31 Dec 10:24:41pm
yeah, I'm doing a time-based post. it doesn't even feel like new year's eve. I can say I'm pretty excited for next year. I have this whole good-feeling vibe about 2015. I'm sure it's going to be a great year.
well I'll change timings only when I feel like it, and obviously I'm not typing this whole paragraph within 1 second. I wish I could though :3 (be careful what you wish for pls) (there's new year's magic in the air) (pshhhh)
31 Dec 10:36:55pm
it took that long to type that much up there? that's surprising. hold on let me go get a book I'm going to talk about (halfway reading btw) and yeah I know it's new year's eve why am I reviewing a book WELL I'M SORRY. what if years actually start in July and we don't know it? years and months and weeks and days are a manmade thing anyway. lol okay I'm going to get the book.
31 Dec 10:39:10pm
okay so this book is called No Angel by Helen Keeble, and I swear she got the idea from some harem anime. I mean, I'm on page 74 and I already can tell that it's going to be so haremy. I mean, what can you expect, a single male in an all-girls school. don't worry that's on the blurb so it's not going to spoil anything for you, if you want to read it. it should totally be made into an anime.
there are some harem animes like BroCon, NouCome... I'm going to include SAO and Clannad too, just because there are so many females in them. I find them quite entertaining coz they're usually funny and so good for fanfiction lol. of course there are reverse harems too but not as common.
31 Dec 10:44:03pm
I've been typing for about 20min already. should I bring this post over to the next year? I think I've been doing that straight for the past few years, so maybe I won't this year :) something new. changes can be good or bad, but that shit's already too deep for me so I won't go into that.
the new year's show is playing in the background and it's commercials now.
31 Dec 10:46:19pm
ooh only 2min. it's actually fun to see how much time I'm wasting on the internet that I could use doing actually productive things. but I think one day I'll look back at this blog, read through all the posts, and see myself smiling at myself from the past... no, actually, more likely, I'll be sitting there just staring blankly at all my posts. maybe I'm not even going to read all of them. especially long ones like this oneeeeeeee.
so I've decided. this will be my last post of 2014. it won't continue into 2015. 2015. 2015. 20151005
did you see what I did thar hahahah multiples of 5 bitcxh. hahahahahahah. I'm so lame. thanks me
(omg hahaha it's on tv)
okay sorry I just turned around to watch the tv.
31 Dec 10:54:49pm
hmmm last words for 2014? this year was bittersweet. more bitter than sweet. I don't know what to say about everything since 1999, but my life has been a pretty privileged one. I'm thankful for everyone who has helped me in one way or another. and though this "everyone" will probably never read this post, thank you :D maybe I'll post the link of this blogpost on facebook later. who knows.
31 Dec 10:57:19pm
I just realised that there's still about 1 hour until 2015, so I'm probably going to stop typing periodically and watch tv or something. I want to post this at... 11.58pm? I like the number 8, in case you don't know. idk how people can like numbers though, it's a weird concept. ooh it's almost 11
31 Dec 11:00:00pm
heyy :3 staring at the scrolling thing at the bottom of the tv screen makes me dizzy lol
31 Dec 11:09:25pm
I'll try to catch the last 11:11:11pm of 2014 okay :) there's really not much more to type.... ah new year's resolutions! so cliche but people still do them. let's see.... I don't actually want to resolute anything for next year. I just want to see where life takes me. I just want to do my best.
31 Dec 11:11:23pm
awshit. AWSHIT. it's okay, there are many other years ahead of me, hopefully. I've done one of my physics homework :D happy about that.
31 Dec 11:35:29pm
it's nearing midnight. I think I've said all I've wanted to say. I might just straightaway post at 11:58:00pm so yeah. just waiting for that time now.
I like potatoes.
31 Dec 11:42:41pm
what if my internet shits up at 11:58:00pm and it stretches to 2015 oh the horror.
that is not what I intend to do ogw.
let's pray to the internet deity and hope that won't happen.
31 Dec 11:50:34pm
8min more till I'm going to post, and 10min more till 2015
oh yes they're going to blast fireworks for like the first half an hour of 2015 right, because air pollution is the best way to start every year.
well byebye :) my last words on this blog for 2014
lynnette leong <3
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Saturday, December 27, 2014
Merry Christmas!
I'm two days late >< ohwell
I think the number of people subscribed to my youtube channel < the number of people who check this blog, but have this less-than-thirty-minutes-work cover of 屋顶 (pronounced wuding, means roof) by Jay Chou (I think) anyway and
I'm a little confused about how the post actually works, even after so many years of blogging. like how do I shift pictures and videos around comfortably? something usually goes wrong so I'm not gonna try anymore.
school holidays are almost over and I think next year's gonna be hectic >< let's hope it all works out and I do well for O's :)
I'm gonna talk about something that has been frustrating me a lot (and it's something to do with blogging) (and sorry for not blogging as much lol I'm enjoying this lazy style of living)
okay actually maybe next time. I'm going to change my hamster's bedding byebye
I think the number of people subscribed to my youtube channel < the number of people who check this blog, but have this less-than-thirty-minutes-work cover of 屋顶 (pronounced wuding, means roof) by Jay Chou (I think) anyway and
I'm a little confused about how the post actually works, even after so many years of blogging. like how do I shift pictures and videos around comfortably? something usually goes wrong so I'm not gonna try anymore.
school holidays are almost over and I think next year's gonna be hectic >< let's hope it all works out and I do well for O's :)
I'm gonna talk about something that has been frustrating me a lot (and it's something to do with blogging) (and sorry for not blogging as much lol I'm enjoying this lazy style of living)
okay actually maybe next time. I'm going to change my hamster's bedding byebye
Sunday, December 7, 2014
so after watching Free! Eternal Summer
I'm obsessed with Nanase Haruka again.
I mean, I already got a keychain of him on my phone
but now I'm even more obsessed lol
I'm sorry I'm too lazy to make this gif a continuous loop.
anyway, there's this way underrated song
it's really cute lol. the song, I mean. and the singer is Makoto's voice actor soooo :D
this has been a very visual post
byebye :3
I mean, I already got a keychain of him on my phone
but now I'm even more obsessed lol
I'm sorry I'm too lazy to make this gif a continuous loop.
anyway, there's this way underrated song
it's really cute lol. the song, I mean. and the singer is Makoto's voice actor soooo :D
# # ( ) ___#_#___|__ _ |____________| _ _=====| | | | | |==== _ =====| |.---------------------------. | |==== <--------------------' . . . . . . . . '--------------/ \ / \____________________________________I_ship_MaRinKa_________/ wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
this has been a very visual post
byebye :3
Monday, December 1, 2014
books where one twin dies
there are definitely more. I remember at least one more? but that was a really long time ago and I can't remember anything about it other than the fact that _____.
^ not saying, because it would be a spoiler for one of the books. but yeah, all books where one twin dies are so similar.
I mean, it's a real life situation, it does happen, I get the books (but I don't really relate too well, I don't have a twin), I get how it's a worse-than-horrible thing to happen. I will never understand how the alive twin feels. if any twinless twins are reading this, I don't know what to say either, just like everyone else. so I'm just going to talk about the books.
1. the twin always dies in a car crash, and it's always the other twin who was driving.
2. it's all about the pain and guilt and trying to move forward.
3. there's always a counsellor, and nobody likes him/her.
4. nobody ever knows what to say to the alive twin, and "I'm sorry" is usually not the right thing to say
5. the alive twin might go through some sort of personality disorder where they think they are the dead twin
6. so many other similarities
but maybe that's because it's what happens in real life (except maybe point 1 I guess). it sounds so twisted if I were to say that I enjoy these books, but I think what I like is the emotional impact and how powerful it is (note: I do not enjoy one twin dying). I guess after I started writing this blog post, I realised how real the books could be and how there could be people out there who have lost a twin, and maybe one day reading this very blog post.
I apologise if this post hurt you in anyway, because I realise that it is a sensitive topic, especially if you've been through this situation before. it could be a sibling, or any loved one for that matter. I don't know. I'm not good with this.
this post is starting to seem like a very very bad idea.
read the books. maybe you'll understand my predicament when writing this post at least.
but is it real?
there are definitely more. I remember at least one more? but that was a really long time ago and I can't remember anything about it other than the fact that _____.
^ not saying, because it would be a spoiler for one of the books. but yeah, all books where one twin dies are so similar.
I mean, it's a real life situation, it does happen, I get the books (but I don't really relate too well, I don't have a twin), I get how it's a worse-than-horrible thing to happen. I will never understand how the alive twin feels. if any twinless twins are reading this, I don't know what to say either, just like everyone else. so I'm just going to talk about the books.
1. the twin always dies in a car crash, and it's always the other twin who was driving.
2. it's all about the pain and guilt and trying to move forward.
3. there's always a counsellor, and nobody likes him/her.
4. nobody ever knows what to say to the alive twin, and "I'm sorry" is usually not the right thing to say
5. the alive twin might go through some sort of personality disorder where they think they are the dead twin
6. so many other similarities
but maybe that's because it's what happens in real life (except maybe point 1 I guess). it sounds so twisted if I were to say that I enjoy these books, but I think what I like is the emotional impact and how powerful it is (note: I do not enjoy one twin dying). I guess after I started writing this blog post, I realised how real the books could be and how there could be people out there who have lost a twin, and maybe one day reading this very blog post.
