sometimes I feel a little lonely.
so alone.
it's a terrible, hollow, empty feeling.
but I like being by myself sometimes? idk. independently dependent.
I don't want people to judge me. T^T
what is ideal? one being true to others no matter how much it hurts others and/or oneself, or one faking to others to possibly avoid hurting others and/or oneself? if someone would answer that question and provide an extremely logical reasoning... I would thank that someone.
on a lighter note, I like white chocolate lol.
life is complicatedly simple.
life is ironic.
Monday, December 30, 2013
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Friday, December 27, 2013
life goes on.
trust me...
I feel like cyber-shouting 'die die die die' somewhere.
and 'oh fgs shut up'
don't get tictac holiday twist unless you like liquorice and mint.
unchained melody
'Her lonely heart waits for the one.
To touch her hair,
To brush his fingers across her tender lips,
To only look into her beautiful eyes...
He would give his all.'
I think that's pretty.
I can't wait to get a car and a driving license lol
I don't even bother to comb my hair for the whole day sometimes lol #shorthair #isawesome
I love cha soba.
trust me...
I feel like cyber-shouting 'die die die die' somewhere.
and 'oh fgs shut up'
don't get tictac holiday twist unless you like liquorice and mint.
unchained melody
'Her lonely heart waits for the one.
To touch her hair,
To brush his fingers across her tender lips,
To only look into her beautiful eyes...
He would give his all.'
I think that's pretty.
I can't wait to get a car and a driving license lol
I don't even bother to comb my hair for the whole day sometimes lol #shorthair #isawesome
I love cha soba.
here are a few memories I would like to keep.
rosyth library:
1. I remember taking out a huge disney book (lady and the tramp I think) from the front shelf on the third floor. that was when I was p1, and my buddy was still with me or something. she was in p5.
2. I remember eating gummy bears at the back of the third floor with xiao shyan and jia qi and kelly... maybe rachel and roxanne and esther and amanda too.
3. I remember learning the sign language from a book in the library too with xiao shyan and jia qi and kelly... it was fun. 'emergency'
4. I remember stealing yongyi's shoe and running off with it to the girls' toilet and hiding it there. I remember talking to him as we sat together near the top of the stairs.
5. I remember borrowing percy jackson books from the librarian (it was at the front desk because it was such a popular series)
6. I remember helping the librarian with the call numbers on the shelves.
7. I remember doing homework and preparing debate speeches at the first floor. or at the second floor's roundish tables. with michelle and xuan rong and some of the gep people.
8. I remember reading a lot of cathy cassidy books, my favourite being lucky star.
9. I remember... playing hide and seek.
10. I remember weaving paper hearts.
rosyth library was awesome. I'll visit it next year and hope it hasn't changed a lot.
rosyth library:
1. I remember taking out a huge disney book (lady and the tramp I think) from the front shelf on the third floor. that was when I was p1, and my buddy was still with me or something. she was in p5.
2. I remember eating gummy bears at the back of the third floor with xiao shyan and jia qi and kelly... maybe rachel and roxanne and esther and amanda too.
3. I remember learning the sign language from a book in the library too with xiao shyan and jia qi and kelly... it was fun. 'emergency'
4. I remember stealing yongyi's shoe and running off with it to the girls' toilet and hiding it there. I remember talking to him as we sat together near the top of the stairs.
5. I remember borrowing percy jackson books from the librarian (it was at the front desk because it was such a popular series)
6. I remember helping the librarian with the call numbers on the shelves.
7. I remember doing homework and preparing debate speeches at the first floor. or at the second floor's roundish tables. with michelle and xuan rong and some of the gep people.
8. I remember reading a lot of cathy cassidy books, my favourite being lucky star.
9. I remember... playing hide and seek.
10. I remember weaving paper hearts.
rosyth library was awesome. I'll visit it next year and hope it hasn't changed a lot.
hey ^^
quick update :)
it's back to school for me in less than a week
oh no xD
I won't be blogging much next year (hopefully) my beloved blog, do stop me from posting on you ^^
I like stalking other blogs though :P if anyone really reads this blog, tell me the link of your blog :P tell me on facebook or twitter or (tell me not to post the question if you mind your blog link going public) or text me or carrier pigeon or owl mail or just mail it to me
I'm not even kidding.
let's talk about shopping! I hate shopping. (blogshopping is fun though) I don't like trying on clothes xD it's soooo mafan. so here are some tips when going shopping:
1. wear a tshirt and shorts. through personal experience, jeans material shorts that have pockets big enough to fit my phone and wallet and necessities and keys are awesome.
2. or wear a dress. that's easily removable and... put-on-able.
3. grab a few sizes at a time, if the place allows it. it's a pain to run in and out of changing rooms, especially if the store is crowded.
4. don't hesitate grabbing whatever you like
5. you'll be surprised at how much you can spend at one go. save up lots or get a sponsor :P (like my awesome mum)
that concludes today's section of #lynnetteadvice that #youshouldnotlistento
though I've never met you in real life, I think I want to.
here's something from long ago:
Time according to mac: 3:54:27am
it's back to school for me in less than a week
oh no xD
I won't be blogging much next year (hopefully) my beloved blog, do stop me from posting on you ^^
I like stalking other blogs though :P if anyone really reads this blog, tell me the link of your blog :P tell me on facebook or twitter or (tell me not to post the question if you mind your blog link going public) or text me or carrier pigeon or owl mail or just mail it to me
I'm not even kidding.
let's talk about shopping! I hate shopping. (blogshopping is fun though) I don't like trying on clothes xD it's soooo mafan. so here are some tips when going shopping:
1. wear a tshirt and shorts. through personal experience, jeans material shorts that have pockets big enough to fit my phone and wallet and necessities and keys are awesome.
2. or wear a dress. that's easily removable and... put-on-able.
3. grab a few sizes at a time, if the place allows it. it's a pain to run in and out of changing rooms, especially if the store is crowded.
4. don't hesitate grabbing whatever you like
5. you'll be surprised at how much you can spend at one go. save up lots or get a sponsor :P (like my awesome mum)
that concludes today's section of #lynnetteadvice that #youshouldnotlistento
though I've never met you in real life, I think I want to.
here's something from long ago:
Time according to mac: 3:54:27am
What was I doing beforehand: watching youtube videos. CONNOR FRANTA IS SO CUTE xD
Chats on facebook: no one at all, it's almost 4am! :O Kenneth messaged me hold on lemme check it
Listening to: (in my head) radioactive. and just give me a reason.
Status: bored, a little sleepy, paranoid that my mum'll come and chase me to go to sleep
I wanna draw a phoenix. give me a little time, I promise I'll edit this post and add a picture of it later ;)
((long story short, my camera quality suddenly shitted up))
I think there's lots of improvements to make == this is quite terrible.
byebye~ lynnoes
I wanna draw a phoenix. give me a little time, I promise I'll edit this post and add a picture of it later ;)
((long story short, my camera quality suddenly shitted up))
I think there's lots of improvements to make == this is quite terrible.
byebye~ lynnoes
Thursday, December 26, 2013
before I start on the content of this post, I will go back to my letter to my future self (technically me now because I'm in the future) and add 'university' to the introduction paragraph. brb :3
btw, I don't ever fall asleep without meaning to. I just can't. lol though sometimes I'm just tired and decide to take a 'little' nap.
now today I'd like to remember some of the dreams I had in the past.
my earliest memory of a dream would be the monopoly man standing/dancing on top of the changi airport tower thing. I might have made that up or something haha I don't know. they say what you remember from before 3 years of age were probably made up and I remember that dream happening when I was about 3
my most recent dream I remember is trying to catch a crocodile and succeeding. the crocodile liked me lol. I kept it in my house where my washing machine is now and apparently I've always had a small pondish thing there running under my floor and also in front of the toilet. we used a tub with mossy stuff in it to try to catch the crocodile at first but I realised it was easier when I sort of made friends with another smaller crocodile. and crocodiles were also apparently abundant around my hdb estate
the next most recent dream I remember is me locking some burglar in my own house and running to my cousin's house. it included pushing my dad and bro (who was home for some reason) down an 'emergency escape route' which looked like the rubbish chute. and I couldn't convince my mum to do that so we locked up the house WAIT I JUST REMEMBERED SOME WEIRD DREAM.
