowned education system, an intricately-designed transport system, and even a famous "food mascot", the Singapore Chilli Crab. However, none of these achievements can compare to how people of different races, ethnics and backgrounds can live together peacefully in this country. Singapore's greatest achievement is racial harmony.
Living as a half-Chinese in Singapore, I have never had to worry if I would fit in, or if I would be able to make friends, just because I was of a different race from everyone else. In Singapore, whether a person was Chinese, Malay, Indian, anything else else or anything in between, he would be treated the same, and would be respected as a person. It is important for Singapore to be racially harmonious, as Singapore comprises of many different races. If there was a lack of mutual respect between the races, there would be racial riots, fighting and chaos in the country.
In fact, Singapore has gone a step ahead of mere racial tolerance. In Singapore, we can embrace the fact that we are of different races and celebrate by exchanging traditional costumes on racial harmony day each year. Last year, on racial harmony day, I remember borrowing an Indian friend's sari and taking part in an event organised by my neighbourhood community centre to learn more about each culture in Singapore. It was an enlightening experience for me.
However, it was not until this year when I truly learnt to appreciate racial harmony in Singapore. I visited Beijing, China for a vacation recently, and to my horror, even thought I could speak Mandarin, the local Chinese insulted me for being only half-Chinese. They also mocked my South-East Asian accent. Throughout the trip, I reflected deeply on how fellow Singaporeans rarely judge people on the basis of race or religion, save for a few cases. However, because of that trip, I realised not to take the racial harmony in Singapore for granted.
There are still many cases of racial intolerance in the world today, such as the racial bias against African Americans in the United States, or the ban against the female Muslim headgear and veil in part of Europe such as Switzerland. Due to racial injustice, people protested and fought for their rights, causing disharmony, and sometimes, major disruptions in the countries' development.
Surely, Singapore was not always perfect, with the Maria Hertogh riots and other racial riots in the past. Singapore is still not perfect, with the occasional "Amy Cheong"s popping up on the media. However, as a small city-state, we have achieved a lot in terms of the social cohesion between Singapore's different races, even more other highly prominent countries in the world. This achievement means a lot to me, as it is the only way we can truly embrace each other and live peacefully. One people, one nation, one Singapore.
Friday, September 25, 2015
167th post
167th post... and still nothing of relative usefulness here.
so let's talk a bit about the history of this blog, shall we?
ok firstly, yes, it bothers me quite a bit that "Me, the human." is grammatically incorrect.
me-the-human started in 2010, when my group of friends around that time all had blogs and stuff. it was the "in" thing, y'know?
from this blog, I was exposed to html coding. I used to frequently change blogskins, but one that I remember quite significantly was this. but now, I'm just using one of blogger's themes. I did try to change my blogskin quite recently, but somehow blogger rejected my html even though I checked through it and everything. oh well. but I guess that's how I got used to basic html coding.
I also used to have a tagboard, but it always got spammed so I removed it.
okay now should I add an "about me"? but like what's the point lol if you know this blog, you know me... and if you don't know me, then you shouldn't.
oh btw when I started this blog, msn messenger/windows live messenger (yes, I've used msn messenger before) was still the most popular messaging platform around, at least with me and my friends. I still miss that messaging system, it was the coolest.
so if you look down at my archives, you can see that I completely didn't blog in 2012. that's because I discovered twitter hahaha.
if blogger got shut down, I think I'd cry. this blog is all I have anymore from my slightly retarded primary school years. and it'd also be one of the only things I'd have from my secondary school years, in terms of text and posts (there's instagram for pictures haha).
anyway my computer is dying and I'm lazy to get the charger so yeah, probably gonna end this here.
okay I got the charger.
I was just wondering, am I really gonna be more mature next time and look back at this like "PFFT was this really how I was like last time??" which is how I react to my posts in primary school?
well I'm going to end off here anyway, I gotta do work (which, knowing myself, I probably still won't even if I get off the computer)
sorry for the abrupt ending
so let's talk a bit about the history of this blog, shall we?
ok firstly, yes, it bothers me quite a bit that "Me, the human." is grammatically incorrect.
me-the-human started in 2010, when my group of friends around that time all had blogs and stuff. it was the "in" thing, y'know?
from this blog, I was exposed to html coding. I used to frequently change blogskins, but one that I remember quite significantly was this. but now, I'm just using one of blogger's themes. I did try to change my blogskin quite recently, but somehow blogger rejected my html even though I checked through it and everything. oh well. but I guess that's how I got used to basic html coding.
I also used to have a tagboard, but it always got spammed so I removed it.
okay now should I add an "about me"? but like what's the point lol if you know this blog, you know me... and if you don't know me, then you shouldn't.
oh btw when I started this blog, msn messenger/windows live messenger (yes, I've used msn messenger before) was still the most popular messaging platform around, at least with me and my friends. I still miss that messaging system, it was the coolest.
so if you look down at my archives, you can see that I completely didn't blog in 2012. that's because I discovered twitter hahaha.
if blogger got shut down, I think I'd cry. this blog is all I have anymore from my slightly retarded primary school years. and it'd also be one of the only things I'd have from my secondary school years, in terms of text and posts (there's instagram for pictures haha).
anyway my computer is dying and I'm lazy to get the charger so yeah, probably gonna end this here.
okay I got the charger.
I was just wondering, am I really gonna be more mature next time and look back at this like "PFFT was this really how I was like last time??" which is how I react to my posts in primary school?
well I'm going to end off here anyway, I gotta do work (which, knowing myself, I probably still won't even if I get off the computer)
sorry for the abrupt ending
Monday, September 7, 2015
so I don't post anymore hahaha o level year pls forgive.
ok so here are my results (and how they compare to common test)!
English: A2 (+1) I just need +1 more!!!
E Math: A1 (√)
Humanities: B3 (0) please improve? +2 please? ss fault
Chemistry: A1 (√)
Chinese: C6 (-1) pass can liao
Physics: A2 (+1) maybe if my bio (see below) screw up again, physics can save me? +1 please
A Math: B3 (0) +1 so I get nice As
Biology: A2 (-1) ???????
Biotech: A1 (√)
Music: ? (?)
I deproved lah sorry.
the lowest L1R5 I can get is 10, same as common test
I got 10 for L1R5, 6 after deducting
well at least my english improved!
I still haven't taken my music prelims, so stay tuned! HOPEFULLY I get 9 for L1R5 I will cry seriously that is my dream.
ok so here are my results (and how they compare to common test)!
English: A2 (+1) I just need +1 more!!!
E Math: A1 (√)
Humanities: B3 (0) please improve? +2 please? ss fault
Chemistry: A1 (√)
Chinese: C6 (-1) pass can liao
Physics: A2 (+1) maybe if my bio (see below) screw up again, physics can save me? +1 please
A Math: B3 (0) +1 so I get nice As
Biology: A2 (-1) ???????
Biotech: A1 (√)
Music: ? (?)
I deproved lah sorry.
I got 10 for L1R5, 6 after deducting
well at least my english improved!
I still haven't taken my music prelims, so stay tuned! HOPEFULLY I get 9 for L1R5 I will cry seriously that is my dream.
Sunday, August 2, 2015
So I've been asked to update my blog
I'll be the first to admit that I am ashamed it happened, and that in order to keep whatever that's left of my pride as intact as possible, I don't wanna purposely publicise it :) hope you're okay with that, and you probably understand right? If you don't mind, I would kindly request that you don't spread it too haha, appreciated pls much thx xxx
If you really really wanna know more... Pm me and I'll consider?
Thanks for asking :) I'll be deleting your qn on ask.fm now
If you really really wanna know more... Pm me and I'll consider?
Thanks for asking :) I'll be deleting your qn on ask.fm now
Saturday, May 30, 2015
Sorry I haven't been posting in while hahahaha.
So today I'll be writing about my midterm results and books (or rather, how I judge books) and maybe come up with a study plan.
I got 10 for my L1R5 again... Same as last year's overall.
English Language 65 B3 ----- only 2 people in the entire level got distinction I think. will get A1!!!
Higher Chinese 56 C5 ----- at least I passed lol
Additional Mathematics 65 B3 ----- I need to put in more effort for this. flunked paper 1 so bad
Mathematics 87 A1
Biology 80 A1 ----- 2nd in class with William
Chemistry 77 A1 ----- idk I think I'm doing better at chem nowadays. (pls dun go Dr Slatter!)
Physics 70 A2 ----- promised my physics teacher I'd get A1 for prelims and O's
Combined Humanities (S,G) 66 B3 ----- will get A1 for prelims!