I apologise if this post hurt you in anyway, because I realise that it is a sensitive topic, especially if you've been through this situation before. it could be a sibling, or any loved one for that matter. I don't know. I'm not good with this.
this post is starting to seem like a very very bad idea.
read the books. maybe you'll understand my predicament when writing this post at least.
but is it real?
Sunday, November 30, 2014
so it's been about half a month
recently, I started listening to vocaloid again
and I still really love the songs and the stories, especially Alluring Secret ~Black Vow~ (hahaha there's a PewdieCry version)
here's my own interpretation.
it's about an angel who falls in love with a human girl, but the human girl doesn't love the angel, maybe because the girl is already engaged to another guy. as love between angels and humans is forbidden anyway, the angel decides to make a deal with the devil for the girl to love him, so its wings are cut off and it becomes a human boy. the deal is broken if the love between the girl and the angel is broken. on the girl's wedding day, she meets the angel-as-a-human and falls in love with him, as promised by the devil, and leaves her fiance. so the girl and angel-as-human live happily ever after. the end.
BUT WAIT! another angel who was a friend of the angel-as-human believed that the girl had tricked the angel-as-human to sin, so it kills the girl. in this way, the deal with the devil is broken. the angel-as-human sees the dead girl, and believes that "all its acts of treachery should be paid by its death", so it exchanges lives with the girl and disappears, leaving one black feather behind. the girl lives and realises that he was the angel all along. she is a "sinful black-stained bride" (she might have been under the influence of the deal between the angel and the devil and might not have actually loved the angel, I'm not sure and I don't really understand White Vow). it ends with "when the fruit of sin falls into decay, they can meet again", which probably means when they stop loving each other, they might see each other again, but not until then.
now watch it and make your own interpretation :P
and I still really love the songs and the stories, especially Alluring Secret ~Black Vow~ (hahaha there's a PewdieCry version)
here's my own interpretation.
it's about an angel who falls in love with a human girl, but the human girl doesn't love the angel, maybe because the girl is already engaged to another guy. as love between angels and humans is forbidden anyway, the angel decides to make a deal with the devil for the girl to love him, so its wings are cut off and it becomes a human boy. the deal is broken if the love between the girl and the angel is broken. on the girl's wedding day, she meets the angel-as-a-human and falls in love with him, as promised by the devil, and leaves her fiance. so the girl and angel-as-human live happily ever after. the end.
BUT WAIT! another angel who was a friend of the angel-as-human believed that the girl had tricked the angel-as-human to sin, so it kills the girl. in this way, the deal with the devil is broken. the angel-as-human sees the dead girl, and believes that "all its acts of treachery should be paid by its death", so it exchanges lives with the girl and disappears, leaving one black feather behind. the girl lives and realises that he was the angel all along. she is a "sinful black-stained bride" (she might have been under the influence of the deal between the angel and the devil and might not have actually loved the angel, I'm not sure and I don't really understand White Vow). it ends with "when the fruit of sin falls into decay, they can meet again", which probably means when they stop loving each other, they might see each other again, but not until then.
now watch it and make your own interpretation :P
Monday, November 17, 2014
brave frontier stuff again
this is a desktop wallpaper of my rainbow team :D (well, soon to be, that is. not all 6* yet). it's a little plain now, but I'm thinking of grunging the background :D when I'm bored and I have nothing to do lah.
sorry for this really short update :P I just wanted to show you this lol.
grunged it. dunno whether it's better or not though.
[mobile] who even calls phones mobiles nowadays?
I must be a special kind of hipster.
So right, rmb the book I was reading? Mila 2.0? It was due to go back to the library before I finished it so... There's that.
I'd like to say that tomorrow, 4pm, will be the 31st day I've consecutively logged into BF and I already have 2 6 stars and many maxed 5 stars. It's so difficult to type on phone may I please make mistakes? Thanks.
So anyway, I just wanted to update because I'm curious about sleeping habits during the holidays. Like now, I'm on my nov-dec break, and I sleep at 4am, wake uo at... Earliest? 11pm.usually around noon though. Yeah. It"s incorrigible.
I just put dowj my phoje for a little bit coz my arms got tired.
I migjt not go back to correct those errors. I'm lazy.
On social media and such, my username is usually something related to cats. Facebook: lynniethecat (Lynnette Nyanamania Leong) Twitter: @sushi_cat_ Instagram: @nyanamania Ask.fm: I can't even remember, but *I think* it's one of these
I don't even use twitter as twitter anymore lol.
Ok I sleep now bye
So right, rmb the book I was reading? Mila 2.0? It was due to go back to the library before I finished it so... There's that.
I'd like to say that tomorrow, 4pm, will be the 31st day I've consecutively logged into BF and I already have 2 6 stars and many maxed 5 stars. It's so difficult to type on phone may I please make mistakes? Thanks.
So anyway, I just wanted to update because I'm curious about sleeping habits during the holidays. Like now, I'm on my nov-dec break, and I sleep at 4am, wake uo at... Earliest? 11pm.usually around noon though. Yeah. It"s incorrigible.
I just put dowj my phoje for a little bit coz my arms got tired.
I migjt not go back to correct those errors. I'm lazy.
On social media and such, my username is usually something related to cats. Facebook: lynniethecat (Lynnette Nyanamania Leong) Twitter: @sushi_cat_ Instagram: @nyanamania Ask.fm: I can't even remember, but *I think* it's one of these
I don't even use twitter as twitter anymore lol.
Ok I sleep now bye
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
[mobile update] no game no life
Is awesome.
Okay here is my list of recommended anime :
1. Mirai Nikki
2. Sword Art Online
3. No Game No Life
4. Angel Beats
5. Mekaku City Actors
These are my top 5 currently, if you think you've got better anime, please do recommend :) I don't really like horror though and long animes that go on forever
I still think Xenon and Estia look like Sora and Shiro
And Izuna is wayyyyy cute.
I'm on an anime marathon so I would really love recommendations :3 I think after this I'm gonna watch... Idk hahaha. I really need recommendations.
I like sad anime, plot twisty anime, anime with cute guys, idk.
(in case you're wondering how to recommend anime, you can type it in the ask.fm box to the right >> if you're using a computer and not a phone) (thanks)
Okay here is my list of recommended anime :
1. Mirai Nikki
2. Sword Art Online
3. No Game No Life
4. Angel Beats
5. Mekaku City Actors
These are my top 5 currently, if you think you've got better anime, please do recommend :) I don't really like horror though and long animes that go on forever
I still think Xenon and Estia look like Sora and Shiro
And Izuna is wayyyyy cute.
I'm on an anime marathon so I would really love recommendations :3 I think after this I'm gonna watch... Idk hahaha. I really need recommendations.
I like sad anime, plot twisty anime, anime with cute guys, idk.
(in case you're wondering how to recommend anime, you can type it in the ask.fm box to the right >> if you're using a computer and not a phone) (thanks)
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
let me just say this.
I don't ship Asuna x Kirito much.
I mean, I know, they're like super OTP to A LOT of people and I've even drawn *coughcopiedcough* a picture of them together before and it was my profile picture for a while and I sort of thought they were cute lah. at least, I think Kirito is super kawaii and Asuna is kawaii too.
before SAO II I shipped Suguha and Kirito. incest, but I felt damn sad for Suguha coz she liked him for so long. okay. okay. I shipped like every girl with Kirito. Kirito is just damn cute and gives you the "shuaaa" kinda feel, you know? so obviously, now I'm supposed to ship Kirito and Asada right? (is that even her name I'm so bad at names)
well I'm thinking "HAHA, you better NOT fall in love with my lovely Kirito-kun or you'll get rekt hahahaha (or at least your heart will be). go back to your blondie (idk the name and I'm too lazy to find out)"
I don't like blue-haired Asuna though. brunette iz bez or is it like a light brown hazel idk I'm not good at hair colours coz almost everyone I know has black hair (or no hair hehehehe)
no spoilers here. at least, they aren't really spoilers, I think. I'm glad I forgot everything about the light novel that I've read.
I'm on episode 8 now btw, and I'm stopping to type out all my emotions on this blog... BLOG YOU BETTER BE GRATEFUL OK.
I'm gonna get back to my anime now byes.
Edit: thanks, SAO.
Kirito is such a bloody flirt but damnnnnn he's cute even as a girl. I also officially ship Kirito and Asada <3
I suspected blondie right from the start but then he confessed (and got brutally rejected with a "not now" omg) then my heart just sort of melted for him.
Edit 2: I like this GGO part lol Kirito is cute whether he's a guy or girl.
I mean, I know, they're like super OTP to A LOT of people and I've even drawn *coughcopiedcough* a picture of them together before and it was my profile picture for a while and I sort of thought they were cute lah. at least, I think Kirito is super kawaii and Asuna is kawaii too.
before SAO II I shipped Suguha and Kirito. incest, but I felt damn sad for Suguha coz she liked him for so long. okay. okay. I shipped like every girl with Kirito. Kirito is just damn cute and gives you the "shuaaa" kinda feel, you know? so obviously, now I'm supposed to ship Kirito and Asada right? (is that even her name I'm so bad at names)
well I'm thinking "HAHA, you better NOT fall in love with my lovely Kirito-kun or you'll get rekt hahahaha (or at least your heart will be). go back to your blondie (idk the name and I'm too lazy to find out)"
I don't like blue-haired Asuna though. brunette iz bez or is it like a light brown hazel idk I'm not good at hair colours coz almost everyone I know has black hair (or no hair hehehehe)
no spoilers here. at least, they aren't really spoilers, I think. I'm glad I forgot everything about the light novel that I've read.