so we locked up the house and trapped the burglar inside (I forgot there was an emergency escape route)... I also remember the burglar laughing at me or something and saying something like 'forget it! I don't want to steal anything anymore! just let me go!' as he was getting sick of me and my mum arguing about going down the escape route or something. I remember him being violent and scary at the start lol but that got illogical when I took so much time to push my dad and bro down the escape route and he was just standing there not doing anything
the weird dream:
I was wandering around my hdb flat... I forgot... but it was weird... and it looked almost nothing like what mine actually does. I remember an old lady/couple neighbour? I don't know... the fifth and ninth floor seemed significant in that dream though...
as I was saying.... (I'll just continue typing my previous previous previous paragraph)
I also dreamt that I had to go to jail (this was when I was at Jiawen's house and we just played monopoly and we all had to keep going to jail) it wasn't so much about the jail part, it was about saying goodbye to everyone like it was the last thing I could say to them. I woke up suddenly as the police people dragged me off when I hadn't finished my goodbyes.
one of my happiest dreams was when I was in p6. I was dancing around in a circle with the girls in my class under the sunshine in a grass patch (looked like my grandma's house's backyard) and we were all happy. it meant a lot to me, as the girl who hates/hated me was there and she was happy too.
one of my quite recent dreams was some weird... thing. I was running away from some event in the middle of it, with people chasing me, and I somehow ran to and hid in this big shop full of survival things or whatever. I mean, the shop was huge and had everything and someone told me it was sponsored or something. then after a certain time the other people arrived (those that I recognised and remember were mostly my current levelmates) and we somehow knew we were going on a trip to the sahara desert. soooo we were supposed to choose whatever we liked from the shop to pack and take with us to survive. I chose a tent, sleeping bag, this thermal mat thing. then my friend was like, you haven't packed food and water. so I got 2 large bottles of water, packets of polar snacks (telling myself it was smart as I needed the salt as I would be sweating a lot or something) and packets of those round biscuits that melt in your mouth (telling myself it'd be less dry than regular biscuits or some reason due to weird lynnette logic) then some teacher told me that I should bring something more practical or something, then I looked around and saw everyone bringing cup noodles and I was like dafuq ._. stupid fools. then I walked to the dog food aisle and I was like... can I eat dog food ._. then I turned and saw packets of jelly and I was like 'perfect! this at least has some moisture and won't be so dry' then I had a dilemma over whether it was dry jelly or wet jelly then I woke up.
I had this dream I hardly remember, about being in a giant white... space. it was filled with 3D shapes and random objects and gravity sort of didn't exist. I was in a.. corner in the space. I remember interacting with the objects, but how and what effect it had, I forgot. I was also in this space, in this corner, when I was making friends with my crocodile in the other dream, except gravity seemed to exist in that dream.
I also have a vague memory of a dream about being on a beach with thousands of large black oysters in shallow water (there didn't seem to be anything beyond that shallow water) and I was prying them open, getting black pearls. I remember a mother figure there or something, and a brother about the same age as me... I'm not sure if that dream was linked to my next dreams that I'm gonna talk about.
I had this dream place a while back, which I dreamt about two times. I forgot a lot about it, but I remember talking about it to some people back then, so it should be in my facebook chats somewhere. anyway, in those two dreams, I had a brother of about the same age as me. we both had a pet that was also our aura (sort of) and ours were either a black cat or a white terrier (can't remember who got who). we had a house or something and there were two doors in the house. one led to this tunnel thing (not underground, I think it was made of blue clear plastic)... that led to a playground. the other door, I don't really remember.
the first dream, we were just running around or something. I forgot. the second dream, there was a bully at the playground and we did something to help the bullied group of children or something, if I remember correctly.
okay that's all for today. I'm tired :) christmas was good. I relived my childhood for a moment with those handgames we used to play.
signing off with a kiss,
btw, I don't ever fall asleep without meaning to. I just can't. lol though sometimes I'm just tired and decide to take a 'little' nap.
now today I'd like to remember some of the dreams I had in the past.
my earliest memory of a dream would be the monopoly man standing/dancing on top of the changi airport tower thing. I might have made that up or something haha I don't know. they say what you remember from before 3 years of age were probably made up and I remember that dream happening when I was about 3
my most recent dream I remember is trying to catch a crocodile and succeeding. the crocodile liked me lol. I kept it in my house where my washing machine is now and apparently I've always had a small pondish thing there running under my floor and also in front of the toilet. we used a tub with mossy stuff in it to try to catch the crocodile at first but I realised it was easier when I sort of made friends with another smaller crocodile. and crocodiles were also apparently abundant around my hdb estate
the next most recent dream I remember is me locking some burglar in my own house and running to my cousin's house. it included pushing my dad and bro (who was home for some reason) down an 'emergency escape route' which looked like the rubbish chute. and I couldn't convince my mum to do that so we locked up the house WAIT I JUST REMEMBERED SOME WEIRD DREAM.
so we locked up the house and trapped the burglar inside (I forgot there was an emergency escape route)... I also remember the burglar laughing at me or something and saying something like 'forget it! I don't want to steal anything anymore! just let me go!' as he was getting sick of me and my mum arguing about going down the escape route or something. I remember him being violent and scary at the start lol but that got illogical when I took so much time to push my dad and bro down the escape route and he was just standing there not doing anything
the weird dream:
I was wandering around my hdb flat... I forgot... but it was weird... and it looked almost nothing like what mine actually does. I remember an old lady/couple neighbour? I don't know... the fifth and ninth floor seemed significant in that dream though...
as I was saying.... (I'll just continue typing my previous previous previous paragraph)
I also dreamt that I had to go to jail (this was when I was at Jiawen's house and we just played monopoly and we all had to keep going to jail) it wasn't so much about the jail part, it was about saying goodbye to everyone like it was the last thing I could say to them. I woke up suddenly as the police people dragged me off when I hadn't finished my goodbyes.
one of my happiest dreams was when I was in p6. I was dancing around in a circle with the girls in my class under the sunshine in a grass patch (looked like my grandma's house's backyard) and we were all happy. it meant a lot to me, as the girl who hates/hated me was there and she was happy too.
one of my quite recent dreams was some weird... thing. I was running away from some event in the middle of it, with people chasing me, and I somehow ran to and hid in this big shop full of survival things or whatever. I mean, the shop was huge and had everything and someone told me it was sponsored or something. then after a certain time the other people arrived (those that I recognised and remember were mostly my current levelmates) and we somehow knew we were going on a trip to the sahara desert. soooo we were supposed to choose whatever we liked from the shop to pack and take with us to survive. I chose a tent, sleeping bag, this thermal mat thing. then my friend was like, you haven't packed food and water. so I got 2 large bottles of water, packets of polar snacks (telling myself it was smart as I needed the salt as I would be sweating a lot or something) and packets of those round biscuits that melt in your mouth (telling myself it'd be less dry than regular biscuits or some reason due to weird lynnette logic) then some teacher told me that I should bring something more practical or something, then I looked around and saw everyone bringing cup noodles and I was like dafuq ._. stupid fools. then I walked to the dog food aisle and I was like... can I eat dog food ._. then I turned and saw packets of jelly and I was like 'perfect! this at least has some moisture and won't be so dry' then I had a dilemma over whether it was dry jelly or wet jelly then I woke up.