AS-Biotechnology 75 A1 ----- HAHAHA I remembered a time when I found it so darn difficult
I deproved by 1 grade for Humanities.
I deproved by 2 grades for English and Chinese.
I improved by 1 grade for A Math, Chem and Physics.
I improved by 2 grades for Biotech.
I think by prelims I can get my perfect 6 L1R5 raw yeah? ;)
*for fiction only*
You know how goodreads has that 5 star rating thing right? So basically, I judge by 3 criteria: concept/realness, plot and writing.
Concept: applicable when the book is about something out-of-this-world, like dystopia or supernatural things
Realness: applicable when the book is about something that really does happen irl, like drug abuse
Plot: the flow of the story, like the introduction, the point of climax, the ending... so basically the story structure lah
Writing: the clarity and nice-to-read-ness of the author conveying the meaning of the story and emotions of the characters? I think it's really a huge deciding factor. if I don't like the style of writing, the highest I'll give is 3 stars, even if everything else is fabulous.
So basically that's it yeah!
Study timetable ah?
Constant things:
I'm practicing my piano for O's at least once per day
I'm doing 1 english paper per 3 days
I'm listening to Schubert's Unfinished once a week
I'll add on more when I feel like it lol
Good luck for people taking MT O's!!! Jiayou and God bless
So today I'll be writing about my midterm results and books (or rather, how I judge books) and maybe come up with a study plan.
I got 10 for my L1R5 again... Same as last year's overall.
English Language 65 B3 ----- only 2 people in the entire level got distinction I think. will get A1!!!
Higher Chinese 56 C5 ----- at least I passed lol
Additional Mathematics 65 B3 ----- I need to put in more effort for this. flunked paper 1 so bad
Mathematics 87 A1
Biology 80 A1 ----- 2nd in class with William
Chemistry 77 A1 ----- idk I think I'm doing better at chem nowadays. (pls dun go Dr Slatter!)
Physics 70 A2 ----- promised my physics teacher I'd get A1 for prelims and O's
Combined Humanities (S,G) 66 B3 ----- will get A1 for prelims!
AS-Biotechnology 75 A1 ----- HAHAHA I remembered a time when I found it so darn difficult
I deproved by 1 grade for Humanities.
I deproved by 2 grades for English and Chinese.
I improved by 1 grade for A Math, Chem and Physics.
I improved by 2 grades for Biotech.
I think by prelims I can get my perfect 6 L1R5 raw yeah? ;)
*for fiction only*
You know how goodreads has that 5 star rating thing right? So basically, I judge by 3 criteria: concept/realness, plot and writing.
Concept: applicable when the book is about something out-of-this-world, like dystopia or supernatural things
Realness: applicable when the book is about something that really does happen irl, like drug abuse
Plot: the flow of the story, like the introduction, the point of climax, the ending... so basically the story structure lah
Writing: the clarity and nice-to-read-ness of the author conveying the meaning of the story and emotions of the characters? I think it's really a huge deciding factor. if I don't like the style of writing, the highest I'll give is 3 stars, even if everything else is fabulous.
So basically that's it yeah!
Study timetable ah?
Constant things:
I'm practicing my piano for O's at least once per day
I'm doing 1 english paper per 3 days
I'm listening to Schubert's Unfinished once a week
I'll add on more when I feel like it lol
Good luck for people taking MT O's!!! Jiayou and God bless
Saturday, May 2, 2015
I didn't post last week, and wasn't intending to post this week, because of exams, but I just realised something so I'm gonna write it down here.
I realised that you can sorta tell how someone's relationships with people (including yourself) will be, just by how they treat their music.
Sort of like their level of obsessedness about a song they like, or even about the range of songs they like, or if they listen to music on Spotify or Youtube or iTunes or whatever.
Seriously. Think about it.
Okay short post, bye!
I realised that you can sorta tell how someone's relationships with people (including yourself) will be, just by how they treat their music.
Sort of like their level of obsessedness about a song they like, or even about the range of songs they like, or if they listen to music on Spotify or Youtube or iTunes or whatever.
Seriously. Think about it.
Okay short post, bye!
Saturday, April 18, 2015
The SST Show Choir Experience
I remember when I was still in P6, I went for SST's open house. Since my CCA at that time in primary school was choir, during one of the Q&A sessions, I asked something like "Is there a choir in SST?" The speakers that day said that the school had too little people to start a choir, and mentioned nothing about the interest group managed by Ms Pat Ng.
So imagine my surprise when I heard about the auditions to this interest group. After thinking really hard about it, I signed up. That's when I first met Ryuuki, but we didn't become closer until Sec 2. I sang Ariana Grande's version of Love the Way you Lie to Ms Ng and the group of seniors carrying out the auditions. Back then, I was an uber skrub singer who had zero confidence in my singing. And I could not dance at all, not even to that Justin Bieber song. oh yeah Joshua was there too lol
Basically, I sucked so bad that I had to reaudition. So for the next audition, I sang Taylor Swift's Safe and Sound while playing the piano. And somehow, somehow, I got in. Looking back on that, I can say that choosing to audition was one of the best decisions I have made in my life.
our conductor Mr Khoo is awesome lol.
My first performance as part of the SST Show Choir was a school performance, Moves like Jagger, choreographed by the super talented seniors.
We decided to become a full CCA I think at the end of Sec 1. So this became my second CCA. Of course, it wasn't all good. There were definitely times when I really didn't want to attend practice and things like that. But overall, it was awesome.
I joined the sopranos and I had wonderful seniors. Whenever we had practices, I would look forward to sectionals, where we could work on our parts together (I miss the seniors hahaha). and never did I imagine, at that point of time, that I'd one day be the sectional leader of our very very wonderful part.
We all had other CCAs, but becasue we needed the time to prepare for our very first competition as a show choir, (now called Bdazzled but used to be called the Singapore Show Choir Competition or something like that), we all had to pick a CCA to drop. And although I loved and I still do love Taekwondo, transferring from that to Show Choir was another decision I don't regret.
so we worked on DJ's Got us Falling in Love Again as well as Edge of Glory with Ms D. That was tough because I completely sucked at dancing, but I tried really hard. the seniors helped me a lot with singing and dancing. We were all really sad when we didn't even get the chance to present Edge of Glory, but of course, there were always other performances like the ship thing and of course, in school to our ever-supportive schoolmates.
CCA days flew past. we performed at the esplanade, and at our school's opening ceremony (it's a celebration hahahaha), for SST celebrations... our small choir participated in our very first SYF with the set piece Singapore our Home, Light of Night and Ritmo. and we got distinction.
we did Rumours with Mr Justin and Mr Amin for our second bdazz and Lights/Stronger with Ms Melo and Mr Zhupz for our third. we participated in all Chingay and stuff. I won't forget the random pullout events too made possible by our show choir, like that time when Ryuuki and I did the Happy Syn thing :D and sing for passionarts thing and the CNY performance. all the happiness and the sadness... those would be times that I'd never forget.
this week wednesday, we participated in our second SYF ever, with our very first French song Dirait-on, SYF's very first jazz piece + special scat Lullaby of Birdland, and SYF's very first taste of pop, Firework (with Ms Melo's choreo woots). we did well. results on 22/4 I think.
my SST Show Choir experience has come to an end (until the next bonding camp hahaha). but for everyone still journeying, I hope it'll be as wonderful and fulfilling as mine was. or more.
Special thanks to Ms Pat Ng for making us possible, and to the school for always believing in us.
Good luck juniors for the next BDazzled! this time will win ;) ;)
Ladies and Gentlemen, presenting the SST Show Choir.
So imagine my surprise when I heard about the auditions to this interest group. After thinking really hard about it, I signed up. That's when I first met Ryuuki, but we didn't become closer until Sec 2. I sang Ariana Grande's version of Love the Way you Lie to Ms Ng and the group of seniors carrying out the auditions. Back then, I was an uber skrub singer who had zero confidence in my singing. And I could not dance at all, not even to that Justin Bieber song. oh yeah Joshua was there too lol
Basically, I sucked so bad that I had to reaudition. So for the next audition, I sang Taylor Swift's Safe and Sound while playing the piano. And somehow, somehow, I got in. Looking back on that, I can say that choosing to audition was one of the best decisions I have made in my life.
our conductor Mr Khoo is awesome lol.
My first performance as part of the SST Show Choir was a school performance, Moves like Jagger, choreographed by the super talented seniors.
