Saturday, February 23, 2013


I know it's level test. I'm studying. I really am.

but I keep randomly thinking about primary school.

there's this girl I betrayed in P6.

you have no idea how sorry I am.

I remember I randomly saw you at Nex last year.

and we ignored each other.

you know how sad that is?

I trusted you.

I think you trusted me.

you shouldn't have trusted me...

I lied to you.

I used you.

I'm sorry.

we had great times together. I didn't get to thank you properly for them.

I gave up my friends for you.


and I was wrong.

I should never have given them up.

they were, and still are my friends.

unlike you.

I'm disappointed in myself.

I can't say I hate you. sometimes I look at your facebook profile, and I wish that we were still friends.

I wish that I hadn't tried to get you two back together again.

I wish I hadn't lied.

I wish I actually had the heart to hate her.

but I didn't.

I stubbornly stuck to lying to both of you and in the end you two got back together. which is good I guess... my purpose was fulfilled.

but you found out about my lies.

I don't know.

I don't know...

if you haven't forgotten me, I hope that one day we'll meet again. randomly or otherwise.

and I will apologise to you.

I remember our phone calls, how we used to talk about nothing for hours at a time.

and I still remember how you betrayed me.

but I deserved it.

I don't understand what I've typed above, I'm just typing everything that comes to mind.

remember that time we went to your current school's open house together?

that was one of the best days of my life.

then everything fell apart.

of course... I loved my other friends. Rachel. Roxanne. they warned me against you, did you know that?

and I just backstabbed them again and again and again and again.

I lied to them.

I lied to you.