I had this dream I hardly remember, about being in a giant white... space. it was filled with 3D shapes and random objects and gravity sort of didn't exist. I was in a.. corner in the space. I remember interacting with the objects, but how and what effect it had, I forgot. I was also in this space, in this corner, when I was making friends with my crocodile in the other dream, except gravity seemed to exist in that dream.
I also have a vague memory of a dream about being on a beach with thousands of large black oysters in shallow water (there didn't seem to be anything beyond that shallow water) and I was prying them open, getting black pearls. I remember a mother figure there or something, and a brother about the same age as me... I'm not sure if that dream was linked to my next dreams that I'm gonna talk about.
I had this dream place a while back, which I dreamt about two times. I forgot a lot about it, but I remember talking about it to some people back then, so it should be in my facebook chats somewhere. anyway, in those two dreams, I had a brother of about the same age as me. we both had a pet that was also our aura (sort of) and ours were either a black cat or a white terrier (can't remember who got who). we had a house or something and there were two doors in the house. one led to this tunnel thing (not underground, I think it was made of blue clear plastic)... that led to a playground. the other door, I don't really remember.
the first dream, we were just running around or something. I forgot. the second dream, there was a bully at the playground and we did something to help the bullied group of children or something, if I remember correctly.
okay that's all for today. I'm tired :) christmas was good. I relived my childhood for a moment with those handgames we used to play.
signing off with a kiss,
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
I just read through almost all my blog posts and I feel better now.
hey, me-in-the-future. if you ever decide to read through your blog posts again, let me tell you something.
Dear Me (In The Future)
How's everything going? Depending on when you're reading this, how's school/work? If you're still in SST, jiayou for 'O's! If you're in JC/poly/pre-university/university, did you get into my dream school? And if you already have a job, congratulations! I really wonder what job you have now. Is it giving you freedom? I don't know about you, but I hate being tied down, and I promised myself to never to get a nine to five office job. You might have broken that promise. Or maybe you're unemployed. Don't despair, alright?
I just want to say... Don't give up. No matter what life throws at you. Do you still believe that whatever happens, it's supposed to happen and you should just be happy because happiness is a choice? Something happened to me today. I realised that I simply cannot be happy if someone I care about is not. So I hope you are making others, and yourself, happy.
Don't do it at the expense of your own feelings though. Be a little selfish. But not too selfish. Don't lie at all though. Be honest to yourself and others. I promise, it's important. I hope you aren't laughing at your childish 14 year old self. I feel very old at the moment, you know? JK. But still... I believe you're a better person than I am now. Sorry for telling you useless/lame/obvious information. Are you ridiculing me now? I would if I were you. This is quite silly, isn't it?
Do you have friends? Are mum and dad still with you? Do you still have the memories that I want to keep? I hope the answers to all those questions are yes. Believe in yourself... Believe in that special someone, if you have one. Be yourself. Be happy.
Yours sincerely
Me (Now)
hey, me-in-the-future. if you ever decide to read through your blog posts again, let me tell you something.
Dear Me (In The Future)
How's everything going? Depending on when you're reading this, how's school/work? If you're still in SST, jiayou for 'O's! If you're in JC/poly/pre-university/university, did you get into my dream school? And if you already have a job, congratulations! I really wonder what job you have now. Is it giving you freedom? I don't know about you, but I hate being tied down, and I promised myself to never to get a nine to five office job. You might have broken that promise. Or maybe you're unemployed. Don't despair, alright?
I just want to say... Don't give up. No matter what life throws at you. Do you still believe that whatever happens, it's supposed to happen and you should just be happy because happiness is a choice? Something happened to me today. I realised that I simply cannot be happy if someone I care about is not. So I hope you are making others, and yourself, happy.
Don't do it at the expense of your own feelings though. Be a little selfish. But not too selfish. Don't lie at all though. Be honest to yourself and others. I promise, it's important. I hope you aren't laughing at your childish 14 year old self. I feel very old at the moment, you know? JK. But still... I believe you're a better person than I am now. Sorry for telling you useless/lame/obvious information. Are you ridiculing me now? I would if I were you. This is quite silly, isn't it?
Do you have friends? Are mum and dad still with you? Do you still have the memories that I want to keep? I hope the answers to all those questions are yes. Believe in yourself... Believe in that special someone, if you have one. Be yourself. Be happy.
Yours sincerely
Me (Now)
merry christmas
joy to the world.
today has been bad so far.
don't do this please.
I should go and lock myself up or something. I... sadden people so easily
and heaven and nature sing, and heaven and nature sing.
I don't look forward to school, but I suppose keeping busy would be a good way of escape...
may today be a good day for everyone else ^^
I shall go to bed.
and heaven, and heaven, and nature sing.
today has been bad so far.
don't do this please.
I should go and lock myself up or something. I... sadden people so easily
and heaven and nature sing, and heaven and nature sing.
I don't look forward to school, but I suppose keeping busy would be a good way of escape...
may today be a good day for everyone else ^^
I shall go to bed.
and heaven, and heaven, and nature sing.
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
things to do by the end of the holidays.
1. do my theory of music homework (actually before 30/12/13)
2. read all my textbooks
3. play the piano A LOT
4. do my homework (mostly youtube videos 8D)
5. draw stuff
6. read all my library books and update my goodreads
7. make a folder and icon for 2014
8. watch zero no tsukaima COMPLETELY and feel terribly empty after that
I realise that I might really truly be an introvert. I like being alone. holidays are good for me because I basically hate people in general #lol but I love everyone too ^~^
LOUISE X SAITO is beautiful.
basically... I wish the holidays were longer (though this is, by far, the longest holidays EVER)
I should totally adjust my sleeping schedule == zzz
you know what annoys me? when there's a task at hand, and people only care about whether their friends are with them. aka, project work, and we're all supposed to split up to look for something, but member 1 and 2 insist going together. I mean, come on D: it annoys the HECK out of me because I want to insist going together with my friend too, but I prize completing the task more important, so I don't... am I doing it wrong?
though I have lots more to say (though it's hard to put my thoughts into words) I should go to bed
btw I think is quite retarded. I have one though:
2. read all my textbooks
3. play the piano A LOT
4. do my homework (mostly youtube videos 8D)
5. draw stuff
6. read all my library books and update my goodreads
7. make a folder and icon for 2014
8. watch zero no tsukaima COMPLETELY and feel terribly empty after that
I realise that I might really truly be an introvert. I like being alone. holidays are good for me because I basically hate people in general #lol but I love everyone too ^~^
LOUISE X SAITO is beautiful.
basically... I wish the holidays were longer (though this is, by far, the longest holidays EVER)
I should totally adjust my sleeping schedule == zzz
you know what annoys me? when there's a task at hand, and people only care about whether their friends are with them. aka, project work, and we're all supposed to split up to look for something, but member 1 and 2 insist going together. I mean, come on D: it annoys the HECK out of me because I want to insist going together with my friend too, but I prize completing the task more important, so I don't... am I doing it wrong?
though I have lots more to say (though it's hard to put my thoughts into words) I should go to bed
btw I think is quite retarded. I have one though:
Monday, December 16, 2013
THIS. IS. AWESOME. I managed to find all three of the glitch series in three different libraries on three different days.
if you haven't guessed already.... this post is dedicated to books 8D
anyway.. the glitch series belongs to the genre... dystopia? (under science fiction)
'Dystopia is a form of literature that explores social and political structures. It is a creation of a nightmare world - unlike its opposite, Utopia, which is an ideal world. Dystopia is often characterized by an authoritarian or totalitarian form of government. It often features different kinds of repressive social control systems, a lack or total absence of individual freedoms and expressions, and a state of constant warfare or violence. Many novels combine both Dystopia and Utopia, often as a metaphor for the different directions humanity can take in its choices, ending up with one of the two possible futures.' definition taken from goodreads.
if you haven't guessed already.... this post is dedicated to books 8D
anyway.. the glitch series belongs to the genre... dystopia? (under science fiction)
'Dystopia is a form of literature that explores social and political structures. It is a creation of a nightmare world - unlike its opposite, Utopia, which is an ideal world. Dystopia is often characterized by an authoritarian or totalitarian form of government. It often features different kinds of repressive social control systems, a lack or total absence of individual freedoms and expressions, and a state of constant warfare or violence. Many novels combine both Dystopia and Utopia, often as a metaphor for the different directions humanity can take in its choices, ending up with one of the two possible futures.' definition taken from goodreads.
this book is about a society where everyone is a robot. like, almost literally.
other awesome books like these are... the hunger games (lol which is so mainstream), matched series (which I also have on my phone), restoring harmony is awesome too
glitch has a side of romance too. just how I like it.
