A pet peeve (or pet hate) is a minor annoyance that an individual identifies as particularly annoying to them, to a greater degree than others may find it.
does anyone else hate it when someone doesn't show ANY sign of gratitude?
and today. I opened the door of the auditorium for a teacher. she asked me how to open the door. we were in the middle of cca, but I stepped out, closed the door, and taught her how to open it. then I stared at her, expecting at least a simple 'thank you'. but oh no. nothing. I held the door open, she stepped in, I stepped in and. nothing. happened.
it's annoying me more than it should.
I think she's a new teacher. so she thinks she can trample all over her students huh.
I should have said something like: 'you're welcome' or 'sorry to have wasted your time'.
I'm bored...
if you read this, please drop me a message on fb ._. I'm curious to know who actually knows about this blog. I only told two people so far.
all I need is a beauty and a beat.
to send or not to send.... *dies*