We decided to become a full CCA I think at the end of Sec 1. So this became my second CCA. Of course, it wasn't all good. There were definitely times when I really didn't want to attend practice and things like that. But overall, it was awesome.
I joined the sopranos and I had wonderful seniors. Whenever we had practices, I would look forward to sectionals, where we could work on our parts together (I miss the seniors hahaha). and never did I imagine, at that point of time, that I'd one day be the sectional leader of our very very wonderful part.
We all had other CCAs, but becasue we needed the time to prepare for our very first competition as a show choir, (now called Bdazzled but used to be called the Singapore Show Choir Competition or something like that), we all had to pick a CCA to drop. And although I loved and I still do love Taekwondo, transferring from that to Show Choir was another decision I don't regret.
so we worked on DJ's Got us Falling in Love Again as well as Edge of Glory with Ms D. That was tough because I completely sucked at dancing, but I tried really hard. the seniors helped me a lot with singing and dancing. We were all really sad when we didn't even get the chance to present Edge of Glory, but of course, there were always other performances like the ship thing and of course, in school to our ever-supportive schoolmates.
CCA days flew past. we performed at the esplanade, and at our school's opening ceremony (it's a celebration hahahaha), for SST celebrations... our small choir participated in our very first SYF with the set piece Singapore our Home, Light of Night and Ritmo. and we got distinction.
we did Rumours with Mr Justin and Mr Amin for our second bdazz and Lights/Stronger with Ms Melo and Mr Zhupz for our third. we participated in all Chingay and stuff. I won't forget the random pullout events too made possible by our show choir, like that time when Ryuuki and I did the Happy Syn thing :D and sing for passionarts thing and the CNY performance. all the happiness and the sadness... those would be times that I'd never forget.
this week wednesday, we participated in our second SYF ever, with our very first French song Dirait-on, SYF's very first jazz piece + special scat Lullaby of Birdland, and SYF's very first taste of pop, Firework (with Ms Melo's choreo woots). we did well. results on 22/4 I think.
my SST Show Choir experience has come to an end (until the next bonding camp hahaha). but for everyone still journeying, I hope it'll be as wonderful and fulfilling as mine was. or more.
Special thanks to Ms Pat Ng for making us possible, and to the school for always believing in us.
Good luck juniors for the next BDazzled! this time will win ;) ;)
Ladies and Gentlemen, presenting the SST Show Choir.
Monday, April 13, 2015
farming potatoes
what do I wanna be?
this is a tough question.
I like some things. I like biology/biotechnology. I like music. I like variety.
I don't really dislike anything that much.
I would prefer it if my job is about what I like.
I don't want to be a school teacher, a lawyer, or an accountant.
I may not want to be an engineer.
I may want to be a doctor, like my brother. he's currently specialising in psychiatry.
I may want to be a piano teacher.
I think I'll just be a potato farmer.
OKAY. today I'll be talking about
this is a tough question.
I like some things. I like biology/biotechnology. I like music. I like variety.
I don't really dislike anything that much.
I would prefer it if my job is about what I like.
I don't want to be a school teacher, a lawyer, or an accountant.
I may not want to be an engineer.
I may want to be a doctor, like my brother. he's currently specialising in psychiatry.
I may want to be a piano teacher.
I think I'll just be a potato farmer.
OKAY. today I'll be talking about
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
Lucid Dreaming (the scientifics)
sorry, 2 days late for the week, and a disappointingly short post as well.
I have to write about this for an actual book, so yay, killing 2 birds with 1 stone yeahhhh ;)
though this won't be exactly what I will be putting in lah
the outline that my teammate Angeline has so awesomely typed out (with a bit of modification) is this:
Resources: http://en.wikipedia.org/
Dreams are successions of images, ideas, emotions and sensations that occur involuntarily in the mind, usually during REM sleep (characterised by continuous movements of the eyes during sleep) when brain activity is high and resembles that of being awake.
A lucid dream is any dream in which one is aware that one is dreaming.
In normal dreams, events are generally not within the control of the dreamer. However, in lucid dreams, the dreamer has greater chances to exert some degree of control over their participation within the dream or manipulate their imaginary experiences in the dream environment.
It is shown that there are higher amounts of beta-1 frequency band (13–19 Hz) brain wave activity experienced by lucid dreamers, hence there is an increased amount of activity in the parietal lobes making lucid dreaming a conscious process.
-insert Lucid Dreaming Interviews-
-insert lucid dream experiments-
sorry bad post.
I have to write about this for an actual book, so yay, killing 2 birds with 1 stone yeahhhh ;)
though this won't be exactly what I will be putting in lah
the outline that my teammate Angeline has so awesomely typed out (with a bit of modification) is this:
- What are dreams?
- Occurs during the REM sleep
- Lucid dreams
- Difference between a normal dream and a lucid dream:
- A dream in which one is aware that they are dreaming and is able to make conscious decisions and control his dreams
- Examples (from speaking to people)
- Lucid dream experiments
- Uses: Dream therapy for nightmare
Resources: http://en.wikipedia.org/
Dreams are successions of images, ideas, emotions and sensations that occur involuntarily in the mind, usually during REM sleep (characterised by continuous movements of the eyes during sleep) when brain activity is high and resembles that of being awake.
A lucid dream is any dream in which one is aware that one is dreaming.
In normal dreams, events are generally not within the control of the dreamer. However, in lucid dreams, the dreamer has greater chances to exert some degree of control over their participation within the dream or manipulate their imaginary experiences in the dream environment.
It is shown that there are higher amounts of beta-1 frequency band (13–19 Hz) brain wave activity experienced by lucid dreamers, hence there is an increased amount of activity in the parietal lobes making lucid dreaming a conscious process.
-insert Lucid Dreaming Interviews-
-insert lucid dream experiments-
sorry bad post.
Saturday, March 28, 2015
I would like to express my deepest condolences to his family and friends.
This week has been a period of national mourning. Sure, everyone is still going to school or going to work, carrying out with their daily activities, sometimes still cracking jokes and laughing... But the mood has never really been quite as sombre before. The documentaries on television, the images on the MRT station screens, the emotional posts on Facebook... And personally, listening to all the speeches by my school's principal, watching the flag brought down the half-mast, I was sad.
The worst thing is, while Mr LKY was alive, I never bothered to find out more about him and what he has done. I have even remembered scoffing at the idea of reading his biography some years ago. The father of modern Singapore? Back then, I could not bring myself to care. But recently, since his passing, I have learnt more about him and I can now appreciate his efforts properly. I feel like I have realised too late though. I guess, in my sad case, "You never know what you have until it's lost". Indeed, Singapore has lost someone extraordinary, but I believe that his spirit will live on for generations to come.
Thank you, Mr LKY.
I will not be talking too much about all he has done for Singapore, good or bad, though I am truly grateful for the good he has done and I respect his contributions.
But I am going to describe the queue to parliament house yesterday, as well as share my opinions on the video by Amos Yee and BBC article + Singapore's response (but really, should I even waste my time on that?).
Yesterday, at about 8.30pm, I met Valence, Zhiyong, Yee Theng, Joel and Jiawen at City Hall. We followed the crowd, walk-jogging to join the queue (we were in queue 3) and arrived at the tented area in the Padang at 9pm, where they predicted that we had to wait 8 hours. We sat there, talking about things, sometimes laughing (not so appropriate for the situation) and resting a little. Finally, at 12.30am, we got ready to move.
Summary: We sat for 3.5 hours at the Padang.
We followed the queue, stopping and starting and stopping and starting, complaining about the heat, and finally, we were out of the tented area at around 2am. There was a slight drizzle too, where we grabbed umbrellas for. By then I was a little tired and quite annoyed at how frequently we had to stop. Boy, I had no idea what was coming up next.
Summary: We took 1.5 hours to walk out of the Padang.
We started walking the loop at 2.45am. Stopping, starting, stopping, starting, stopping... It went on forever. I was mentally tired (from sleeping late the previous night) and my legs were tired (my right quadriceps were strained from S&W the day before, and still hurts now). We only walked into the floating platform at 4.15am. I mean, there was free water and food along the way, but it was quite a distance.
Summary: We took 2.25 hours to walk from the Padang to the floating platform.
From there, we had to do a complete U-turn and walk back straight towards the parliament house. It went a little faster, and we reached a "checkpoint" of a sorts at 5am, where the people told us we had about 1.5 hours to go, which raised an upcry. We had been queuing for 8 hours so far, so 1.5 hours more than the estimated time seemed like cruel joke to me.