I read horribly cliche books ._.
paranormal romance is awesome too. like the starcrossed series, currently reading on mah phone. that's more of greek gods like percy jackson and heroes of olympus (both of which are awesome).
or... lol there are sooooo many. angels and stuff like the halo series, or hush hush (though I haven't finished reading that one yet).
faries and stuff.. the wings series for example.
there are many many more. lots of them are logged in my goodreads shelves (though not sorted by genre) :P but not all (yeah I actually read a lot of weird books.)
aliens.... I don't really like but I think ultraviolet + quicksilver (which I'm currently reading) are really good not alienish alien books.
DRAGONS I was obsessed with for a long time, the inheritance cycle and the last dragon chronicles and and dragonkeeper and dragon rider.... all these are soooooo good.
I don't usually read vampire/werewolf/zombie books though. I just don't :P
oh and those life-after-death books are extremely good too, like the everafter and the everneath series and the hollow series and the hereafter series. sorry if that conflicts with your religious views
haha and those lame high school romance (or chick lit) books are awesome. I won't list any of them, that would be lame.
or those books about lives of messed up kids where their parents are drug addicts or drunkards or divorced or the kid's an orphan or a rape victim. those books are inspirational shit, I tell you. not even kidding.
and sometimes I go a little off-track and read books like the curious incident of the dog in the night time... which I promise is awesome. or classics :) CLASSICS ARE ACTUALLY GOOD OKAY. I love the swissrobinson family robinson or whatever. and books like tuesdays with morrie are great too.
though, being a library book reader like me, things can get a little frustrating. I find like bits and pieces of series (serieses? seriess?) at a time and it's kind of annoying, really. causes me to borrow more books than I can carry sometimes :/ just because I find 'those books from those series/serieses? that I NEED to read'
there's another thing that bothers me about series books :( the first book is great but the books behind that..... the awesomeness usually drops. A LOT. not all series are like that, but a lot are.
anyway that sums up my post about books :) if anyone actually reads my blog and wants to recommend me a book or a few books, don't hesitate to contact me by... idk lol facebook? goodreads? anything :)
(and I would totally really appreciate it if you 'accidentally' stumble upon some free ebook site and 'accidentally' send me the link to that website :D hey hey I'm not askin, just sayin, you know)
other awesome books like these are... the hunger games (lol which is so mainstream), matched series (which I also have on my phone), restoring harmony is awesome too
glitch has a side of romance too. just how I like it.
I read horribly cliche books ._.
paranormal romance is awesome too. like the starcrossed series, currently reading on mah phone. that's more of greek gods like percy jackson and heroes of olympus (both of which are awesome).
or... lol there are sooooo many. angels and stuff like the halo series, or hush hush (though I haven't finished reading that one yet).
faries and stuff.. the wings series for example.
there are many many more. lots of them are logged in my goodreads shelves (though not sorted by genre) :P but not all (yeah I actually read a lot of weird books.)
aliens.... I don't really like but I think ultraviolet + quicksilver (which I'm currently reading) are really good not alienish alien books.
DRAGONS I was obsessed with for a long time, the inheritance cycle and the last dragon chronicles and and dragonkeeper and dragon rider.... all these are soooooo good.
I don't usually read vampire/werewolf/zombie books though. I just don't :P
oh and those life-after-death books are extremely good too, like the everafter and the everneath series and the hollow series and the hereafter series. sorry if that conflicts with your religious views
haha and those lame high school romance (or chick lit) books are awesome. I won't list any of them, that would be lame.
or those books about lives of messed up kids where their parents are drug addicts or drunkards or divorced or the kid's an orphan or a rape victim. those books are inspirational shit, I tell you. not even kidding.
and sometimes I go a little off-track and read books like the curious incident of the dog in the night time... which I promise is awesome. or classics :) CLASSICS ARE ACTUALLY GOOD OKAY. I love the swiss
though, being a library book reader like me, things can get a little frustrating. I find like bits and pieces of series (serieses? seriess?) at a time and it's kind of annoying, really. causes me to borrow more books than I can carry sometimes :/ just because I find 'those books from those series/serieses? that I NEED to read'
there's another thing that bothers me about series books :( the first book is great but the books behind that..... the awesomeness usually drops. A LOT. not all series are like that, but a lot are.
anyway that sums up my post about books :) if anyone actually reads my blog and wants to recommend me a book or a few books, don't hesitate to contact me by... idk lol facebook? goodreads? anything :)
(and I would totally really appreciate it if you 'accidentally' stumble upon some free ebook site and 'accidentally' send me the link to that website :D hey hey I'm not askin, just sayin, you know)
Sunday, December 1, 2013
long overdue.
List of things I'm afraid of:
1. I'm afraid of judgement.
2. I'm afraid of myself.
3. I'm afraid of how much I want.
4. I'm afraid of nothingness.
5. I'm afraid of imperfection.
sometimes. I just want to shout. for no reason. over the internet is fine too. but after I type it out... I delete it all. because I'm afraid of judgement, remember?
1. I'm afraid of judgement.
2. I'm afraid of myself.
3. I'm afraid of how much I want.
4. I'm afraid of nothingness.
5. I'm afraid of imperfection.
sometimes. I just want to shout. for no reason. over the internet is fine too. but after I type it out... I delete it all. because I'm afraid of judgement, remember?
Saturday, November 30, 2013
can you hear my heart? is awesome
Cha Dongjoo is so sweet omg. Jang Junhae is too.
today is the last day of november. nooooooooo that's too soon.
subject combination:
today is the last day of november. nooooooooo that's too soon.
subject combination:
Sunday, November 24, 2013
you know, when I've had a really really good perfect awesome day, especially with people I love (family), I am reminded of how easily I could lose them, any second of any minute of any hour of any day... life is so fragile. this is sometimes why I don't like good days. this memory will be painful after the people are gone.... I hope it won't happen for a long long time
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
zoom zoom random topics
it'll be updated soon... >< one week, I think. so scared omg do ask me questions here :) I'll answer all of 'em, I promise (haha there's an app for it there too, look at the sidebar) >>>>
hey there's no school tomorrow. awesome... and boring.
so recently we went for an outdoor expedition, 2 days 1 night :) it was super super fun, and I love everyone in my group :D thanks for making it so enjoyable
I especially liked the night trail haha... I love that open field.
and today I went shopping... spent $150? lol >< I bought
1. shorts
2. shorts
3. shirt
4. shirt
5. shirt
6. shirt
yeah :3 I shopping pro right.
omg new virus related to SARS.
sorry listening to the news now
doing the 'pm me a number' thing is really fun haha but tiring too
my fringe is super long now
I hate that 'don't stop the party' song
I love yogurt omg.
#techfashioncamp #sleepover?
I'm really tired, sooooooo end of post?
cheers -lynn
Monday, September 23, 2013
Colour Test
hey~ take this test, okay? and tell me what you get :P
kk bye #shortpost
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
I wonder.
