Friday, January 25, 2013


I really don't know what to post on this blog. random crap sounds good, but... idk.

Time according to mac: 9.16.00 AM
What was I doing beforehand: stalking someone's twitter ._.
Chats on facebook: no one
Listening to: the sounds of typing and construction work outside I think. very faint sounds.
Status: neutral. happyish.


  1. The most advanced stage of human social development and organization.
  2. The process by which a society or place reaches this stage.
I like definitions ._.

now it's history class and we're supposed to complete a worksheet but I'm getting distracted -.-

Definition of Civilization
     Popular usage defines "civilization" along these lines: "an advanced state of human society, in which a high level of culture, science, industry and government have been reached." This definition is problematic for archeologists, anthropologists, and historians, because it contains an overt value judgment that civilization is better, more advanced, and superior to other forms of social organization.

'50 likes and I'll video myself doing the JB dance that we learnt today'
can't wait >w<

kay, it's recess now ^^ decorate class! byebye