I'm on episode 8 now btw, and I'm stopping to type out all my emotions on this blog... BLOG YOU BETTER BE GRATEFUL OK.
I'm gonna get back to my anime now byes.
Edit: thanks, SAO.
Kirito is such a bloody flirt but damnnnnn he's cute even as a girl. I also officially ship Kirito and Asada <3
I suspected blondie right from the start but then he confessed (and got brutally rejected with a "not now" omg) then my heart just sort of melted for him.
Edit 2: I like this GGO part lol Kirito is cute whether he's a guy or girl.
Monday, November 10, 2014
still fangirling I'm sorry.
sorry I might be obsessed. THIS WILL BE MY LAST POST ABOUT JON COZART until he makes a new video
bye again
Sunday, November 9, 2014
excuse me.
I don't know what to say yet.
I'll leave this for later.
OKAY. I'm back.
and all I have to say is
I just deleted my whole rant that was supposed to be here because I'm a nice person. but I'm really irritated.
on to happier things then. can anyone sponsor me a good microphone? like, the kind that can be connected to computers and such. TAHNKS I LUV YU BBY. (I'll never get my microphone because my food takes up all my money aaaand obviously nobody will sponsor me pffshh)
it's time for a book update yayyyy *confetti*
I've just started reading Mila 2.0 by Debra Driza. it's okay I guess, but I'm not at any exciting parts yet.
so my life hasn't been very exciting lately, but I am enjoying this break.
I realise I'm writing in remarkably short paragraphs today.
I would like a potato salad pls.
the pringles in our sand.
CRASHCOURSE BIG HISTORY is the best crash course ever happened to me. biology was good too lol.
I liked nonfiction books as kid. like, really liked them. especially ones about animals/dinosaurs/extinct stuff/non-extinct stuff. I dunno, I was liddat.
okay bye
I'll leave this for later.
OKAY. I'm back.
and all I have to say is
I just deleted my whole rant that was supposed to be here because I'm a nice person. but I'm really irritated.
on to happier things then. can anyone sponsor me a good microphone? like, the kind that can be connected to computers and such. TAHNKS I LUV YU BBY. (I'll never get my microphone because my food takes up all my money aaaand obviously nobody will sponsor me pffshh)
it's time for a book update yayyyy *confetti*
I've just started reading Mila 2.0 by Debra Driza. it's okay I guess, but I'm not at any exciting parts yet.
so my life hasn't been very exciting lately, but I am enjoying this break.
I realise I'm writing in remarkably short paragraphs today.
I would like a potato salad pls.
the pringles in our sand.
CRASHCOURSE BIG HISTORY is the best crash course ever happened to me. biology was good too lol.
I liked nonfiction books as kid. like, really liked them. especially ones about animals/dinosaurs/extinct stuff/non-extinct stuff. I dunno, I was liddat.
okay bye
too far.
okay okay how's this SING WITH ME PLS.
guess who got a 5* Elza from a rainbow door though?
YAY <3
I know it's rare for me to update twice in a day haha but I just felt like doing it. after all, I haven't blogged in quite a long time.
Saturday, November 8, 2014
I officially love Jon Cozart.
I mean, since watching After Ever After 2 (which was the first video I watched from him), I just stalked his channel and everything and watched all his videos, stuff like that.
he's amazing at his stuff.
up there is his latest video.
idk why I haven't talked about him before (maybe because I've just developed my inner fangirl
okay I'm done. he has too many fangirls. I'm done with being his fangirl. so done.
talking about music btw, I'm also a hardcore fan of Nick Pitera. I just. I cannot. I really admire people who layer their music AND video it like that. I mean, I have tried layering my music before (woots garageband and zero quality microphone) and really, it's not easy. it's not starting it that's the problem, it's finishing the job. it's very easy to give up. do you really want to see all my attempts?
woosh. there's more where this came from.
it's difficult enough, making it like the artist's, it's even harder to make it yours.
oh well. maybe they find it easy. but it is fun though.
okay bye~
Friday, October 31, 2014
who am I?
Name: Lynnette Leong
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Country: Singapore
Hobbies: reading, Brave Frontier, being organised, facebooking, etc.
Hated foods: spring onions, onions, garlic, ginger, durian, oyster
Pets: hamster (Tiger)
Favourite colours: white, green, blue, purple, yellow
Zodiac: aquarius, tiger
Computer: MacBook Pro
Phone: Sony Xperia M2
Earpiece: Beats/Samsung
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Country: Singapore
Hobbies: reading, Brave Frontier, being organised, facebooking, etc.
Hated foods: spring onions, onions, garlic, ginger, durian, oyster
Pets: hamster (Tiger)
Favourite colours: white, green, blue, purple, yellow
Zodiac: aquarius, tiger
Computer: MacBook Pro
Phone: Sony Xperia M2
Earpiece: Beats/Samsung
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
so before I started writing this post, I googled "can I upload gif on blogger" and apparently yes and no
^ Darvan
^ Dia
^ Dilma
^ Eze
^ Kikuri
^ Lancia
^ Lilith
^ Lilly Matah
^ Loch
^ Logan
^ Rashil
^ Zellha
^ Zephyr
^ Vishra
^ Ophelia
^ Elza
^ Karl
^ Lunaris
^ Nalmika
^ Phoenix
^ Tree
^ Zelban
my potential babies lol.
but seriously they are beautiful (I hope it animates for you, because it looks beautiful on my side)
copyright goes to Gumi
ahhh. *cries* they are all 6 star, and I only have the 4 star form of each of them
I'm gonna spam play after chinese O levels, but gonna lay off a little this week.
and I don't care if some of these units are noob. just looking at the sprites I'm like omgwtfbbqallmywant.
update: I have 5* forms of Dia, Lilith, Rashil and Zephyr now ^^ and a 5* Ciara too
update 15/11/14: I have 6* Dia and Elza, as well as 5* Tree, Dilma, Rashil, Lilith, Zellha, Lunaris, Zephyr, Lilly Matah and Ciara
I'm also level 79 :) waiting for energy to go for a metal parade to become level 80
Sunday, October 26, 2014
update after a relatively long time
soooo I've started playing Brave Frontier, which was the worst decision in my life.
chinese O levels is in a week or so and I'm just sitting around playing Brave Frontier.
I'm stupid, really.
I'm gonna miss you when you're gone
anyway, it's been really hot these few days. I'm sweating now as I write this (and I'm actually writing this over quite a while, about 15min).
I have a new obsession for pretzels.
I got my grades back btw, and they don't look good. my overall L1R5 is 10 :O and that's not good.
aiming for 6 next year :)
okay I gotta go bye
chinese O levels is in a week or so and I'm just sitting around playing Brave Frontier.
I'm stupid, really.
I'm gonna miss you when you're gone
anyway, it's been really hot these few days. I'm sweating now as I write this (and I'm actually writing this over quite a while, about 15min).
I have a new obsession for pretzels.
I got my grades back btw, and they don't look good. my overall L1R5 is 10 :O and that's not good.
aiming for 6 next year :)
okay I gotta go bye
Friday, October 17, 2014
what I'm really scared of at the moment
I'm super terrified of mirrors, and I'm super terrified of the dark. so I'm super super terrified of mirrors in the dark.
I have to walk past 2 mirrors everyday to charge my phone. I charge it further away from my bed so I don't use it in the dark on my bed, which works very well because I'm freaking scared of walking past the mirrors to get to my phone.
today I was in the auditorium alone in the dark, and that was freaking terrifying as well. I used my phone's flash to look around, but it kept going off and basically ahh.
moving on
if you still don't know, I've been reading "Across the Universe" and "Earth Girl" simultaneously, and they are both sci-fi/dystopian type of books. both concepts are really great (quite high recommendation!), though I think Janet Edwards (author of Earth Girl) is a better writer than Beth Revis (author of Across the Universe). I just finished Earth Flight, the last book in Earth Girl. so yeah, this will really be my last update about these books. promise.
I'm sorry I've been rambling about these books so many times. (ooh but Tandem from the Many-Worlds trilogy is good too, gonna read the second book Tether soon when/if I find it)
to summarise, a lot of books are really good, and those you see everywhere, those really mainstream books? they're mostly overrated, imo. there are lots of other great books out there that deserve the recognition of THG or TFIOS, but just aren't. read a non-mainstream book today! :D (I have lots of recommendations, just scroll down and pick one)
good luck to people taking o levels :)
the new terrapin in the pond is absolutely the cutest thing I've ever seen. REALLY. it's ADORBS.

here's a picture of Rosyth's fitness corner, before it was replaced with the kiddy idk what. taken from Google Maps.
we used to play on the monkey bars every recess and do cool stunts with the inclined pull-up thing and play crocodile on the sit-ups thing and hang around on the pull-up thing. then when we got bored, we'd go "exploring", digging for treasure.
we managed to find about $5 in the auditorium :D
byebye now.