So I say a little prayer
And hope my dreams will take me there
Where the skies are blue to see you once again
My love
And hope my dreams will take me there
Where the skies are blue to see you once again
My love
Overseas from coast to coast
To find the place I love the most
Where the fields are green to see you once again
My love
so last night I had a dream. it was gory.
so uh, we were just hanging out in the corner of the school field, some friends. the corner closest to the drop off point and canteen, yeah? we were just talking about stuff. and we slowly just shift to the bench at the drop off point place, the one closest to the canteen.
then my primary 6 teacher comes over. and she's like some evil queen in my dream. so I talk to her a while very very nicely and then I touch her face. for idk what reason. then suddenly some fat sec one kid comes around and slaps her face. and because I'm nice and stuff, I yell at the kid, 'YOU WAN FIGHT IS IT?' then we fight. then this skinny sec 1 kid, part of his gang, comes in and takes over in the middle of the fight and I'm like, 'hey that's not fair' but it happens anyway. then he switches with jericho, also in their gang. I'm winning the fight but then in a last desperate attempt, jericho tries to bite my arm. he misses and instead bites off the skinny sec 1 kid's forearm off. the forearm immediately regenerates but there's still this large gaping bloody hole at the side. and jericho is just standing there with the bloody forearm in his mouth. then the people I was hanging out with at the start surround me and take over the fight.
then I woke up. but it was 6am so I fell back asleep.
dream part 2: still in school, but there was a soccer match. my primary school (rosyth) was playing against my current school lol. and that's about all I remember of part 2.
can someone tell me why there are so many fights in my dreams lol.
To find the place I love the most
Where the fields are green to see you once again
My love
so last night I had a dream. it was gory.
so uh, we were just hanging out in the corner of the school field, some friends. the corner closest to the drop off point and canteen, yeah? we were just talking about stuff. and we slowly just shift to the bench at the drop off point place, the one closest to the canteen.
then my primary 6 teacher comes over. and she's like some evil queen in my dream. so I talk to her a while very very nicely and then I touch her face. for idk what reason. then suddenly some fat sec one kid comes around and slaps her face. and because I'm nice and stuff, I yell at the kid, 'YOU WAN FIGHT IS IT?' then we fight. then this skinny sec 1 kid, part of his gang, comes in and takes over in the middle of the fight and I'm like, 'hey that's not fair' but it happens anyway. then he switches with jericho, also in their gang. I'm winning the fight but then in a last desperate attempt, jericho tries to bite my arm. he misses and instead bites off the skinny sec 1 kid's forearm off. the forearm immediately regenerates but there's still this large gaping bloody hole at the side. and jericho is just standing there with the bloody forearm in his mouth. then the people I was hanging out with at the start surround me and take over the fight.
then I woke up. but it was 6am so I fell back asleep.
dream part 2: still in school, but there was a soccer match. my primary school (rosyth) was playing against my current school lol. and that's about all I remember of part 2.
can someone tell me why there are so many fights in my dreams lol.
Chronicles Of A Girl Who No Longer Has Long Hair
Short hair advantages:
No need to worry about hair touching toilet when flushing toilet. (serious de)
No need to wait super long for hair to dry.
No need to comb and tie hair before brushing teeth. (or else toothpaste goes everywhere in hair)
No need to worry about knots in hair, takes like five seconds to comb, and also no hair caught in comb.
No need to worry about neatness of ponytail. (lol what ponytail :P)
Takes like five seconds to wash and condition.
No need to worry about shirt collar getting wet after shower.
No need to worry about ponytail getting caught in shirt when taking off shirt.
No need to worry about chewing gum, and food in general, getting caught in hair.
Easy to put on wig net for cosplay.
Short hair disadvantages:
Spiky, annoying, especially when lying down.
Cannot hide face when ashamed.
Miss my two 'feelers'. (personal, probably does not apply to anyone else)
Can't shake my head and have my hair go behind my ears. (there's no hair to go behind my ears now)
Fringe annoying, goes into eyes.
Cannot wrap hair in towel.
Don't enjoy wind as much. (no woosh woosh swag hair)
Look like a guy.
Cannot plait hair.
Cannot cosplay umbreon.
oh and remember? that time I got chewing gum in my hair, and zhong han wanted me to cut it off? haha... yeah. zhong han, there you go.
kkz cya.
No need to worry about hair touching toilet when flushing toilet. (serious de)
No need to wait super long for hair to dry.
No need to comb and tie hair before brushing teeth. (or else toothpaste goes everywhere in hair)
No need to worry about knots in hair, takes like five seconds to comb, and also no hair caught in comb.
No need to worry about neatness of ponytail. (lol what ponytail :P)
Takes like five seconds to wash and condition.
No need to worry about shirt collar getting wet after shower.
No need to worry about ponytail getting caught in shirt when taking off shirt.
No need to worry about chewing gum, and food in general, getting caught in hair.
Easy to put on wig net for cosplay.
Short hair disadvantages:
Spiky, annoying, especially when lying down.
Cannot hide face when ashamed.
Miss my two 'feelers'. (personal, probably does not apply to anyone else)
Can't shake my head and have my hair go behind my ears. (there's no hair to go behind my ears now)
Fringe annoying, goes into eyes.
Cannot wrap hair in towel.
Don't enjoy wind as much. (no woosh woosh swag hair)
Look like a guy.
Cannot plait hair.
Cannot cosplay umbreon.
oh and remember? that time I got chewing gum in my hair, and zhong han wanted me to cut it off? haha... yeah. zhong han, there you go.
kkz cya.
Monday, September 9, 2013
My dream last night.
in my dream, I was browsing through my mac and came to my 'games' folder. my friend beside me was like, 'dude, play this game', pointing to some weirdass game. I replied, 'whoa man, I suck at that. can't even get through the first 2 levels lol'. but I clicked on it anyway.
so the game is pretty much set in this super lighted up place. like pinball. you were supposed to sit in a cart/kart (lol) and follow the track (like some roller coaster stuff)... you're supposed to steer lah. the goal was to reach the end lol. so apparently I was pro enough to make it through the first 2 levels.. then after that things got weird.
I received items that would 'help' me for the next level upon reaching the end. things like bamboo sticks (I'll explain later how it helps). the setting changed to this school building and I was simply carting up and down the stairs. the goal was still to reach the end (but killing people along the way, that's how the bamboo stick helps, it was a common weapon), and there's a 'boss fight' at the end.
oh and also my mum was in there, running behind me and helping me or something. it made me happy :'D
so fast forward, I defeated about 10 levels. you should know that I kinda got 'immersed' into the game, meaning I was the one in the game, not just the one playing it. then this level. they gave me a stick of bubblegum. and my cart disappeared. so I was like, 'lol how is bubblegum gonna help me. I'll stick with my trusty bamboo stick.' (I think I was only allowed to carry one item with me) and my mum decided to stay behind to take care of my bubblegum. so it was my first level running and without my mum and without using the item provided the last time I reached the end.
unlike the other levels, this was an abandoned school building. like seriously no one. then it started looking like a hdb. then I was walking down... and down... along the way were like children getting tortured and shit. but I knew I wasn't supposed to kill them because they were like NPCs and not enemies. but still... skinny children getting beaten up by their parents? what the hell.
then I reached a level that had a door to the side. I went to the door. and suddenly zombified shi jie and sarah came out. SJ was holding a gun so I was like, 'shyt, I better kill him before he fires. (kinda impossible with a bamboo stick)' but when he fired at me, no bullets. lol. so I attacked him and he was the first one down. then I attacked sarah, who was holding some noob weapon and she went down. but my bamboo stick was going to break already and some other bamboo stick holder suddenly appeared behind her. then I was like. lol I'm ded.
but then, internal clock at 9.30am lol. woke up.
so yeah :D I'm alive. it was kinda scary though
k byes~
so the game is pretty much set in this super lighted up place. like pinball. you were supposed to sit in a cart/kart (lol) and follow the track (like some roller coaster stuff)... you're supposed to steer lah. the goal was to reach the end lol. so apparently I was pro enough to make it through the first 2 levels.. then after that things got weird.