However, at about 5.30am, we made it. We walked through the security checkpoint and into the parliament house, where we got that fresh blast of air-conditioning. When Mr LKY's portrait and coffin came into view, I felt like crying. I thanked him in my head, bowed and got out.
Summary: We took 1.25 hours to walk from the floating platform to the parliament house.
Then Zhiyong, Jiawen and I took the MRT to AMK, reaching there at 6.30am and had breakfast at McDonald's. I left AMK at about 8am, and not falling asleep on the bus ride was one of the most challenging things ever.
Was it worth the wait? Let's just say that even though that was a meaningful-ish experience I would never forget, I felt that all that time spent waiting was really too much. I felt the need to do it though, and I'm glad I didn't give up halfway.
For the next part, I would just like to say that I have done almost no research, and I won't be stupid enough to argue with anything that anyone has (or has not) said, simply because I don't know enough to back up any arguments I make. So I am going to remain rather neutral on these two cases.
And yes I also know that we shouldn't be making such a big deal about this, but I'm bored, so let's go.
The video by Amos Yee is essentially... Flaming Mr LKY? With a healthy dose of profanities, he talks about Mr LKY in a negative and in my opinion, a disrespectful manner. I suppose some of his points might be valid, but I don't know, and maybe some of his points are invalid. In my opinion, it is okay to discuss anyone's or anything's good and bad points, but I suppose you have to be sensitive to circumstances, as well as do it on the right platform, and in the right tone, so that your opinion will be constructive and it will benefit people. In the comments section of the video, people are arguing with him and each other, which disappoints me, as I am pretty sure this kind of conflict is exactly what Mr LKY doesn't want. I guess by adding this opinion in, I'm contributing to the conflict, but oh well.
I think I won't be talking about the BBC article, but here are links to the articles:
Rest in peace.
Thanks for reading this relatively formal post, sorry if it was very mundane.
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
I'm back. Seriously back.
I know I haven't exactly "quitted" blogging, but you know, I have been preeeetty inactive recently. but as mentioned in a blog post LONG LONG ago (actually, I think I mentioned it more than once before), I don't really want to blog regularly, and only post something when I have something I want to say. however I really think I should blog more, I guess. some blogs I've read recently have inspired me on this decision (not gonna do a mention here, but yeah). I mean, it's not like those blog owners post very regularly or anything, but their content is just so good.
okay so how regularly will I blog? um, at least once a week.
also, why do I even keep a blog? I think I've been asked this more than once before. I actually keep this blog for myself in the future to read, so I can see how much I've grown and how my mindset/thoughts have changed over the years. it's really quite nostalgia-based, so sometimes the things I say is verbal-diarrhoea-like. just, whatever's in mind, goes into this blog. and when I read back sometimes, I realise I say some things that are really random or weird, but I know that at that point of time (of posting those posts), it wasn't random or weird (I had a reason for saying it), but I can't remember what it was supposed to mean.... which is quite interesting.
even when I couldn't tell
I really hope I remember what ^ that is even 5 years, 15 years, 50 years from now.
should I enable comments on my blog? idk it never really occurred to me that I should, since I have a ask.fm and stuff. but like, commenting is easier... right? idk I need advice. also, should I stop my habit of not capitalising the first word in every sentence? but then it looks like quite formal right, which this blog is NOT lol.
wow this post turned into a blog post about my blog hahahaha
I don't really know what to blog about. most people blog about their life? but my life is so good and normal and I really like it. I don't have any inner turmoils or whatever like a lot of people do (or THINK they do)
I mean, sure, my life ain't perfect. but seriously? just let it go man. life doesn't have to be perfect. some people's lives may be perfecter than yours, but lol so what? does it really matter? you might have the shittest life ever, but it's your life.
I sound like most unempathetic bitch on the planet. true, I've never been through a harsher situation than, let's say, being accused of breaking a cctv camera and getting into trouble for that, so my view might not be relevant to people going through serious issues (getting over an eating disorder/clinical depression, terminal illness, sexual abuse).
but for ALL YOU PEOPLE OUT THERE with NO actual issues and you're just making a big fuss out of NOTHING (or a SMALL something) aka being ridiculous on social media, because you think it's cool or because you want the attention of other people, PLEASE STOP. instead, give your OWN attention to people who deserve it. like me ;))) JKJK. but really.
if you're just faking emoness or rather, faking "happiness" (YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN), STOP IT RIGHT NOT. it's super obvious, and it's not cool. you think you're being so motivational? hahaha. hahahaha. yes, what a stronggggg person. bearing all your deep dark worries with a smile. #respect #inspirationalaward2015
unless you're doing it for shits and giggles then it's perfectly completely lax.
I mean, sure, sometimes I understand. you wanna complain about something online in a "tired" "my life sucks" "why am I so unlucky" kinda tone. that's okay. I do that too. just don't make it your entire online/offline life please. quite annoying.
the human race, quite funny sometimes.
I shall repeat, in case you didn't get it the first time. I am not referring to people going through serious issues. if you really really do have serious issues, stop telling people online anyway. they don't care. they don't even half-care. and the more you try to make them care, the worse the situation will be. I can't really provide alternatives (telling a trusted person is kinda the mainstream advice, but it isn't always like that), so either grit your teeth and bear with it (good luck), or seek professional help asap. I recommend the latter, but it's up to you.
tl;dr, don't be retarded. especially online. because I and other people can see your retardedness. and I can and will blog about it.
if I notice that you're doing it, and you mean something to me (like a friend), I might have already told you directly to stop it before. but sometimes I really misjudge, and there is a serious problem that you're facing, so I'm not gonna do that anymore. and yeah, people really hate it when their motives are being exploited anyway so
I feel quite contradicted, because I believe in freedom of speech, but I'm like advising people to keep some words to themselves. what. haiz...
conclusion: SAY WHAT YOU WANT. I won't care. I don't care.
SEE this is why I can never make a strong point.
even though it sounds like I have a huge problem with people who do the above ^^^^^, I actually really am not affected or bothered much. it's just an observation and an opinion, and I won't feel anything if you completely reject my advice lol
and it's also something I can talk about on this blog :D yay wow that was a lot of words.
okay I'm gonna go now bye. next week I'll blog again.
okay so how regularly will I blog? um, at least once a week.
also, why do I even keep a blog? I think I've been asked this more than once before. I actually keep this blog for myself in the future to read, so I can see how much I've grown and how my mindset/thoughts have changed over the years. it's really quite nostalgia-based, so sometimes the things I say is verbal-diarrhoea-like. just, whatever's in mind, goes into this blog. and when I read back sometimes, I realise I say some things that are really random or weird, but I know that at that point of time (of posting those posts), it wasn't random or weird (I had a reason for saying it), but I can't remember what it was supposed to mean.... which is quite interesting.
even when I couldn't tell
I really hope I remember what ^ that is even 5 years, 15 years, 50 years from now.
should I enable comments on my blog? idk it never really occurred to me that I should, since I have a ask.fm and stuff. but like, commenting is easier... right? idk I need advice. also, should I stop my habit of not capitalising the first word in every sentence? but then it looks like quite formal right, which this blog is NOT lol.
wow this post turned into a blog post about my blog hahahaha
I don't really know what to blog about. most people blog about their life? but my life is so good and normal and I really like it. I don't have any inner turmoils or whatever like a lot of people do (or THINK they do)
I mean, sure, my life ain't perfect. but seriously? just let it go man. life doesn't have to be perfect. some people's lives may be perfecter than yours, but lol so what? does it really matter? you might have the shittest life ever, but it's your life.
I sound like most unempathetic bitch on the planet. true, I've never been through a harsher situation than, let's say, being accused of breaking a cctv camera and getting into trouble for that, so my view might not be relevant to people going through serious issues (getting over an eating disorder/clinical depression, terminal illness, sexual abuse).
but for ALL YOU PEOPLE OUT THERE with NO actual issues and you're just making a big fuss out of NOTHING (or a SMALL something) aka being ridiculous on social media, because you think it's cool or because you want the attention of other people, PLEASE STOP. instead, give your OWN attention to people who deserve it. like me ;))) JKJK. but really.
if you're just faking emoness or rather, faking "happiness" (YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN), STOP IT RIGHT NOT. it's super obvious, and it's not cool. you think you're being so motivational? hahaha. hahahaha. yes, what a stronggggg person. bearing all your deep dark worries with a smile. #respect #inspirationalaward2015
unless you're doing it for shits and giggles then it's perfectly completely lax.