I have to walk past 2 mirrors everyday to charge my phone. I charge it further away from my bed so I don't use it in the dark on my bed, which works very well because I'm freaking scared of walking past the mirrors to get to my phone.
today I was in the auditorium alone in the dark, and that was freaking terrifying as well. I used my phone's flash to look around, but it kept going off and basically ahh.
moving on
if you still don't know, I've been reading "Across the Universe" and "Earth Girl" simultaneously, and they are both sci-fi/dystopian type of books. both concepts are really great (quite high recommendation!), though I think Janet Edwards (author of Earth Girl) is a better writer than Beth Revis (author of Across the Universe). I just finished Earth Flight, the last book in Earth Girl. so yeah, this will really be my last update about these books. promise.
I'm sorry I've been rambling about these books so many times. (ooh but Tandem from the Many-Worlds trilogy is good too, gonna read the second book Tether soon when/if I find it)
to summarise, a lot of books are really good, and those you see everywhere, those really mainstream books? they're mostly overrated, imo. there are lots of other great books out there that deserve the recognition of THG or TFIOS, but just aren't. read a non-mainstream book today! :D (I have lots of recommendations, just scroll down and pick one)
good luck to people taking o levels :)
the new terrapin in the pond is absolutely the cutest thing I've ever seen. REALLY. it's ADORBS.

here's a picture of Rosyth's fitness corner, before it was replaced with the kiddy idk what. taken from Google Maps.
we used to play on the monkey bars every recess and do cool stunts with the inclined pull-up thing and play crocodile on the sit-ups thing and hang around on the pull-up thing. then when we got bored, we'd go "exploring", digging for treasure.
we managed to find about $5 in the auditorium :D
byebye now.
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
yay I adopted a sickly green wolf :D he's adorable and martian. and his name is Fian, like Fian in the earth girl trilogy. I really love the earth girl trilogy's whole idea. it's quite cool. (yes. I did have to talk about books). I like it more than across the universe's lol. I seem to be more and more into scifi.
anyway right
I promise to work harder next year. probably my second time promising this on my blog, but really. I promise I promise.
I left my jacket in school T^T I'm gonna freeze tmr morning
am tired, am sleep, am now
am lynnette
am sorry for short post
anyway right
I promise to work harder next year. probably my second time promising this on my blog, but really. I promise I promise.
I left my jacket in school T^T I'm gonna freeze tmr morning
am tired, am sleep, am now
am lynnette
am sorry for short post
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
I love roasted sunflower seeds :D
ITCHING TO COSPLAY but don't know what to cosplay and no funds to cosplay.
lol I turn around and there's Kim Jong-un on the tv screen ._.
L1|| English/HChinese
R1|| SS+Geography
R2|| EMath/AMath/Chemistry/Physics/Biology
okay marks.
Paper 1: 23/30
Paper 2: 47/80
Overall: 63.6%
Grade: B4
Paper 1: 55/70
Paper 2: 33/50
Paper 3: 29/30
Paper 4: 24/30
Overall: 76.3%
Grade: A1
Paper 1: 66/80
Paper 2: 85/100
Overall: 83.8%
Grade: A1
Paper 1: 58/90
Paper 2: 69/110
Overall: 63.5%
Grade: B4
Music (very unsure):
Paper 1: 30.5/55
lowest L1R5 possible: 1+3+1+2+3+3=13
next year's goal: 6 (jiayou me)
*will update until done*
lol I turn around and there's Kim Jong-un on the tv screen ._.
L1|| English/HChinese
R1|| SS+Geography
R2|| EMath/AMath/Chemistry/Physics/Biology
okay marks.
Paper 1: 23/30
Paper 2: 47/80
Overall: 63.6%
Grade: B4
Paper 1: 55/70
Paper 2: 33/50
Paper 3: 29/30
Paper 4: 24/30
Overall: 76.3%
Grade: A1
Paper 1: 66/80
Paper 2: 85/100
Overall: 83.8%
Grade: A1
Paper 1: 58/90
Paper 2: 69/110
Overall: 63.5%
Grade: B4
Music (very unsure):
Paper 1: 30.5/55
Paper 2: 23/25
Paper 3: 26/40
Overall: 66.3%
Grade: B3
Paper 3: 26/40
Overall: 66.3%
Grade: B3
Paper 1: 28/39
Paper 2: 53/80
Overall: 68.1%
Grade: B3
Grade: B3
SS+Geography (so far):
SS: 33/50
Geography: 32/50
Overall: 65%
Grade: B3
Paper 1: 31/40
Paper 2 46/80
Overall: 64.2%
Grade: B4
Grade: B4
Paper 1: 39/40
Paper 2: 50/80
Overall: 74.2%
Grade: A2
Overall: 46%
Grade: D7
lowest L1R5 possible: 1+3+1+2+3+3=13
next year's goal: 6 (jiayou me)
*will update until done*
Sunday, October 12, 2014
of course, if I make an update, it's definitely about books. correction: it's about a book.
Across the Universe by Beth Revis is by far the FLATTEST book I've read.
yeah you never thought you'd see the day I'd have a negative review on a book right?
but seriously.
1. lack of depth
2. going no where
3.I forgot I'll fill this in if I remember unnecessary info
part 1: lack of depth
basically, it was so... nothing. just a huge bunch of descriptives without actual proper building up of the setting itself in one chunk (okay it sorta did, but it was so brief and immediately lapsed into some sort of reaction). I think throughout the whole book, it was still mentioning how the ship was oriented and what the people did. like, WHY don't you just tell me everything about it at the start? I mean, okay, 1st person POV, but seriously? why do I care about weird cows in the middle of the story? it makes me feel that the whole book was so unplanned. and it's also so white and black.
part 2: going no where
it doesn't make me feel like I care about any of the characters or ANYTHING in the entire book (except one person and he then goes on to kill himself, thanks). the plot does NOT captivate me at all. what was the main plot even? I don't want to know what happens next, because I'm pretty sure it won't make a difference to anything. the romance was unrealistic and so lightly touched on, it shouldn't even be there, it doesn't help anything. 1st person POV should give plenty of room for useful emotions to help the plot, but all the guy feels is... jealousy? (okay he gets angry at some points but really it didn't portray much) I don't understand.
part 3: unnecessary info
it was a crapton full of fillers and things that make me feel like the author was tryna meet some word quota and make the book thicker no matter what it took. who cares about Jason? who cares about Eldest trying to make Elder find the third cause of discord like 50 times? why didn't he just guess something? I couldn't even form my own opinions about what was happening in the book, all the characters' opinions were thrust at me to choose from. if the author was trying to write an expository essay, this would be good, but most of the book was so unnecessary. I would have had more fun trying to guess things in the book, but I was like "oh don't bother, it'll be revealed in 5 seco- oh there it is."
all in all, some parts of the book were good, like how the freezing took place (intro), which was quite captivating and exciting, and parts where I felt despair for the "250 years", but it wasn't the best dystopian scifi ever. okay, it was quite bad. I wouldn't recommend this book to anyone, but I have the sequel and I'll read it, just to see if it's better.
I'll do a real BLOG blog kinda update okay :/ maybe in the afternoon yeah?
-love, lynn-
Across the Universe by Beth Revis is by far the FLATTEST book I've read.
yeah you never thought you'd see the day I'd have a negative review on a book right?
but seriously.
1. lack of depth
2. going no where
part 1: lack of depth
basically, it was so... nothing. just a huge bunch of descriptives without actual proper building up of the setting itself in one chunk (okay it sorta did, but it was so brief and immediately lapsed into some sort of reaction). I think throughout the whole book, it was still mentioning how the ship was oriented and what the people did. like, WHY don't you just tell me everything about it at the start? I mean, okay, 1st person POV, but seriously? why do I care about weird cows in the middle of the story? it makes me feel that the whole book was so unplanned. and it's also so white and black.
part 2: going no where
it doesn't make me feel like I care about any of the characters or ANYTHING in the entire book (except one person and he then goes on to kill himself, thanks). the plot does NOT captivate me at all. what was the main plot even? I don't want to know what happens next, because I'm pretty sure it won't make a difference to anything. the romance was unrealistic and so lightly touched on, it shouldn't even be there, it doesn't help anything. 1st person POV should give plenty of room for useful emotions to help the plot, but all the guy feels is... jealousy? (okay he gets angry at some points but really it didn't portray much) I don't understand.
part 3: unnecessary info
it was a crapton full of fillers and things that make me feel like the author was tryna meet some word quota and make the book thicker no matter what it took. who cares about Jason? who cares about Eldest trying to make Elder find the third cause of discord like 50 times? why didn't he just guess something? I couldn't even form my own opinions about what was happening in the book, all the characters' opinions were thrust at me to choose from. if the author was trying to write an expository essay, this would be good, but most of the book was so unnecessary. I would have had more fun trying to guess things in the book, but I was like "oh don't bother, it'll be revealed in 5 seco- oh there it is."
all in all, some parts of the book were good, like how the freezing took place (intro), which was quite captivating and exciting, and parts where I felt despair for the "250 years", but it wasn't the best dystopian scifi ever. okay, it was quite bad. I wouldn't recommend this book to anyone, but I have the sequel and I'll read it, just to see if it's better.