I received items that would 'help' me for the next level upon reaching the end. things like bamboo sticks (I'll explain later how it helps). the setting changed to this school building and I was simply carting up and down the stairs. the goal was still to reach the end (but killing people along the way, that's how the bamboo stick helps, it was a common weapon), and there's a 'boss fight' at the end.
oh and also my mum was in there, running behind me and helping me or something. it made me happy :'D
so fast forward, I defeated about 10 levels. you should know that I kinda got 'immersed' into the game, meaning I was the one in the game, not just the one playing it. then this level. they gave me a stick of bubblegum. and my cart disappeared. so I was like, 'lol how is bubblegum gonna help me. I'll stick with my trusty bamboo stick.' (I think I was only allowed to carry one item with me) and my mum decided to stay behind to take care of my bubblegum. so it was my first level running and without my mum and without using the item provided the last time I reached the end.
unlike the other levels, this was an abandoned school building. like seriously no one. then it started looking like a hdb. then I was walking down... and down... along the way were like children getting tortured and shit. but I knew I wasn't supposed to kill them because they were like NPCs and not enemies. but still... skinny children getting beaten up by their parents? what the hell.
then I reached a level that had a door to the side. I went to the door. and suddenly zombified shi jie and sarah came out. SJ was holding a gun so I was like, 'shyt, I better kill him before he fires. (kinda impossible with a bamboo stick)' but when he fired at me, no bullets. lol. so I attacked him and he was the first one down. then I attacked sarah, who was holding some noob weapon and she went down. but my bamboo stick was going to break already and some other bamboo stick holder suddenly appeared behind her. then I was like. lol I'm ded.
but then, internal clock at 9.30am lol. woke up.
so yeah :D I'm alive. it was kinda scary though
k byes~
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Chinese: 24.5/30
English: 24/30
History: 15.5/20
Geography: 17/20
Math: 38/40
not too good, but I'm satisfied for now ^^|||
saturday... STGCC. didn't cos, but it was fun anyway :D
today got caught in the rain... god bless the awesome person who offered to shelter me with his umbrella to the other side :3
today also english PT XD I think it went pretty well
guess hu's threatening detention if we don't complete all our chinese homework by this week? yeap.
things to do:
all my chinese work OTL (BY THIS WEEK)
math PT (not so urgent, can lax a bit XD)
science logbook (almost done~!)
admt measurements (have to complete by today idc >~<)
i&e must wrap up everything + peer evaluation
theory homework OTL
shall start now <3 byebye
English: 24/30
History: 15.5/20
Geography: 17/20
Math: 38/40
not too good, but I'm satisfied for now ^^|||
saturday... STGCC. didn't cos, but it was fun anyway :D
today got caught in the rain... god bless the awesome person who offered to shelter me with his umbrella to the other side :3
today also english PT XD I think it went pretty well
guess hu's threatening detention if we don't complete all our chinese homework by this week? yeap.
things to do:
all my chinese work OTL (BY THIS WEEK)
math PT (not so urgent, can lax a bit XD)
science logbook (almost done~!)
admt measurements (have to complete by today idc >~<)
i&e must wrap up everything + peer evaluation
theory homework OTL
shall start now <3 byebye
Thursday, August 22, 2013
1. work out. I NEED it. ever since I quit taekwondo I have not been running AT ALL. and I like running. and I'm getting squishier.
2. PRACTICE THIS PIANO. I need to learn this 6-sharped song
3. watch mirai nikki lol. I'm curious about it
tomorrow math level test >~< hwaiting~
I think you are too
^ ignore that, it doesn't make sense
I want to eat but I'm not hungry
2. PRACTICE THIS PIANO. I need to learn this 6-sharped song
3. watch mirai nikki lol. I'm curious about it
tomorrow math level test >~< hwaiting~
I think you are too
^ ignore that, it doesn't make sense
I want to eat but I'm not hungry
when did it begin?
Thanks T-ha >~<
not too good heh.
6th out of 9. platinum? if I remember correctly.
not sure if we're still going overseas... but I want to so badly hahah
and so much stuff due like ISS, ADMT, I&E
the only slack period is ICT.. I love ICT
all the PTs coming up.... siannn
oh wellz
Thanks T-ha >~<
not too good heh.
6th out of 9. platinum? if I remember correctly.
not sure if we're still going overseas... but I want to so badly hahah
and so much stuff due like ISS, ADMT, I&E
the only slack period is ICT.. I love ICT
all the PTs coming up.... siannn
oh wellz
Saturday, June 22, 2013
this week's update~
*sweeps away cobwebs* sorry ^~^|||
life has been really good so far, punctuated by several ups and downs :D
life has been really good so far, punctuated by several ups and downs :D
for one, it's the holidays~
there's quite a bit of homework I have left though, chinese, history, english, math and cip...
so for this week, on monday I went out to the library. and there was a pedo there. an honest to goodness PEDO. scary.
so I was sitting there for a while on the end of this bench beside a youngish-girl, reading a book. this weird old guy with a blue shirt and slimyish oilyish blackish hair suddenly came and sat beside that girl, asking if he could sit by her. she kinda spooked and ran away, with him calling after her: 'it's okay, you can stay'. he then moved closer to me, asking if he could sit beside me. I made a weird noncommital sound and that was the last time I spoke to him. note, I didn't look at him at all. well, at least not directly, just out of the corner of my eye. then he said something like: 'I like sitting with beautiful women like you' and I just stared at my book, ignoring him (yes, for the rest of the time I ignored him). he took out his newspaper and exclaimed over a picture in it: 'wah, look at this girl! *point to the picture* I can't believe she's only 14! she looks like 18 or 20. wah so sexy. so beautiful.' he shuffled through the other pages but kept coming back to this one. he suddenly put down his paper, and said to me: 'I think I'm very smelly.' I was thinking, like, okay, I didn't need to know that. THEN HE TOOK HIS AWFUL DEODORANT OUT AND SPRAYED ALL OVER HIM, FLAPPING HIS SHIRT AND ALL. GOSH. I ignored him ,_, but inside I was crying. he picked up his paper, exclaimed over it again (this time adding a 'she looks like your age' so I guess he thought I was 18-20) then put it down and looked at me (which I ignored). he took off his shoes and socks complaining that his feet hurt because they were 'new shoes and new shoes always hurt my feet like this'. then he just kept telling me about the picture in the paper, how beautiful the girl was and how much she was like me. -.- and I decided to, well, run off. I got off the seat, picked up my bag and some books I wanted to borrow from the ground (his remark: 'good, always remember to take your things'), fumbled with a book ('do you need me to help you?'), walked off ('I can give you a ride home'). then as I was borrowing my books, I saw a librarian nearby and told her about him, to which she said 'I go and check if he okay or not *gestures around head, indicating mental stability*' I borrowed my books and went home.
I have a phobia of that particular library now. I won't say which one it is though.
every beautiful girl and pretty lady out there, stay safe! I can't tell you what he looks like coz I didn't see, but please run if you think it's him. it's not fun to have him keep looking at you and talking to you.
haha, so well #sghaze2013. big topic at the moment. the haze here is horrible. everyone stay safe, wear your masks, whatever. stay indoors~
tuesday.. what happened on tuesday o.o um oh right our gathering! rox, yongyi, joel and ivan were there. we spent most of the time just watching 小孩不笨 and playing scrabble (which ivan won in all three and I won second in the two rounds I played in). haha #nerds.
wednesday, I had piano lesson in the morning I think... then I just stayed at home all day... ._. I think. my memory sucks. yeah, I think the vanguard/soccer crazed nephew and nephew friends were last week.
thursday I went to school for the first time all month~ it was really hazy. wai kit, chun leong and I were cutting bottles with the awesome drill thingy and THE HOT GLUE GUN IS AWESOME. I spent more time with jerry than with my team members though...
friday. technically yesterday, but feels more like today. I woke up late, ate food, did weird shit, drew, coloured... okay it was really lazy :P now I'm typing this blog post though so it kinda makes up for everything ^^
my mum's overseas for the weekend haha.. #staysafe mummy :D
matthea's bday soon :3 if all fails and I can't buy her a present, I'll just give her the pikachu tracing and colouring I made today ._. I'm sure she'll appreciate it more than I do..