I mean, sure, sometimes I understand. you wanna complain about something online in a "tired" "my life sucks" "why am I so unlucky" kinda tone. that's okay. I do that too. just don't make it your entire online/offline life please. quite annoying.
the human race, quite funny sometimes.
I shall repeat, in case you didn't get it the first time. I am not referring to people going through serious issues. if you really really do have serious issues, stop telling people online anyway. they don't care. they don't even half-care. and the more you try to make them care, the worse the situation will be. I can't really provide alternatives (telling a trusted person is kinda the mainstream advice, but it isn't always like that), so either grit your teeth and bear with it (good luck), or seek professional help asap. I recommend the latter, but it's up to you.
tl;dr, don't be retarded. especially online. because I and other people can see your retardedness. and I can and will blog about it.
if I notice that you're doing it, and you mean something to me (like a friend), I might have already told you directly to stop it before. but sometimes I really misjudge, and there is a serious problem that you're facing, so I'm not gonna do that anymore. and yeah, people really hate it when their motives are being exploited anyway so
I feel quite contradicted, because I believe in freedom of speech, but I'm like advising people to keep some words to themselves. what. haiz...
conclusion: SAY WHAT YOU WANT. I won't care. I don't care.
SEE this is why I can never make a strong point.
even though it sounds like I have a huge problem with people who do the above ^^^^^, I actually really am not affected or bothered much. it's just an observation and an opinion, and I won't feel anything if you completely reject my advice lol
and it's also something I can talk about on this blog :D yay wow that was a lot of words.
okay I'm gonna go now bye. next week I'll blog again.
Friday, March 6, 2015
[mobile] just some stuff.
Firstly, I think I might have mild insomnia. Super irritating and not cool. My mind is tired, my body is tired, but it refuses to rest. Whyyyy omg I'm typing this with my eyes half-closed and my brain hardly thinking. Not fun. But it's not like officially diagnosed so I might just be overthinking (online tests tell me that I might have insomnia though soooooooooo)
Can hardly keep my eyes open gosh. Anyway secondly, level tests just over, and according to every single teacher we suck. Like really suck. Like really.
I'm so tired.
Also... I forgot what I wanted to say.
Ah. I See Blue Black
It's quite sad how my blogposts are all so short nowadays I don't have much to say. I have a twitter account though @sushi_cat_ so I have somewhere else to write down things.
Sometimes I still don't know if you're kidding or not.
Lynn <3 :'(
Can hardly keep my eyes open gosh. Anyway secondly, level tests just over, and according to every single teacher we suck. Like really suck. Like really.
I'm so tired.
Also... I forgot what I wanted to say.
Ah. I See Blue Black
It's quite sad how my blogposts are all so short nowadays I don't have much to say. I have a twitter account though @sushi_cat_ so I have somewhere else to write down things.
Sometimes I still don't know if you're kidding or not.
Lynn <3 :'(
Sunday, March 1, 2015
[mobile update]
Okay I had a weird dream last night.
I forgot most of the first part, but I think it was something weird too, I woke up multiple times.
The ending was me, my classmate Bruce, my classmate William, and I think my exclassmate Jiawen, and we were all walking out of school from the zebra crossing entrance and talking. Just before coming out, I noticed a green light coming from somewhere above the general office (principal's office?). Then suddenly William threw some weird fit (idk how to describe this) like, he suddenly stopped walking and shouted angrily or sth (which has never happened irl before, so it was weird). Then idk what happened, but he calmed down quickly and continued walking.
So then we walked out of school, and I commented to Jiawen how everything looked funny that day, like how everything looked clearer and more transparent (I didn't mention the green light in sch) but Bruce was like "no" in a pissed off tone so I was like "okok, no difference today"
Then after we crossed the zebra crossing, Bruce got into a weird mood and wanted to do math questions. Apparently in that world I labelled my files by weird names, and he was asking for a particular one (quite urgently, like he was scared that I had lost that file), though I forgot what the name was. I also happened to bring all my files that day, so I unzipped my bag and took out a purple file, and he accepted it even though that wasn't the one with the name he requested. He sat down and opened it (it had done and marked practice papers in it) and worked through a few questions in his head while I flipped around my bag and found the file that he wanted, which was pink, and he accepted it but continued working on the purple file. Then he decided it was enough, then we continued walking to Dover. I was to the right of Jiawen, Bruce was in front of me, and in front of Jiawen was William.
After we walked about halfway to the traffic light, we saw Mr Dennis walking from dover to school. I turned back and saw him standing at the grass there. Soon after that, a group of guys in S&W ran past us from dover to school as well. I turned back to look, and Mr Dennis TURNED INVISIBLE and the guys were gathering around him. I turned back in front and told them "he turned invisible" then they looked back at the grass area and nodded and then I woke up.
I speculated for a while after I woke up that there was a serial killer around school or something, but the school didn't want to tell us. How I came to that conclusion, I don't really know.
Anyway, that's all, so bye!
I forgot most of the first part, but I think it was something weird too, I woke up multiple times.
The ending was me, my classmate Bruce, my classmate William, and I think my exclassmate Jiawen, and we were all walking out of school from the zebra crossing entrance and talking. Just before coming out, I noticed a green light coming from somewhere above the general office (principal's office?). Then suddenly William threw some weird fit (idk how to describe this) like, he suddenly stopped walking and shouted angrily or sth (which has never happened irl before, so it was weird). Then idk what happened, but he calmed down quickly and continued walking.
So then we walked out of school, and I commented to Jiawen how everything looked funny that day, like how everything looked clearer and more transparent (I didn't mention the green light in sch) but Bruce was like "no" in a pissed off tone so I was like "okok, no difference today"
Then after we crossed the zebra crossing, Bruce got into a weird mood and wanted to do math questions. Apparently in that world I labelled my files by weird names, and he was asking for a particular one (quite urgently, like he was scared that I had lost that file), though I forgot what the name was. I also happened to bring all my files that day, so I unzipped my bag and took out a purple file, and he accepted it even though that wasn't the one with the name he requested. He sat down and opened it (it had done and marked practice papers in it) and worked through a few questions in his head while I flipped around my bag and found the file that he wanted, which was pink, and he accepted it but continued working on the purple file. Then he decided it was enough, then we continued walking to Dover. I was to the right of Jiawen, Bruce was in front of me, and in front of Jiawen was William.
After we walked about halfway to the traffic light, we saw Mr Dennis walking from dover to school. I turned back and saw him standing at the grass there. Soon after that, a group of guys in S&W ran past us from dover to school as well. I turned back to look, and Mr Dennis TURNED INVISIBLE and the guys were gathering around him. I turned back in front and told them "he turned invisible" then they looked back at the grass area and nodded and then I woke up.
I speculated for a while after I woke up that there was a serial killer around school or something, but the school didn't want to tell us. How I came to that conclusion, I don't really know.
Anyway, that's all, so bye!
Friday, February 20, 2015
save me mummy.
okay okay so I've been avoiding lots of deadlines. I'm just gonna list them out here.
1. Music Schubert Essay + homework
2. Practice Deux Arabesque until it's Deux Arperfecto
3. English Reading Tasks + homework
4. English Filing
5. YEA Gold
6. SYF choreo + singing </3
7. Math homework
8. Chinese homework
9. Revision
okay at least we've got it all sorted out.
yay responsibilities :')
someone motivate me please.
okay okay so I've been avoiding lots of deadlines. I'm just gonna list them out here.
1. Music Schubert Essay + homework
2. Practice Deux Arabesque until it's Deux Arperfecto
3. English Reading Tasks + homework
4. English Filing
5. YEA Gold
6. SYF choreo + singing </3
7. Math homework
8. Chinese homework
9. Revision
okay at least we've got it all sorted out.
yay responsibilities :')
someone motivate me please.