I'll do a real BLOG blog kinda update okay :/ maybe in the afternoon yeah?
-love, lynn-
Edit: hey, now I've got the blogger app on my phone, so I might be posting more! But the reviews on the play store say this app sucks, but I'm tired of using my browser (not that it's bad, I just like apps you know). And... I've finished reading A Million Suns, and I think it was better than Across the Universe. I'll read the third book (forgot what it's called tho) soon enough. And since I'm lazy to make a new post, here'll be my proper update :3
O level chinese is going to be on 4 nov, which is less than a month away, and I'm terrified. Not a little terrified, but a LOT terrified. I have to make a checklist:
1. Review terms saved in pleco.
2. Zonghetiankong
I'm scared of not passing so many subjects this year, especially a math. I'll have to really work hard next year I guess. I'll admit it, this year I did a lot of trying out of different and new hobbies and wasting time and not caring about my results (like the "development" part of a sonata) but next year, I'll be working my ass off to get good marks. I'll make this promise to myself. I won't let myself down.
Alright that's all, signing off for the second time,
Monday, October 6, 2014
I've had this blog for a really really long time, and I just wanna put up something that I've never put up before.
4847 all time pageviews.
(most of them are probably my own pageviews heheheheheheh jkjk)
but from the start of this blog, I've never put a pageview counter on the blog itself. if anyone is reading this, tell me if I should or not :)
I haven't properly updated in a while lol
and this will not be a proper update bye.
4847 all time pageviews.
(most of them are probably my own pageviews heheheheheheh jkjk)
but from the start of this blog, I've never put a pageview counter on the blog itself. if anyone is reading this, tell me if I should or not :)
I haven't properly updated in a while lol
and this will not be a proper update bye.
Saturday, October 4, 2014
[on mobile] just a quick update
Exams are out and we got a long weekend. Yay.
So I went to the library and I borrowed 6 books. Amk library to be specific. And I finished one of them
Even though it wasn't the first book I read like that, the ending hit me so bad I wrote a review of it on goodreads. It's called The Bunker Diary btw. However, quite ridiculously, the other book (Dollhouse) that I've read that's like it, I rated a 1 star while this I rated a 5 star. I think a few factors affected this: 1. The style of writing, 2. Location (I was in class when I finished Dollhouse, at home when I finished The Bunker Diary) and 3. The duration of reading aka dragginess (I read Dollhouse over a few days as compared to TBD in a few hours)
Anyway, TBD is a single book but Dollhouse has like sequels and stuff (which I didn't realise) so the actual endings to both stories aren't the same. I'll try to find the sequels and maybe rate Dollhouse higher.
Good mornight -lynn
So I went to the library and I borrowed 6 books. Amk library to be specific. And I finished one of them
Even though it wasn't the first book I read like that, the ending hit me so bad I wrote a review of it on goodreads. It's called The Bunker Diary btw. However, quite ridiculously, the other book (Dollhouse) that I've read that's like it, I rated a 1 star while this I rated a 5 star. I think a few factors affected this: 1. The style of writing, 2. Location (I was in class when I finished Dollhouse, at home when I finished The Bunker Diary) and 3. The duration of reading aka dragginess (I read Dollhouse over a few days as compared to TBD in a few hours)
Anyway, TBD is a single book but Dollhouse has like sequels and stuff (which I didn't realise) so the actual endings to both stories aren't the same. I'll try to find the sequels and maybe rate Dollhouse higher.
Good mornight -lynn
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
how to basic physics
so today Mr Kwek and I had a deep deep talk.
and I know the recent how to basics are horrible, so here is a how to basic physics to make up for the crappy ones.
Physical Quantities √
Kinematics √
Dynamics √
Mass, Weight and Density √
Turning Effect of Forces √
Work, Energy and Power √
Pressure √
Kinetic Theory of Matter √
Light √
Waves √
Electromagnetic Spectrum √
Sound √
Temperature √
1m/s = 3.6km/h
1g/cm^3 = 1000kg/m^3
Physical quantity: a quantity that can be measured, consists of a numerical magnitude and a unit.
Prefixes: nano(n) 10^-9, micro(µ) 10^-6, milli(m) 10^-3, centi(c) 10^-2, deci(d) 10^-1, kilo(k) 10^3, mega(M) 10^6, giga(G) 10^9.
Ruler: eye placed vertically above mark to avoid parallax error, middle of the ruler used to avoid zero error (worn-out ends).
Vernier calliper: zero error = positive (>0) or negative (<0), reading = main scale (1mm) + vernier scale (0.1mm), corrected reading = reading - zero error.
Micrometer screw gauge: tighten using ratchet, zero error = positive (>0) or negative (<0), reading = main scale (0.5mm) + thimble scale (0.01mm), corrected reading = reading - zero error.
Pendulum: oscillation = 1 complete to-and-fro motion, period = time taken for 1 complete oscillation. f = 1/T, f is frequency (Hz), T is period (s).
Stopwatch: 0.01s, human reaction time.
Scalar: magnitude only (distance, speed, mass, energy, time).
Vector: magnitude and direction (displacement, velocity, acceleration, force).
Distance: total length covered by an object, irrespective of direction of motion.
Speed: distance moved per unit time. v = d/t, v is speed (m/s), d is distance (m), t is time taken (s). average = total distance/total time = (initial speed + final speed)/2 if uniform acceleration.
Displacement: straight-line distance moved in a specified direction from reference (initial) point.
Displacement-time graph: gradient = velocity.
Velocity: rate of change of displacement. v = d/t, v is velocity (m/s), d is displacement (m), t is time taken (s).
Velocity-time graph: gradient = acceleration, area under graph = distance/displacement.
Acceleration: rate of change in velocity, uniform acceleration = constant rate of change in velocity. a = (v-u)/t, a is acceleration (m/s^2), v is final velocity (m/s), u is initial velocity (m/s), t is time taken (s).
Free-fall through air: acceleration = 10m/s^2, decreases to terminal (constant) velocity (0m/s^2), which is achieved when weight = air resistance.
Newton's 1st Law: every object will continue in its state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line unless a resultant force acts on it.
Newton's 2nd Law: when a resultant force acts on an object of a constant mass, the object will accelerate in the direction of the resultant force. F = ma, F is resultant force (N), m is mass (kg), a is acceleration (m/s^2)
Newton's 3rd Law: if body A exerts a force on body B, body B will exert an equal and opposite force on body A.
Friction: contact force that opposes/tends to oppose motion between surfaces in contact.
Effects of forces on motion: moves a stationary object, stops a moving object, changes the speed of a moving object, changes the direction of a moving object.
Vector diagram: 2 vectors pointing in the same direction, |magnitude| of A + |magnitude| of B = resultant force. 2 vectors pointing in opposite directions, |magnitude| of A - |magnitude| of B = resultant force, 2 vectors pointing in other directions, scale diagram.
Free body diagram: forces of different nature acting on 1 body (weight, normal force, friction, push/pull), uniform acceleration/stationary = equal magnitude.
Action-reaction pair: forces of the same nature acting on 2 bodies, same magnitude, in a pair. A exerts force on B, B exerts force on A.
Tension: opposite force on stationary object, balanced forces. use vector diagram and free body diagram.
Mass: amount of matter in a body.
Weight: gravitational force/gravity acting on an object. W = mg, W is weight (N), m is mass (kg), g is gravitational field strength (N/kg).
Gravitational field: region in which a mass experiences a force due to gravitational attraction.
Gravitational field strength: gravitational force acting per unit mass (10N/kg on earth).
Inertia: Reluctance of an object to change its state of rest or motion due to its mass.
Density: mass per unit volume. ρ = m/v, ρ is density (kg/m^3). m is mass (kg), v is volume (m^3).
Weighing machine: measures action force of object on weighing machine/reaction force of weighing machine on object, not mass/weight.
Moment: product of the force and perpendicular distance from the pivot to the line of action of the force. moment = Fd, moment (Nm), F is force (N), d is perpendicular distance (m).
Principle of Moments: when a body is in equilibrium, the sum of clockwise moments about a pivot is equal to the sum of anti-clockwise moments about the same pivot.
Centre of gravity: point through which an object's whole weight appears to act (pivot/directly below pivot in a body in equilibrium). punch 3 holes at the edge of the laminar, hang the laminar from a pin, hang a plumbline from the same pin, mark the vertical line made by the plumbline on the laminar, repeat for the 2 other holes, centre of gravity is at the intersection point of the 3 vertical lines. laminar should be free to turn about the pin, holes must be small so not too much of the laminar is removed.
Stability: measure of an object's ability to return to its original position after it is slightly displaced, stable equilibrium = object regains original position after displaced, unstable equilibrium = object moves further away when it is displaced, neutral equilibrium = object stays in new position when it is displaced, to increase stability, lower position of centre of gravity and increase base area.
Energy: capacity to do work.
Principle of Conservation of Energy: energy cannot be created nor destroyed, but can be converted from one form to another. the total energy in an isolated system is constant.
Energy transformations: battery (chemical potential -> electrical), radio (electrical -> sound), light bulb (electrical -> light + thermal), turbine (kinetic -> electrical).
Efficiency: efficiency = (useful energy output/total energy input) x 100%, efficiency (%), useful energy output (J), total energy input (J).