I've been watching so many weird movies and stuff lately.. and exploring the awesomeness of music and vocaloid on youtube and watching jenna marbles (that girl is so real. I don't know how to describe it.) and I watched TBBT.. and tweeting a lot. I also read from the library and updated my goodreads haha.. I've read the first SAO light novel as well. <3
save my world is stuck in my head. help me.
there's quite a bit of homework I have left though, chinese, history, english, math and cip...
so for this week, on monday I went out to the library. and there was a pedo there. an honest to goodness PEDO. scary.
so I was sitting there for a while on the end of this bench beside a youngish-girl, reading a book. this weird old guy with a blue shirt and slimyish oilyish blackish hair suddenly came and sat beside that girl, asking if he could sit by her. she kinda spooked and ran away, with him calling after her: 'it's okay, you can stay'. he then moved closer to me, asking if he could sit beside me. I made a weird noncommital sound and that was the last time I spoke to him. note, I didn't look at him at all. well, at least not directly, just out of the corner of my eye. then he said something like: 'I like sitting with beautiful women like you' and I just stared at my book, ignoring him (yes, for the rest of the time I ignored him). he took out his newspaper and exclaimed over a picture in it: 'wah, look at this girl! *point to the picture* I can't believe she's only 14! she looks like 18 or 20. wah so sexy. so beautiful.' he shuffled through the other pages but kept coming back to this one. he suddenly put down his paper, and said to me: 'I think I'm very smelly.' I was thinking, like, okay, I didn't need to know that. THEN HE TOOK HIS AWFUL DEODORANT OUT AND SPRAYED ALL OVER HIM, FLAPPING HIS SHIRT AND ALL. GOSH. I ignored him ,_, but inside I was crying. he picked up his paper, exclaimed over it again (this time adding a 'she looks like your age' so I guess he thought I was 18-20) then put it down and looked at me (which I ignored). he took off his shoes and socks complaining that his feet hurt because they were 'new shoes and new shoes always hurt my feet like this'. then he just kept telling me about the picture in the paper, how beautiful the girl was and how much she was like me. -.- and I decided to, well, run off. I got off the seat, picked up my bag and some books I wanted to borrow from the ground (his remark: 'good, always remember to take your things'), fumbled with a book ('do you need me to help you?'), walked off ('I can give you a ride home'). then as I was borrowing my books, I saw a librarian nearby and told her about him, to which she said 'I go and check if he okay or not *gestures around head, indicating mental stability*' I borrowed my books and went home.
I have a phobia of that particular library now. I won't say which one it is though.
every beautiful girl and pretty lady out there, stay safe! I can't tell you what he looks like coz I didn't see, but please run if you think it's him. it's not fun to have him keep looking at you and talking to you.
haha, so well #sghaze2013. big topic at the moment. the haze here is horrible. everyone stay safe, wear your masks, whatever. stay indoors~
tuesday.. what happened on tuesday o.o um oh right our gathering! rox, yongyi, joel and ivan were there. we spent most of the time just watching 小孩不笨 and playing scrabble (which ivan won in all three and I won second in the two rounds I played in). haha #nerds.
wednesday, I had piano lesson in the morning I think... then I just stayed at home all day... ._. I think. my memory sucks. yeah, I think the vanguard/soccer crazed nephew and nephew friends were last week.
thursday I went to school for the first time all month~ it was really hazy. wai kit, chun leong and I were cutting bottles with the awesome drill thingy and THE HOT GLUE GUN IS AWESOME. I spent more time with jerry than with my team members though...
friday. technically yesterday, but feels more like today. I woke up late, ate food, did weird shit, drew, coloured... okay it was really lazy :P now I'm typing this blog post though so it kinda makes up for everything ^^
my mum's overseas for the weekend haha.. #staysafe mummy :D
matthea's bday soon :3 if all fails and I can't buy her a present, I'll just give her the pikachu tracing and colouring I made today ._. I'm sure she'll appreciate it more than I do..
I've been watching so many weird movies and stuff lately.. and exploring the awesomeness of music and vocaloid on youtube and watching jenna marbles (that girl is so real. I don't know how to describe it.) and I watched TBBT.. and tweeting a lot. I also read from the library and updated my goodreads haha.. I've read the first SAO light novel as well. <3
save my world is stuck in my head. help me.
okay that should be all~ will update if needed.
chiz, lynnette
(chiz is such a cool word.)
oh oh marks. I got A1 for everything except english (A2) and hai-er chinese (B3 or B4). gotta study :D gambatte~
chiz, lynnette
(chiz is such a cool word.)
oh oh marks. I got A1 for everything except english (A2) and hai-er chinese (B3 or B4). gotta study :D gambatte~
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
today sucked.
1. horrible splitting headache.
2. horrible marks.
3. horrible 2.4.
4. horrible classes.
5. horrible CCA.
6. horrible everything.
7. horrible everyone.
8. horrible me.
2. horrible marks.
3. horrible 2.4.
4. horrible classes.
5. horrible CCA.
6. horrible everything.
7. horrible everyone.
8. horrible me.
Monday, May 13, 2013
heyy ^~^
long time no post~
so some things to update. we had our common test some time back. and a lot has been going on lately so yeah >~<
I'm gonna put all my marks here for easy reference o.o sorry if you don't like my marks or anything, and no offence if I offend anyone with my marks (it happens, people slap me for being so stupid)
umm, SAO 16.5 X3
we have quite a lot of shit coming up. I quit tkd :( but now I'm gonna focus more on show choir and bdazzled~~
I have also thoroughly stalked bruce's parents :3
school stuff:
so some things to update. we had our common test some time back. and a lot has been going on lately so yeah >~<
I'm gonna put all my marks here for easy reference o.o sorry if you don't like my marks or anything, and no offence if I offend anyone with my marks (it happens, people slap me for being so stupid)
umm, SAO 16.5 X3
we have quite a lot of shit coming up. I quit tkd :( but now I'm gonna focus more on show choir and bdazzled~~
I have also thoroughly stalked bruce's parents :3
school stuff:
NTU Flagship :D
and Humanities Trail :D
don't judge me, but they seem really fun. hopefully they are.
our ISS project is also going cool. Chiam, Wai Kit, Allyfern in my group.
doing some watering thing with arduino.
sorry for monotonous post X3
we going geoscience lab liao~ byebye.
our ISS project is also going cool. Chiam, Wai Kit, Allyfern in my group.
doing some watering thing with arduino.
sorry for monotonous post X3
we going geoscience lab liao~ byebye.
LT 1
| ||||
Thursday, March 14, 2013
I cannot express how much I dislike PTs.
okay moving on~
warning: rant post.
therefore, if you are directly/indirectly mentioned here, you need to know that I don't hate you, and some points about you are probably untrue.
there's this seriously annoying boy. I don't know what his problem is. but one fine day we were having taekwondo. then he sit there and laugh at us. what the shit. like seriously. we were like stretching and he kept saying 'that looks so wrong' in a really loud voice. little piece of shit. he think so easy ah. !@#$@!. he has no respect at all. NONE. not for himself, not for his friends, not for a korean martial art that is probably older than his mom.
yay rant part done.
next week is 'holidays' *yay*
168 hours of holidays.
let's see.