Sunday, February 8, 2015
you know what makes a song a good song (to me)?
geudaeneun almyeonseodo moreulkka I fall in love
jigeum tago galkka subway or walking in the rain
this is an example of a good song (to me) because of the "I fall in love" (this is like the OST Love Lane from the Kdrama Marriage, not Dating btw. it's super cute go watch it.).
another song is the OP of SnK, Guren no Yumiya. I love the part where it goes "susumu ishi wo warau buta yo" it sounds damn nice
basically it has a little tune that appeals to me. a series of notes that sounds good together with a good rhythm. the rest of the song can suck really bad and I'd still like the song because of that tiny part. sometimes I'll only remember that part of the song and not even a little bit of the rest of the song.
is it just me, or does everyone judge songs like this? maybe that's the logic behind pop artists and "catchy" songs.
also, side note, I can listen to this type of song over and over and over and OVER AND OVER AND OVER again and still not get sick of it, contrary to how most people are. in fact, the more I listen, the more I like it.
another reason why a song could be good is because it makes me think about what it actually means (like in a lot of vocaloid songs). the song doesn't necessarily have to sound good. I know, a bit weird, but it's like that. this type of songs, though, I can get sick of, unlike the first reason.
so those are the more uncommon reasons for a song to be a good song (to me) (at least I think so).
short(ish) post, though not as short as the previous, slightly drunkish one
this is an example of a good song (to me) because of the "I fall in love" (this is like the OST Love Lane from the Kdrama Marriage, not Dating btw. it's super cute go watch it.).
another song is the OP of SnK, Guren no Yumiya. I love the part where it goes "susumu ishi wo warau buta yo" it sounds damn nice
basically it has a little tune that appeals to me. a series of notes that sounds good together with a good rhythm. the rest of the song can suck really bad and I'd still like the song because of that tiny part. sometimes I'll only remember that part of the song and not even a little bit of the rest of the song.
is it just me, or does everyone judge songs like this? maybe that's the logic behind pop artists and "catchy" songs.
also, side note, I can listen to this type of song over and over and over and OVER AND OVER AND OVER again and still not get sick of it, contrary to how most people are. in fact, the more I listen, the more I like it.
another reason why a song could be good is because it makes me think about what it actually means (like in a lot of vocaloid songs). the song doesn't necessarily have to sound good. I know, a bit weird, but it's like that. this type of songs, though, I can get sick of, unlike the first reason.
so those are the more uncommon reasons for a song to be a good song (to me) (at least I think so).
short(ish) post, though not as short as the previous, slightly drunkish one
Saturday, February 7, 2015
[on mobile] eyyyy.
This has been the worst week of 2015 so far. At least, for me.
I feel like sht, really. Most of the incidents this week happened because of both my carelessness and my bad judgement (aka lack of self control).
I'm nor going to elaborate coz I'm quite stupified by my actions.
Really, I can never get away with doing a single wrong thing. I'M DAMN SUAY ONE. Not in trouble also can become in trouble one. Why must liddat.
On another note, birthday coming up in 3 days (past mn alr). Hopefully no shit will happen next week
My fingers feel tingly and numb like not enough blood liddat. I think they're gonna fall off in my sleep. How.
I'm tired byebye.
I feel like sht, really. Most of the incidents this week happened because of both my carelessness and my bad judgement (aka lack of self control).
I'm nor going to elaborate coz I'm quite stupified by my actions.
Really, I can never get away with doing a single wrong thing. I'M DAMN SUAY ONE. Not in trouble also can become in trouble one. Why must liddat.
On another note, birthday coming up in 3 days (past mn alr). Hopefully no shit will happen next week
My fingers feel tingly and numb like not enough blood liddat. I think they're gonna fall off in my sleep. How.
I'm tired byebye.
Wednesday, February 4, 2015
[on mobile]
Something that still bothers and annoys me to this day.
So I was a prefect in primary school. at the beginning of my primary six school year, the teachers put a signup sheet on the prefect's noticeboard for some sort of prefect exco thing (I can't remember what it's called exactly? Sedimentary prefects or something LOL)
Anyway I wrote my name on that to go for the interview.
Interview day. There were quite a few prefects who also signed up, and we all gathered in a classroom. We could leave once we were done. So the teacher in charge of the prefectorial board then was someone... Let's just call her MRT. MRT was the one interviewing us. Soon, it all started and we were asked to volunteer to go for the interview one at a time.
I remember being a little scared but the dominant thought in my mind at that moment was really: "let them go first. It's easier to make a lasting impression if I'm last, and also I have loads of time (I live right next to school, the others probably need time to travel back home)" so I found myself among the last ones in that room.
When there were just two of us left, MRT walked in suddenly and said something along these lines: "you two are just wasting my time! Get out. I'm not going to interview you."
And when you're twelve, teachers like her are especially r00d because they think it's fun to control you. Well, at least that was one of my afterthoughts.
We got out.
Tell me, is this even fair? Just because we cut into her lunchtime or something, we weren't allowed to even try? I got really annoyed for a long time about this. Right after that, I came up with so many comebacks my sweet old twelve-year-old self would not ever have the guts to use. "yeah, because we took all your time while you were interviewing other people right? I'm soooo unsuitable to be a prefect because I let others go before me right? You think I also got so much time isit? Wait in this room for so long end up nothing happen."
4 years later and I still feel a sense of injustice. Also, I couldn't lead the pledge or read announcements because I simply wasn't one of the "exco" prefects (mind you, something I was doing since I was primary 3)
At least I got to keep my flag-raising duty.
Also, sorry not sorry. I still think it's unfair, and if you, MRT, come across this blog someday, yes, I want you to know I'm talking about you. And I want everyone to know that I'm quite glad I didn't join the exco, and have to work closely with MRT. Blessing in disguise, really.
This is just one negative incident amongst many positive ones in my primary school, and trust me, there were many good experiences. #notflamingmyschool #loverosyth #forever
now that it's on the internet, we'll #neverforget
So I was a prefect in primary school. at the beginning of my primary six school year, the teachers put a signup sheet on the prefect's noticeboard for some sort of prefect exco thing (I can't remember what it's called exactly? Sedimentary prefects or something LOL)
Anyway I wrote my name on that to go for the interview.
Interview day. There were quite a few prefects who also signed up, and we all gathered in a classroom. We could leave once we were done. So the teacher in charge of the prefectorial board then was someone... Let's just call her MRT. MRT was the one interviewing us. Soon, it all started and we were asked to volunteer to go for the interview one at a time.
I remember being a little scared but the dominant thought in my mind at that moment was really: "let them go first. It's easier to make a lasting impression if I'm last, and also I have loads of time (I live right next to school, the others probably need time to travel back home)" so I found myself among the last ones in that room.
When there were just two of us left, MRT walked in suddenly and said something along these lines: "you two are just wasting my time! Get out. I'm not going to interview you."
And when you're twelve, teachers like her are especially r00d because they think it's fun to control you. Well, at least that was one of my afterthoughts.
We got out.
Tell me, is this even fair? Just because we cut into her lunchtime or something, we weren't allowed to even try? I got really annoyed for a long time about this. Right after that, I came up with so many comebacks my sweet old twelve-year-old self would not ever have the guts to use. "yeah, because we took all your time while you were interviewing other people right? I'm soooo unsuitable to be a prefect because I let others go before me right? You think I also got so much time isit? Wait in this room for so long end up nothing happen."
4 years later and I still feel a sense of injustice. Also, I couldn't lead the pledge or read announcements because I simply wasn't one of the "exco" prefects (mind you, something I was doing since I was primary 3)
At least I got to keep my flag-raising duty.
Also, sorry not sorry. I still think it's unfair, and if you, MRT, come across this blog someday, yes, I want you to know I'm talking about you. And I want everyone to know that I'm quite glad I didn't join the exco, and have to work closely with MRT. Blessing in disguise, really.
This is just one negative incident amongst many positive ones in my primary school, and trust me, there were many good experiences. #notflamingmyschool #loverosyth #forever
now that it's on the internet, we'll #neverforget
Saturday, January 31, 2015
okay. today I'm finally going to talk about the thing that I've wanted to talk about for some time. I just have to get this really conflicting thing off my chest, so please ignore the disorganisedness and stuff. also please tell me if I get any facts wrong, I didn't exactly research much.
number one. obviously, the society believes in a concept of rightness and wrongness. with the law and emphasis on law enforcement, this is quite a big thing in our society. I would go as far as to say, WITHOUT the concept of rightness and wrongness, our society will not be able to function properly.
what, then, is "functioning properly"?
I believe the basic thing about a society is that everyone in the society has to feel safe. this means, they won't be scared about getting killed any moment, or getting robbed, or their house burning down. stuff like that. thus laws that forbid murder, stealing and destruction in general should be considered "correct"..?
how about laws that make gay marriage illegal? how about laws against racism?