Work done: product of a constant force on an object and the distance* moved by the object in the direction of the force. W = Fx, W is work done (J), F is constant force (N), s is distance moved (m).
*if object is moving upwards, use vertical distance only (TBC). if object is moving sideways (height does not change), use horizontal distance. friction = frictional force x distance over which friction is exerted.
Kinetic energy**: KE = (1/2)mv^2, KE is kinetic energy (J), m is mass of body (kg), v is speed of body (m/s).
Gravitational potential energy**: GPE = mgh, GPE is gravitational potential energy (J), m is mass of body (kg), g is gravitational field strength (N/kg), h is height above ground (m).**gain in KE = loss in GPE, gain in GPE = loss in KE.
Power: rate of work done/energy conversion. P = W/t = E/t, P is power (W), W is work done (J), t is time taken (s), E is energy converted (J).
Pressure: force acting per unit area. p = F/A = hρg, p is pressure (Pa), F is force (N), A is area (m^2), h is height (m), ρ is density (kg/m^3), g is gravitational field strength (N/kg).
Hydraulic press: Fx x dx = Fy x dy, F is force exerted on piston (N), d is distance moved by piston (m)
Kinetic model of matter: tiny particles that make up matter are always in continuous random motion. Properties: particle arrangement (density), particle movement (volume, shape, compressibility).
Brownian motion: observed random movement of particles in a fluid, speed of particles increases with increased temperature, air particles bombard smoke particles continuously causing smoke particles to move continuously in random directions.
Gas: p ∝ T, p ∝ 1/V, V ∝ T, p is pressure (Pa), T is temperature (ºC), V is volume (m^3)
Light: speed in vacuum = 3 x 10^8m/s
1st law of reflection: incident ray, reflected ray and normal all lie in the same plane at the point of incidence.
2nd law of reflection: angle of incidence = angle of reflection. i = r, i is angle of incidence (º), r is angle of reflection (º).
Properties of image: same size, upright, laterally inverted, same distance behind the mirror as object is in front of the mirror, virtual.
Refraction: bending of light as it passes from one optical medium to another. n = c/v, n is refractive index, c is speed of light in vacuum, v is speed of light in medium.Refractive index: vacuum/air = 1, water = 1.33
1st law of refraction: incident ray, reflected ray and normal all lie in the same plane.
2nd law of refraction Snell's Law: for 2 given media, the ratio of the sine of the angle of incidence to sine of the angle of refraction is a constant. ni x sin(i) = nr x sin(r), i is angle of incidence (º), r is angle of reflection (º), n is refractive index.Critical angle: angle of incidence in an optically denser medium which the angle of refraction in the optically less dense medium is 90º. sin(c) = 1/n, c is critical angle (º), n is refractive index.
Total internal reflection: light ray travels from optically denser medium to optically less dense medium, angle of incidence is greater than critical angle.
Optical fibres: carry more information over long distance than copper wire, less signal loss, highly resistant to electromagnetic interference thus noise free.
Focal length = distance between the optical centre and focal point.
, f is focal length.
Wave: source = vibration/oscillation, transfer energy from one point to another without transferring the medium, transverse (travel perpendicular to direction of vibration) and longitudinal (travel parallel to direction of vibration).
Terms: amplitude = maximum displacement of a point from its rest position (m), wavelength = shortest distance between any two points in phase (crests and troughs, compressions and rarefactions) (m), period* = time taken to produce one complete wave (s), frequency* = number of complete waves produced per second and depends on source of the wave, wavefront = imaginary line on a wave that joins all adjacent points that are in phase.
*f = 1/T, f is frequency (Hz), T is period (s).Speed: distance travelled by a wave per second. v = λ/T = fλ, v is wave speed (m/s), λ is wavelength (m), T is period (s), f is frequency (Hz).
Water waves: reflection and refraction (shallow region, higher friction, lower speed, lower wavelength, towards the normal).
Visible light: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet (increasing frequency, decreasing wavelength).
Properties: transverse waves, do not require a medium to travel, travel at the speed of light in vacuum (3 x 10^8m/s), slow down in water or glass, no electric charge.
EM: radio waves (radio, television, navigation, radar), microwaves (satellite television, microwave oven), infrared radiation (television remote controllers, ear thermometer, intruder alarms, infrared heating), visible light (optical fibres, medical, telecommunication), ultraviolet radiation (sunbeds, fluorescent tubes, sterilisation of medical equipment), x-rays (hospital, produce x-ray images to diagnose fractures, tooth decay), gamma rays (treat cancer) (increasing frequency, decreasing wavelength).
Radiation: EM has the energy to remove electrons from atoms or molecules, exposure to ionising radiation can damage biological molecules and lead to abnormal cell division, cause cancers and deformities to a developing foetus (ultrasound is used).
Sound: form of energy that is transferred from one point to another as a longitudinal wave.
Speed: 330m/s, sonic boom = sound produced due to shock waves created due to compression of air when an object is travelling through air faster than sound, higher speed = stronger bonding between particles in the medium, solid then liquid then gas, higher elastic properties, higher temperature.
Echo: repetition of a sound due to the reflection of sound.
Ultrasound: sound with frequencies above the upper limit of the human range of audibility (20Hz to 20kHz), used for prenatal scanning, cleaning in dental treatment, detect cracks in metal structures.
Pitch: higher frequency = higher pitch.
Loudness: larger amplitude = louder sound.
Temperature: how hot or cold an object is.
Heat: amount of thermal energy that is being transferred from a hotter to colder region.
Ice point: pure melting ice RTP, 0ºC.
Steam point: pure boiling water RTP, 100ºC.
Calibrating thermometer: find position of ice point 0ºC, find position of steam point 100ºC, find the difference, divide by 100 to identify 1ºC. (θ-0)ºC = (position at θºC-position at 0ºC)/(position at 100ºC-position at 0ºC) x (100-0)ºC.
Thermometric properties: volume of mercury/alcohol, EMF, electrical resistance of metal, pressure of gas.
~- break -~
DONE! time is now 12.50am. time to sleep.
lynnette leong. siaoliao.
and I know the recent how to basics are horrible, so here is a how to basic physics to make up for the crappy ones.
Physical Quantities √
Kinematics √
Dynamics √
Mass, Weight and Density √
Turning Effect of Forces √
Work, Energy and Power √
Pressure √
Kinetic Theory of Matter √
Light √
Waves √
Electromagnetic Spectrum √
Sound √
Temperature √
1m/s = 3.6km/h
1g/cm^3 = 1000kg/m^3
Physical quantity: a quantity that can be measured, consists of a numerical magnitude and a unit.
Prefixes: nano(n) 10^-9, micro(µ) 10^-6, milli(m) 10^-3, centi(c) 10^-2, deci(d) 10^-1, kilo(k) 10^3, mega(M) 10^6, giga(G) 10^9.
Ruler: eye placed vertically above mark to avoid parallax error, middle of the ruler used to avoid zero error (worn-out ends).
Vernier calliper: zero error = positive (>0) or negative (<0), reading = main scale (1mm) + vernier scale (0.1mm), corrected reading = reading - zero error.
Micrometer screw gauge: tighten using ratchet, zero error = positive (>0) or negative (<0), reading = main scale (0.5mm) + thimble scale (0.01mm), corrected reading = reading - zero error.
Pendulum: oscillation = 1 complete to-and-fro motion, period = time taken for 1 complete oscillation. f = 1/T, f is frequency (Hz), T is period (s).
Stopwatch: 0.01s, human reaction time.
Scalar: magnitude only (distance, speed, mass, energy, time).
Vector: magnitude and direction (displacement, velocity, acceleration, force).
Distance: total length covered by an object, irrespective of direction of motion.
Speed: distance moved per unit time. v = d/t, v is speed (m/s), d is distance (m), t is time taken (s). average = total distance/total time = (initial speed + final speed)/2 if uniform acceleration.
Displacement: straight-line distance moved in a specified direction from reference (initial) point.
Displacement-time graph: gradient = velocity.
Velocity: rate of change of displacement. v = d/t, v is velocity (m/s), d is displacement (m), t is time taken (s).
Velocity-time graph: gradient = acceleration, area under graph = distance/displacement.
Acceleration: rate of change in velocity, uniform acceleration = constant rate of change in velocity. a = (v-u)/t, a is acceleration (m/s^2), v is final velocity (m/s), u is initial velocity (m/s), t is time taken (s).
Free-fall through air: acceleration = 10m/s^2, decreases to terminal (constant) velocity (0m/s^2), which is achieved when weight = air resistance.
Newton's 1st Law: every object will continue in its state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line unless a resultant force acts on it.
Newton's 2nd Law: when a resultant force acts on an object of a constant mass, the object will accelerate in the direction of the resultant force. F = ma, F is resultant force (N), m is mass (kg), a is acceleration (m/s^2)
Newton's 3rd Law: if body A exerts a force on body B, body B will exert an equal and opposite force on body A.
Friction: contact force that opposes/tends to oppose motion between surfaces in contact.
Effects of forces on motion: moves a stationary object, stops a moving object, changes the speed of a moving object, changes the direction of a moving object.
