Sunday, January 27, 2013


and I was searching for random stuff about it when this popped out.
'In case you’re sweating it out on what to wear for visiting, here are some tips for you!
1) Wear something you’re comfortable in.
Forget that short tight skirt/low cut blouse. Visiting many relatives in a day isn’t an easy task, and you have to feel comfortable. If you have to spend every minute of the day worrying if your underwear are peeking out of your clothes, you’d be one nervous uptight bitch by the end of it. Choose something that you can sit comfortably in (something that doesn’t ride up too high your thigh), because you’re not just going to stand around in your relative’s place.
2) Wear light and preferably NOT long-sleeved.
I know you’re excited to show off your cute long-sleeved number that you bought specially for new year. It looks fabulous, but in this (Singapore) weather? Perspiration patches on your clothes when you’re trying to look glam is not glam. Feeling too warm till you wanna peel your clothes off is also not fun.
3) Bring plasters.
This is a MUST. You must have a couple of plasters stashed away in your purse or bag. This is to save yourself or somebody else in pain –  a pain every girl who adores heels will know, caused by damned blisters. CNY is definitely a time to wear heels and look like a star. But when the pretty shoes are biting away at your heels, chewing bits off again and again, the picture is not perfect anymore. So, unless your heels are resistant to blisters, please remember to bring plasters! You’ll thank me for this.'

kay that's all~~
would you rather I give you $2 per day for 500 days, or give you $1000 today?

that's like the CPF in Singapore according to my dad.
'the government is controlling the money of the elderly, because they don't want them to smoke, gamble, do drugs. but only a minute percent of the elderly population do that. so blah blah, it's wrong blah blah'

I can don't type anymore? I need do homework.

lol bye~