I understand that gay marriage is a controversial topic (i.e., some people think it's a natural thing, some people think it's a choice), and much of the world is still against homosexuality.
racism, however, is only bad, never good, in terms of the society. often, people who are racist have a negative impression or opinion on other races.
this brings me to point number two. opinions and freedom of speech. let's make an example right now.
my opinion: I believe that all opinions should be respected.
that right there ^ already opposes some people's ideals.
my opinion: I also believe that. sometimes, in society, in order to maintain peace and harmony, you cannot always say what you want to.
and there again, my opinion number 2. some people believe that freedom of speech should be a thing, you should always say whatever comes to mind.
the thing is, with the introduction of social media, it's always so easy to have an opinion on everything. it's also very easy to share your opinion. and sometimes, these opinions of yours will offend other people, as they have contrasting opinions. and this will cause arguments and unhappiness.
am I saying, you ask, that you shouldn't have any opinions?
I'm not trying to convince you to do anything here.
anyway, let's go back to where I said that "I believe the basic thing about a society is that everyone in the society has to feel safe."
that was an opinion, not a fact. nothing in our society is fact. it is wrong to kill people wrong? that is just an opinion. it is wrong to steal? that is just an opinion. it is wrong to be gay? that is just an opinion. it is wrong to be racist? those are all just opinions.
the concept of rightness and wrongness is just an opinion.
then again, that is my opinion on this. I could be wrong, but that wrongness is also just an opinion of someone who holds opposing views from mine. (as you can see it is all quite confusing).
OPINIONS RUN THIS WORLD. they are so powerful. they are the voices of the people (the definition of people depends on your type of society), usually the majority in a democratic society. it is what people think how everyone should be.
am I against the law? no. it usually helps to make complicated things simpler. it is a tool to help maintain safety amongst the people and helps societies flourish, nothing much more than that though.
am I against contrasting opinions? unlike many people, no. I think it is interesting when people have strong opposing views on a subject. however, when it starts to harm the safety of people, I believe something should be done to stop the conflict, aka, to put a law in place to stop the people from fighting.
another point. your opinions change based on information that you receive and make sense of. this blog post right here is a piece of information, an opinion, that could change your own opinion. but it doesn't have to change your opinion.
but that's just me. I think people should have the right to try to change other people's opinions, to convince them of something. f it was a different person writing this blog post, they might be saying things like "I believe, thus you should.", and that, to me, is not a wrong thing to do. again, my purpose for typing this is not to change your opinion, but if your opinion does change, then okay.
this is all rather confusing, and I'm just trying to sort through it, and putting it in words helps that. so I'm sorry if you couldn't quite follow that, or if I contradict myself, or if I just don't make sense at all. feel free to talk to me about this.
(I can be quite aggressive when trying to convince you when I think I'm correct, so if you do talk to me about it, sorry if I go all "hey listen u sht I'm the correct one here" lol)
I feel so contradicting okay BYE.
number one. obviously, the society believes in a concept of rightness and wrongness. with the law and emphasis on law enforcement, this is quite a big thing in our society. I would go as far as to say, WITHOUT the concept of rightness and wrongness, our society will not be able to function properly.
what, then, is "functioning properly"?
I believe the basic thing about a society is that everyone in the society has to feel safe. this means, they won't be scared about getting killed any moment, or getting robbed, or their house burning down. stuff like that. thus laws that forbid murder, stealing and destruction in general should be considered "correct"..?
how about laws that make gay marriage illegal? how about laws against racism?
I understand that gay marriage is a controversial topic (i.e., some people think it's a natural thing, some people think it's a choice), and much of the world is still against homosexuality.
racism, however, is only bad, never good, in terms of the society. often, people who are racist have a negative impression or opinion on other races.
this brings me to point number two. opinions and freedom of speech. let's make an example right now.
my opinion: I believe that all opinions should be respected.
that right there ^ already opposes some people's ideals.
my opinion: I also believe that. sometimes, in society, in order to maintain peace and harmony, you cannot always say what you want to.
and there again, my opinion number 2. some people believe that freedom of speech should be a thing, you should always say whatever comes to mind.
the thing is, with the introduction of social media, it's always so easy to have an opinion on everything. it's also very easy to share your opinion. and sometimes, these opinions of yours will offend other people, as they have contrasting opinions. and this will cause arguments and unhappiness.
am I saying, you ask, that you shouldn't have any opinions?
I'm not trying to convince you to do anything here.
anyway, let's go back to where I said that "I believe the basic thing about a society is that everyone in the society has to feel safe."
that was an opinion, not a fact. nothing in our society is fact. it is wrong to kill people wrong? that is just an opinion. it is wrong to steal? that is just an opinion. it is wrong to be gay? that is just an opinion. it is wrong to be racist? those are all just opinions.
the concept of rightness and wrongness is just an opinion.
then again, that is my opinion on this. I could be wrong, but that wrongness is also just an opinion of someone who holds opposing views from mine. (as you can see it is all quite confusing).
OPINIONS RUN THIS WORLD. they are so powerful. they are the voices of the people (the definition of people depends on your type of society), usually the majority in a democratic society. it is what people think how everyone should be.
am I against the law? no. it usually helps to make complicated things simpler. it is a tool to help maintain safety amongst the people and helps societies flourish, nothing much more than that though.
am I against contrasting opinions? unlike many people, no. I think it is interesting when people have strong opposing views on a subject. however, when it starts to harm the safety of people, I believe something should be done to stop the conflict, aka, to put a law in place to stop the people from fighting.
another point. your opinions change based on information that you receive and make sense of. this blog post right here is a piece of information, an opinion, that could change your own opinion. but it doesn't have to change your opinion.
but that's just me. I think people should have the right to try to change other people's opinions, to convince them of something. f it was a different person writing this blog post, they might be saying things like "I believe, thus you should.", and that, to me, is not a wrong thing to do. again, my purpose for typing this is not to change your opinion, but if your opinion does change, then okay.
this is all rather confusing, and I'm just trying to sort through it, and putting it in words helps that. so I'm sorry if you couldn't quite follow that, or if I contradict myself, or if I just don't make sense at all. feel free to talk to me about this.
(I can be quite aggressive when trying to convince you when I think I'm correct, so if you do talk to me about it, sorry if I go all "hey listen u sht I'm the correct one here" lol)
I feel so contradicting okay BYE.
Saturday, January 24, 2015
I hate envelopes.
I'm so bad at opening letters omg. other people open them so nicely it looks like a new envelope, and then there me with the mutilated paper thing.
Coloured toothpaste makes me happy. White toothpaste is so boring.
today I'm going to judge my sec 4 teachers.
LOOK. this is a risky thing for me to do. so here is a DISCLAIMER: my opinions here are strictly opinions, and not facts. if they offend you or anyone, please contact me to remove it, I will gladly do so. using my knowledge accumulated over the years, I believe that this is a reasonable use of cyber space and will not violate the AUP. thank you for understanding :)
starting with my form teacher, who teaches physics. he's a good teacher who goes in depth into the topics, which I really like, and he also trusts us to be responsible students, which I also like. sometimes he can talk for long periods of time about our future and expectations and stuff like that, but I guess that's his duty as our FT. comparing to my previous teacher (in sec 3), I'd say my teacher is more about the subject and what he's teaching, and my previous teacher was more about how he gets what he wants us to know across to us.
next, english teacher. when I first read his emails (before I actually met him irl), I was like "eeee why this teacher liddat one write so much, expect so much", but after the first 2 lessons of english I was like, wow. WOW. firstly, even though some people may complain that he speaks too fast, I think that his speed is what makes the lesson oh so interesting. mind-blowingly awesome. he's organised too, so that's definitely a plus. and I totally see how his emails suit his pace and teaching style. he's the best english teacher I've ever had since the dawn of time.
I'll talk about my chinese teacher next. surprisingly, her lessons are not mundane. I can see that she's trying to increase the happy energy level of our class, but we're so unresponsive because our previous chinese teachers were all so not-happy-to-teach-chinese-ish, and we're not used to fun in chinese classes lol. she's an average teacher but I think "the amount of effort from me" and "the effectiveness of her classes" are proportional for her kind of teaching style, so I just have to jiayou.
one word I'll use to describe my math teacher would be "thorough" (it's not a bad thing). he does everything in the notes, a teaching style I'm not so used to. I just hope that when revising, he'll highlight the more important points and unhighlight the not so important points. like compilation or something, so I don't have to flip through the whole stack of math notes to study. his pace is a little slow (an effect of being so thorough, I guess), but some of my classmates understand better like this, so who am I to complain?
my chemistry teacher is so cool, and actually gives us answers when we ask them. I think he takes the effort to make sure we'll be ready for tests at any time. I think his teaching style is good for chemistry, but only if I'm not falling asleep by then. nothing much to say about him.
my biology teacher is awesome hahahaha. I like her style and I wished she had taught us in sec 3. she's also really good at comebacks. she's very matter-of-factish. I think she can use more diagrams for her slides and maybe use the textbook a bit more (since biology is a textbook study kind of subject).
moving on, my geography teacher is the same as last year, and she's starting a new note-taking thing, which I think will be useful to us when we're studying (if it's updated properly). I think she gives a lot of group work, which may be good or bad, but she's really responsive to questions, so that's a plus. she's a decent teacher who very understanding, but I think geography is a subject that is easy to memorise, hard to conceptualise. ooh that rhymes. anyway, that's why it's pretty hard to teach without making it seem like she's teaching purely for exams.
social studies was made awesome by this very teacher. she was my teacher last year, and she's still awesome, because she's so lively and animated when talking about the topics. she makes everything look so simple and I actually understand it well. I need to take more notes when she's talking in order to digest the information properly though.