Vector diagram: 2 vectors pointing in the same direction, |magnitude| of A + |magnitude| of B = resultant force. 2 vectors pointing in opposite directions, |magnitude| of A - |magnitude| of B = resultant force, 2 vectors pointing in other directions, scale diagram.
Free body diagram: forces of different nature acting on 1 body (weight, normal force, friction, push/pull), uniform acceleration/stationary = equal magnitude.
Action-reaction pair: forces of the same nature acting on 2 bodies, same magnitude, in a pair. A exerts force on B, B exerts force on A.
Tension: opposite force on stationary object, balanced forces. use vector diagram and free body diagram.
Mass: amount of matter in a body.
Weight: gravitational force/gravity acting on an object. W = mg, W is weight (N), m is mass (kg), g is gravitational field strength (N/kg).
Gravitational field: region in which a mass experiences a force due to gravitational attraction.
Gravitational field strength: gravitational force acting per unit mass (10N/kg on earth).
Inertia: Reluctance of an object to change its state of rest or motion due to its mass.
Density: mass per unit volume. ρ = m/v, ρ is density (kg/m^3). m is mass (kg), v is volume (m^3).
Weighing machine: measures action force of object on weighing machine/reaction force of weighing machine on object, not mass/weight.
Moment: product of the force and perpendicular distance from the pivot to the line of action of the force. moment = Fd, moment (Nm), F is force (N), d is perpendicular distance (m).
Principle of Moments: when a body is in equilibrium, the sum of clockwise moments about a pivot is equal to the sum of anti-clockwise moments about the same pivot.
Centre of gravity: point through which an object's whole weight appears to act (pivot/directly below pivot in a body in equilibrium). punch 3 holes at the edge of the laminar, hang the laminar from a pin, hang a plumbline from the same pin, mark the vertical line made by the plumbline on the laminar, repeat for the 2 other holes, centre of gravity is at the intersection point of the 3 vertical lines. laminar should be free to turn about the pin, holes must be small so not too much of the laminar is removed.
Stability: measure of an object's ability to return to its original position after it is slightly displaced, stable equilibrium = object regains original position after displaced, unstable equilibrium = object moves further away when it is displaced, neutral equilibrium = object stays in new position when it is displaced, to increase stability, lower position of centre of gravity and increase base area.
Energy: capacity to do work.
Principle of Conservation of Energy: energy cannot be created nor destroyed, but can be converted from one form to another. the total energy in an isolated system is constant.
Energy transformations: battery (chemical potential -> electrical), radio (electrical -> sound), light bulb (electrical -> light + thermal), turbine (kinetic -> electrical).
Efficiency: efficiency = (useful energy output/total energy input) x 100%, efficiency (%), useful energy output (J), total energy input (J).
Work done: product of a constant force on an object and the distance* moved by the object in the direction of the force. W = Fx, W is work done (J), F is constant force (N), s is distance moved (m).
*if object is moving upwards, use vertical distance only (TBC). if object is moving sideways (height does not change), use horizontal distance. friction = frictional force x distance over which friction is exerted.
Kinetic energy**: KE = (1/2)mv^2, KE is kinetic energy (J), m is mass of body (kg), v is speed of body (m/s).
Gravitational potential energy**: GPE = mgh, GPE is gravitational potential energy (J), m is mass of body (kg), g is gravitational field strength (N/kg), h is height above ground (m).**gain in KE = loss in GPE, gain in GPE = loss in KE.
Power: rate of work done/energy conversion. P = W/t = E/t, P is power (W), W is work done (J), t is time taken (s), E is energy converted (J).
Pressure: force acting per unit area. p = F/A = hρg, p is pressure (Pa), F is force (N), A is area (m^2), h is height (m), ρ is density (kg/m^3), g is gravitational field strength (N/kg).
Hydraulic press: Fx x dx = Fy x dy, F is force exerted on piston (N), d is distance moved by piston (m)
Kinetic model of matter: tiny particles that make up matter are always in continuous random motion. Properties: particle arrangement (density), particle movement (volume, shape, compressibility).
Brownian motion: observed random movement of particles in a fluid, speed of particles increases with increased temperature, air particles bombard smoke particles continuously causing smoke particles to move continuously in random directions.
Gas: p ∝ T, p ∝ 1/V, V ∝ T, p is pressure (Pa), T is temperature (ºC), V is volume (m^3)
Light: speed in vacuum = 3 x 10^8m/s
1st law of reflection: incident ray, reflected ray and normal all lie in the same plane at the point of incidence.
2nd law of reflection: angle of incidence = angle of reflection. i = r, i is angle of incidence (º), r is angle of reflection (º).
Properties of image: same size, upright, laterally inverted, same distance behind the mirror as object is in front of the mirror, virtual.
Refraction: bending of light as it passes from one optical medium to another. n = c/v, n is refractive index, c is speed of light in vacuum, v is speed of light in medium.Refractive index: vacuum/air = 1, water = 1.33
1st law of refraction: incident ray, reflected ray and normal all lie in the same plane.
2nd law of refraction Snell's Law: for 2 given media, the ratio of the sine of the angle of incidence to sine of the angle of refraction is a constant. ni x sin(i) = nr x sin(r), i is angle of incidence (º), r is angle of reflection (º), n is refractive index.Critical angle: angle of incidence in an optically denser medium which the angle of refraction in the optically less dense medium is 90º. sin(c) = 1/n, c is critical angle (º), n is refractive index.
Total internal reflection: light ray travels from optically denser medium to optically less dense medium, angle of incidence is greater than critical angle.
Optical fibres: carry more information over long distance than copper wire, less signal loss, highly resistant to electromagnetic interference thus noise free.
Focal length = distance between the optical centre and focal point.
, f is focal length.
Wave: source = vibration/oscillation, transfer energy from one point to another without transferring the medium, transverse (travel perpendicular to direction of vibration) and longitudinal (travel parallel to direction of vibration).
Terms: amplitude = maximum displacement of a point from its rest position (m), wavelength = shortest distance between any two points in phase (crests and troughs, compressions and rarefactions) (m), period* = time taken to produce one complete wave (s), frequency* = number of complete waves produced per second and depends on source of the wave, wavefront = imaginary line on a wave that joins all adjacent points that are in phase.
*f = 1/T, f is frequency (Hz), T is period (s).Speed: distance travelled by a wave per second. v = λ/T = fλ, v is wave speed (m/s), λ is wavelength (m), T is period (s), f is frequency (Hz).
Water waves: reflection and refraction (shallow region, higher friction, lower speed, lower wavelength, towards the normal).
Visible light: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet (increasing frequency, decreasing wavelength).
Properties: transverse waves, do not require a medium to travel, travel at the speed of light in vacuum (3 x 10^8m/s), slow down in water or glass, no electric charge.
EM: radio waves (radio, television, navigation, radar), microwaves (satellite television, microwave oven), infrared radiation (television remote controllers, ear thermometer, intruder alarms, infrared heating), visible light (optical fibres, medical, telecommunication), ultraviolet radiation (sunbeds, fluorescent tubes, sterilisation of medical equipment), x-rays (hospital, produce x-ray images to diagnose fractures, tooth decay), gamma rays (treat cancer) (increasing frequency, decreasing wavelength).
Radiation: EM has the energy to remove electrons from atoms or molecules, exposure to ionising radiation can damage biological molecules and lead to abnormal cell division, cause cancers and deformities to a developing foetus (ultrasound is used).
Sound: form of energy that is transferred from one point to another as a longitudinal wave.
Speed: 330m/s, sonic boom = sound produced due to shock waves created due to compression of air when an object is travelling through air faster than sound, higher speed = stronger bonding between particles in the medium, solid then liquid then gas, higher elastic properties, higher temperature.
Echo: repetition of a sound due to the reflection of sound.
Ultrasound: sound with frequencies above the upper limit of the human range of audibility (20Hz to 20kHz), used for prenatal scanning, cleaning in dental treatment, detect cracks in metal structures.
Pitch: higher frequency = higher pitch.
Loudness: larger amplitude = louder sound.
Temperature: how hot or cold an object is.
Heat: amount of thermal energy that is being transferred from a hotter to colder region.
Ice point: pure melting ice RTP, 0ºC.
Steam point: pure boiling water RTP, 100ºC.
Calibrating thermometer: find position of ice point 0ºC, find position of steam point 100ºC, find the difference, divide by 100 to identify 1ºC. (θ-0)ºC = (position at θºC-position at 0ºC)/(position at 100ºC-position at 0ºC) x (100-0)ºC.
Thermometric properties: volume of mercury/alcohol, EMF, electrical resistance of metal, pressure of gas.
DONE! time is now 12.50am. time to sleep.
lynnette leong. siaoliao.
Monday, September 29, 2014
how to basic math II
A1 Equations and inequalities
A2 Indices and surds
A3 Polynomials and Partial Fractions
A4 Binomial expansions
A5 Power, Exponential, Logarithmic, and Modulus functions
G1 Trigonometric functions, identities and equations
G2 Coordinate geometry in two dimensions
I'll be back.
hahahahahahahaha screw it
I'll probably fail A math again
so basically I'm doing almost all the homework I missed out on last time
I'll be back.
hahahahahahahaha screw it
I'll probably fail A math again
so basically I'm doing almost all the homework I missed out on last time
Sunday, September 28, 2014
how to basic chemistry
need to know the arrangement and movement of particles in solids, liquids and gases and how to draw
need to use the particulate models of matter to explain melting, freezing, boiling, condensation and
evaporation - Kinetic Particle Theory
must know how to determine the physical state (eg: solid, liquid or gas) of a substance given relevant
must know how to interpret heating curve and cooling curve
Must know that the rate of diffusion depends on the relative molecular mass
Different techniques of collection of Gases - upward and downward delivery
Accuracy for each apparatus – measuring cylinder, burette, pipette, beaker
Take note Fractional Distillation can also be applied to liquid air. Apply the same principles of factional distillation based on boiling point. |
Different techniques for separating different types of mixtures
Filtration, crystallisation, simple distillation, fractional distillation, chromatography |
How to check for purity of substance
impurities lower melting point but raise boiling point
pure substance melts at a fixed temperature and boils at a fixed temperature
Impure substance melts and boils over a range of temperature
pure substance only show one spot on chromatogram
Know how to calculate Rf value
know the definition of elements, compounds and mixtures
know the definition of atoms
know the differences between compounds and mixtures
know the definition of molecules
know the differences between proton, neutron and electron
Metallic Bonding
know how to interpret information given the symbol form of element A X
know the definition of isotopes and be able to calculate the relative abundance isotopes have similar chemical properties but slightly different physical properties know how to write the electronic structure of atom know what are valance/valency electrons
know the relationship between electronic structure of atom and its position in the Periodic Table know the formation of positive ions (cations) and negative ions (anions)
know the formation of ionic bonds and covalent bonds know the various properties of ionic substance and simple covalent substance know why atoms wants to form bonds (in order to achieve the stable electronic configuration of noble
gases) know how to draw “dot and cross” diagram for ionic substance and covalent substance
know how to explain why ionic substance have high mp and bp and can conduct electricity only in molten
and in aqueous state know how to explain why simple covalent substance have low mp and bp and cannot conduct electricity know what is valency (it is different from valence/valency electrons) know how to write formula and balance chemical equations with state symbols including ionic equation Know how to describe the structure of diamond and graphite Know how to explain physical properties of diamond and graphite
know the definition of Relative Atomic Mass and Relative Molecular Mass
know that mole = mass / molar mass know that mole = volume /24 (dm3) [only for gases] – Molar Volume know how to calculate empirical formula and molecular formula know how to calculate percentage composition know that one mole of substance contains 6 X 1023 particles know that no of moles = number of particles / 6 X 1023 know that concentration in g/dm3 = mass / volume (dm3) [only for solution] know that concentration in mol/dm3 = no of moles / volume (dm3) [only for solution]
know how to calculate based on chemical equation {Titration Type of Calculations] Know how to calculate limiting-reagent-type-of-question
Know how to calculate percentage purity ie % purity = pure/impure × 100% Know how to calculate percentage yield ie % yield = actual mass/ theoretical mass × 100%
know the definition of isotopes and be able to calculate the relative abundance isotopes have similar chemical properties but slightly different physical properties know how to write the electronic structure of atom know what are valance/valency electrons
know the relationship between electronic structure of atom and its position in the Periodic Table know the formation of positive ions (cations) and negative ions (anions)
know the formation of ionic bonds and covalent bonds know the various properties of ionic substance and simple covalent substance know why atoms wants to form bonds (in order to achieve the stable electronic configuration of noble
gases) know how to draw “dot and cross” diagram for ionic substance and covalent substance
know how to explain why ionic substance have high mp and bp and can conduct electricity only in molten
and in aqueous state know how to explain why simple covalent substance have low mp and bp and cannot conduct electricity know what is valency (it is different from valence/valency electrons) know how to write formula and balance chemical equations with state symbols including ionic equation Know how to describe the structure of diamond and graphite Know how to explain physical properties of diamond and graphite
know the definition of Relative Atomic Mass and Relative Molecular Mass
know that mole = mass / molar mass know that mole = volume /24 (dm3) [only for gases] – Molar Volume know how to calculate empirical formula and molecular formula know how to calculate percentage composition know that one mole of substance contains 6 X 1023 particles know that no of moles = number of particles / 6 X 1023 know that concentration in g/dm3 = mass / volume (dm3) [only for solution] know that concentration in mol/dm3 = no of moles / volume (dm3) [only for solution]
know how to calculate based on chemical equation {Titration Type of Calculations] Know how to calculate limiting-reagent-type-of-question
Know how to calculate percentage purity ie % purity = pure/impure × 100% Know how to calculate percentage yield ie % yield = actual mass/ theoretical mass × 100%
General Patterns in Periodic Table
from left to right, elements changes from metals to non-metals elements in the same group have the same number of valance electrons
element in the same period have the same number of electron shells elements which have metallic and non-metallic properties are known as metalloids (eg: silicon) Group I elements
also known as alkali metals need to know the physical properties and the trend down the Group need to know the chemical properties (especially reaction with water and know to write the balanced
chemical reaction) Group VII elements
also known as halogens; exist as diatomic molecules (eg: Cl2, Br2) need to know the physical properties (colour of pure elements and in aqueous solution & the
physical state at room conditions) need to know displacement reaction of more reactive halogens with salt of less reactive halogens and
their colour change during the reactions Group 0 elements
Know that Group 0 elements are unreactive because they have full outermost shells Know some uses of the noble gases
physical Properties of metals differences between pure metals and alloys Know how to draw the structure of alloys and pure metals chemical properties of metals reactivity Series of metals (how different metals react with cold water, steam, hydrochloric acid; thermal
stability of metal carbonates and hydroxides) how to work out the order of metals in the reactivity series based on relevant informationknow in details extraction of iron in the blast furnace and all the equations why metals are recycled Describe sacrificial protect of iron by a more reactive metal eg magnesium
from left to right, elements changes from metals to non-metals elements in the same group have the same number of valance electrons
element in the same period have the same number of electron shells elements which have metallic and non-metallic properties are known as metalloids (eg: silicon) Group I elements
also known as alkali metals need to know the physical properties and the trend down the Group need to know the chemical properties (especially reaction with water and know to write the balanced
chemical reaction) Group VII elements
also known as halogens; exist as diatomic molecules (eg: Cl2, Br2) need to know the physical properties (colour of pure elements and in aqueous solution & the
physical state at room conditions) need to know displacement reaction of more reactive halogens with salt of less reactive halogens and
their colour change during the reactions Group 0 elements
Know that Group 0 elements are unreactive because they have full outermost shells Know some uses of the noble gases
physical Properties of metals differences between pure metals and alloys Know how to draw the structure of alloys and pure metals chemical properties of metals reactivity Series of metals (how different metals react with cold water, steam, hydrochloric acid; thermal
stability of metal carbonates and hydroxides) how to work out the order of metals in the reactivity series based on relevant informationknow in details extraction of iron in the blast furnace and all the equations why metals are recycled Describe sacrificial protect of iron by a more reactive metal eg magnesium
examples of basic oxides, amphoteric oxides, neutral oxides and acidic oxides
definition of strong and weak acids
properties of Acids
Typical Reactions of Acids
acids + reactive metals ! salts +
acids + carbonates ! salts + carbon dioxide + water acids + base ! salts + water reactivity series of metals Types of Oxides
properties of Acids
Typical Reactions of Acids
acids + reactive metals ! salts +
acids + carbonates ! salts + carbon dioxide + water acids + base ! salts + water reactivity series of metals Types of Oxides
hydrogen gas
know the difference between base and alkali
properties of Alkalis
Typical Reaction of Alkalis
alkalis + acids ! salts + water
Typical Reaction of Alkalis
alkalis + acids ! salts + water
ammonia gas +
alkalis + ammonium compounds ! salt
Indicators and pH
know the common indicators and their colour change (litmus, phenolphthalein, methyl orange and
Universal Indicator) Preparation of Salts
must know solubility table; the 3 methods of salt preparation (precipitation, titration and acids plus excess metal/insoluble metal oxide/insoluble carbonates
Indicators and pH
know the common indicators and their colour change (litmus, phenolphthalein, methyl orange and
Universal Indicator) Preparation of Salts
must know solubility table; the 3 methods of salt preparation (precipitation, titration and acids plus excess metal/insoluble metal oxide/insoluble carbonates
Titration related graph questions
Know the conditions for the Haber Process, including explaining them with respect to Le Chatelier’s
Meaning of Forward and backward reaction
How is ammonia produced in the Chemistry Lab? – Reaction of Ammonium Chloride
need to know test for cations, anions and gases (including the relevant equation and ionic equations)
Know the conditions for the Haber Process, including explaining them with respect to Le Chatelier’s
Meaning of Forward and backward reaction
How is ammonia produced in the Chemistry Lab? – Reaction of Ammonium Chloride
need to know test for cations, anions and gases (including the relevant equation and ionic equations)
No one plan to fail, many fail to plan. Are you ready for End Year Exam 2014?_Prepared by Ms Ong Lee Lian
just study according to the checklist lol.
it's very messy here, so just download the document from ms ong
sorry there aren't actual notes, I very lazy to type and I also prefer hand writing chem notes for some reason
just study according to the checklist lol.
it's very messy here, so just download the document from ms ong
sorry there aren't actual notes, I very lazy to type and I also prefer hand writing chem notes for some reason
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