- short break lol I just signed up for a mylibrary account :D -
now biotechnology. my lecturer is still the same, and he's still okay-ish. hopefully he'll actually answer questions directly this year, but his study thingy before each exam is useful (hopefully that'll continue this year, but maybe I'll try to request that he gives it earlier too).
my music teacher is... okay? I would say that she treats us a bit too much like primary school kids though. idk how one would teach music in a way that isn't either super boring, or super ununderstandable. hopefully she'll be okayer.
that's pretty much it! okay I'm going to find food byebye.
Coloured toothpaste makes me happy. White toothpaste is so boring.
today I'm going to judge my sec 4 teachers.
LOOK. this is a risky thing for me to do. so here is a DISCLAIMER: my opinions here are strictly opinions, and not facts. if they offend you or anyone, please contact me to remove it, I will gladly do so. using my knowledge accumulated over the years, I believe that this is a reasonable use of cyber space and will not violate the AUP. thank you for understanding :)
starting with my form teacher, who teaches physics. he's a good teacher who goes in depth into the topics, which I really like, and he also trusts us to be responsible students, which I also like. sometimes he can talk for long periods of time about our future and expectations and stuff like that, but I guess that's his duty as our FT. comparing to my previous teacher (in sec 3), I'd say my teacher is more about the subject and what he's teaching, and my previous teacher was more about how he gets what he wants us to know across to us.
next, english teacher. when I first read his emails (before I actually met him irl), I was like "eeee why this teacher liddat one write so much, expect so much", but after the first 2 lessons of english I was like, wow. WOW. firstly, even though some people may complain that he speaks too fast, I think that his speed is what makes the lesson oh so interesting. mind-blowingly awesome. he's organised too, so that's definitely a plus. and I totally see how his emails suit his pace and teaching style. he's the best english teacher I've ever had since the dawn of time.
I'll talk about my chinese teacher next. surprisingly, her lessons are not mundane. I can see that she's trying to increase the happy energy level of our class, but we're so unresponsive because our previous chinese teachers were all so not-happy-to-teach-chinese-ish, and we're not used to fun in chinese classes lol. she's an average teacher but I think "the amount of effort from me" and "the effectiveness of her classes" are proportional for her kind of teaching style, so I just have to jiayou.
one word I'll use to describe my math teacher would be "thorough" (it's not a bad thing). he does everything in the notes, a teaching style I'm not so used to. I just hope that when revising, he'll highlight the more important points and unhighlight the not so important points. like compilation or something, so I don't have to flip through the whole stack of math notes to study. his pace is a little slow (an effect of being so thorough, I guess), but some of my classmates understand better like this, so who am I to complain?
my chemistry teacher is so cool, and actually gives us answers when we ask them. I think he takes the effort to make sure we'll be ready for tests at any time. I think his teaching style is good for chemistry, but only if I'm not falling asleep by then. nothing much to say about him.
my biology teacher is awesome hahahaha. I like her style and I wished she had taught us in sec 3. she's also really good at comebacks. she's very matter-of-factish. I think she can use more diagrams for her slides and maybe use the textbook a bit more (since biology is a textbook study kind of subject).
moving on, my geography teacher is the same as last year, and she's starting a new note-taking thing, which I think will be useful to us when we're studying (if it's updated properly). I think she gives a lot of group work, which may be good or bad, but she's really responsive to questions, so that's a plus. she's a decent teacher who very understanding, but I think geography is a subject that is easy to memorise, hard to conceptualise. ooh that rhymes. anyway, that's why it's pretty hard to teach without making it seem like she's teaching purely for exams.
social studies was made awesome by this very teacher. she was my teacher last year, and she's still awesome, because she's so lively and animated when talking about the topics. she makes everything look so simple and I actually understand it well. I need to take more notes when she's talking in order to digest the information properly though.
- short break lol I just signed up for a mylibrary account :D -
now biotechnology. my lecturer is still the same, and he's still okay-ish. hopefully he'll actually answer questions directly this year, but his study thingy before each exam is useful (hopefully that'll continue this year, but maybe I'll try to request that he gives it earlier too).
my music teacher is... okay? I would say that she treats us a bit too much like primary school kids though. idk how one would teach music in a way that isn't either super boring, or super ununderstandable. hopefully she'll be okayer.
that's pretty much it! okay I'm going to find food byebye.
Sunday, January 11, 2015

this is a SELFIE COMPILATION from 2012 to 2014.
all these are from photobooth so.
I'm sorry is this too obnoxious. sorry.
so 2015 has been kind to me so far, I guess. but it's still too early to say anything, right?
I'm going to collect my HCL O level result tomorrow, so I guess that'll be my first "down" of the year. (HOPEFULLY hopefully it'll turn out to be an "up", but I really doubt so).
my word of the month is BEZ.
BEZ [adjective]
see: best
usually used to describe people and their favourable actions.
example: Mary- have a flower. John- thanks mary u bez.
over the course of January, I'll use the word bez to describe lots of things.
WAIT WAIT. I just realised something. is this the first time I've posted my face on my blog? :OOOO
all these are from photobooth so.
I'm sorry is this too obnoxious. sorry.
so 2015 has been kind to me so far, I guess. but it's still too early to say anything, right?
I'm going to collect my HCL O level result tomorrow, so I guess that'll be my first "down" of the year. (HOPEFULLY hopefully it'll turn out to be an "up", but I really doubt so).
my word of the month is BEZ.
BEZ [adjective]
see: best
usually used to describe people and their favourable actions.
example: Mary- have a flower. John- thanks mary u bez.
over the course of January, I'll use the word bez to describe lots of things.
WAIT WAIT. I just realised something. is this the first time I've posted my face on my blog? :OOOO
I'm currently reading "After Eden". you know at first I thought Eden was a guy's name so it's all weird for me now that I know it's a girl's name.
I'm also reading the Fruits Basket manga :D *insert kawaii face*
so again, start of the new year. to any of my readers (if you even exist), feel free to send me comments/questions at the side of my blog to my ask.fm :D (you can choose to be anonymous, so don't worry!) this is only if you're using a computer, so on phone, go to ask.fm/nyanamania please~
I won't be posting much this year, but I'll still update when I feel like it. like now lah.
oh yeah rmb the issue about blogging or sth I wanted to talk about last year? I'm probably too lazy to ever talk about it because it's a semi-rant kinda thing about society and stuff. I'm too lazy to phrase it in a way that------
sorry that's already too far into what I want to discuss. sorry.
I think this post is kinda long enough for a substantial first post, so LET'S GO! LIVE YOUR DREAM THIS YEAR. BE GOOD. DON'T DISAPPOINT ME (I HAVE HIGH HIGH EXPECTATIONS OF EVERYONE).
I'm also reading the Fruits Basket manga :D *insert kawaii face*
so again, start of the new year. to any of my readers (if you even exist), feel free to send me comments/questions at the side of my blog to my ask.fm :D (you can choose to be anonymous, so don't worry!) this is only if you're using a computer, so on phone, go to ask.fm/nyanamania please~
I won't be posting much this year, but I'll still update when I feel like it. like now lah.
oh yeah rmb the issue about blogging or sth I wanted to talk about last year? I'm probably too lazy to ever talk about it because it's a semi-rant kinda thing about society and stuff. I'm too lazy to phrase it in a way that------
sorry that's already too far into what I want to discuss. sorry.
I think this post is kinda long enough for a substantial first post, so LET'S GO! LIVE YOUR DREAM THIS YEAR. BE GOOD. DON'T DISAPPOINT ME (I HAVE HIGH HIGH EXPECTATIONS OF EVERYONE).
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