School and Stuff:
okay moving on~
warning: rant post.
therefore, if you are directly/indirectly mentioned here, you need to know that I don't hate you, and some points about you are probably untrue.
there's this seriously annoying boy. I don't know what his problem is. but one fine day we were having taekwondo. then he sit there and laugh at us. what the shit. like seriously. we were like stretching and he kept saying 'that looks so wrong' in a really loud voice. little piece of shit. he think so easy ah. !@#$@!. he has no respect at all. NONE. not for himself, not for his friends, not for a korean martial art that is probably older than his mom.
yay rant part done.
next week is 'holidays' *yay*
168 hours of holidays.
let's see.
School and Stuff:
18 Mar (Mon) 8.30am-10.30am, 2pm-5pm
19 Mar (Tue) 2pm-5pm
20 Mar (Wed) 9.30am-12pm
21 Mar (Thu) 9.15am-1.30pm, 5.30pm-6.30pm
22 Mar (Fri) 9.30am-12pm
23 Mar (Sat) 9.15am-12.30pm
that's um... 21 hours exactly.
Transport and Stuff:
1 hour from school to home/from home to school
12*1=12 hours
12*1=12 hours
Sleep and Stuff:
8 hours? yay?
8*7=56 hours
that gives me...
168-21-12-56=79 hours
Food and Showers and Stuff:
1 hour 15 min per day?
7*1.25=8 hours 45 min
Project Time? assuming each project takes 3 hours during holidays, and I have approx 10 projects?
10*3=30 hours
let's see.
79-8.75-30=40 hours 15 min
Homework and Practice and Stuff:
1 hour 30 min per day :3
7*1.5=10 hours 30 min
40.25-10.5=29 hours 45 min :D
yay. 29 hours and 45 min <3 <3
I love holidays!~
I better sleep now lol it's 11.55.44pm. nights~
Friday, March 8, 2013
so now I'm eating biscuits and waiting for something to happen. anything to happen
well I'm just gonna sit here and wait for inspiration to rain upon me. inspiration to do my work.
tomorrow is a saturday. I have mixed feelings about weekends.
and I need a cat.
tomorrow got service learning ^^
and omg ronza. mousehunters unite lol
on the confession page:
Confession #1274
I like the sec 2 Lynnette but now she is with someone else
why does it happen to be the last one T~T
well I haven't told you about anything since like the middle of last month, so I'm gonna give a summary of these few weeks.
I still owe people birthday presents >< I'm gonna give them eventually okay T~T
btw, I can't go for level 2 gcp. omg T~T whyyyyyyyyy
well too expensive -.-
on the bright side, I'm saving $1200. yeap. $1200.
I got like $180 hongbao money ._. and I don't get to keep any of it.
yesterday we completed the IRS testing. yay.
wish I was in the girls' group though.
two ponytails ftw #crystalthesecond
I must read my library book finish D: due tomorrow.
and omg we got our yearbook. lol I was lazy to get any autographs. and Ms Kaur is now Ms Sng.
it's also a certain someone's birthday the coming monday ^~^
tl;dr, I am happy-ish.
~not lynette or lynnete or lynete
well I'm just gonna sit here and wait for inspiration to rain upon me. inspiration to do my work.
tomorrow is a saturday. I have mixed feelings about weekends.
and I need a cat.
tomorrow got service learning ^^
and omg ronza. mousehunters unite lol
on the confession page:
Confession #1274
I like the sec 2 Lynnette but now she is with someone else
why does it happen to be the last one T~T
well I haven't told you about anything since like the middle of last month, so I'm gonna give a summary of these few weeks.
I still owe people birthday presents >< I'm gonna give them eventually okay T~T
btw, I can't go for level 2 gcp. omg T~T whyyyyyyyyy
well too expensive -.-
on the bright side, I'm saving $1200. yeap. $1200.
I got like $180 hongbao money ._. and I don't get to keep any of it.
yesterday we completed the IRS testing. yay.
wish I was in the girls' group though.
two ponytails ftw #crystalthesecond
I must read my library book finish D: due tomorrow.
and omg we got our yearbook. lol I was lazy to get any autographs. and Ms Kaur is now Ms Sng.
it's also a certain someone's birthday the coming monday ^~^
tl;dr, I am happy-ish.
~not lynette or lynnete or lynete
level test marks.
math: 28/30
chinese: 42.5/70
science: 32/45
history: 15/20
geography: 20/20
history: 15/20
geography: 20/20
english: 20/30
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Monday, February 25, 2013
Saturday, February 23, 2013
I know it's level test. I'm studying. I really am.
but I keep randomly thinking about primary school.
there's this girl I betrayed in P6.
you have no idea how sorry I am.
I remember I randomly saw you at Nex last year.
and we ignored each other.
you know how sad that is?
I trusted you.
I think you trusted me.
you shouldn't have trusted me...
I lied to you.
I used you.
I'm sorry.
we had great times together. I didn't get to thank you properly for them.
I gave up my friends for you.
and I was wrong.
I should never have given them up.
they were, and still are my friends.
unlike you.
I'm disappointed in myself.
I can't say I hate you. sometimes I look at your facebook profile, and I wish that we were still friends.
I wish that I hadn't tried to get you two back together again.
I wish I hadn't lied.
I wish I actually had the heart to hate her.
but I didn't.
I stubbornly stuck to lying to both of you and in the end you two got back together. which is good I guess... my purpose was fulfilled.
but you found out about my lies.
I don't know.
I don't know...
if you haven't forgotten me, I hope that one day we'll meet again. randomly or otherwise.
and I will apologise to you.
I remember our phone calls, how we used to talk about nothing for hours at a time.
and I still remember how you betrayed me.
but I deserved it.
I don't understand what I've typed above, I'm just typing everything that comes to mind.
remember that time we went to your current school's open house together?
that was one of the best days of my life.
then everything fell apart.
of course... I loved my other friends. Rachel. Roxanne. they warned me against you, did you know that?
and I just backstabbed them again and again and again and again.
I lied to them.
I lied to you.
but I keep randomly thinking about primary school.
there's this girl I betrayed in P6.
you have no idea how sorry I am.
I remember I randomly saw you at Nex last year.
and we ignored each other.
you know how sad that is?
I trusted you.
I think you trusted me.
you shouldn't have trusted me...
I lied to you.
I used you.
I'm sorry.
we had great times together. I didn't get to thank you properly for them.
I gave up my friends for you.
and I was wrong.
I should never have given them up.
they were, and still are my friends.
unlike you.
I'm disappointed in myself.
I can't say I hate you. sometimes I look at your facebook profile, and I wish that we were still friends.
I wish that I hadn't tried to get you two back together again.
I wish I hadn't lied.
I wish I actually had the heart to hate her.
but I didn't.
I stubbornly stuck to lying to both of you and in the end you two got back together. which is good I guess... my purpose was fulfilled.
but you found out about my lies.
I don't know.
I don't know...
if you haven't forgotten me, I hope that one day we'll meet again. randomly or otherwise.
and I will apologise to you.
I remember our phone calls, how we used to talk about nothing for hours at a time.
and I still remember how you betrayed me.
but I deserved it.
I don't understand what I've typed above, I'm just typing everything that comes to mind.
remember that time we went to your current school's open house together?
that was one of the best days of my life.
then everything fell apart.
of course... I loved my other friends. Rachel. Roxanne. they warned me against you, did you know that?
and I just backstabbed them again and again and again and again.
I lied to them.
I lied to you.
greatest fears
1. putting them all up here. I mean, dashit, I've been carrying them around in private all this time and now I'm gonna post them on such a public place? hm, maybe not a good idea. maybe next time :3
alright, I'm ready.
2. disappointing my parents. it's really easy since their expectations of me are so high. I'm really scared of it.
3. death. no, not to myself. it's a bit selfish of me, but I don't want anyone I'm close to to die. I don't want to face the feeling of loss and misery. I'd rather die and let others miss me... #selfish
these are the two I can think of at the moment, I'll update whenever.
update (28/3):
4. breaking hearts.
alright, I'm ready.
2. disappointing my parents. it's really easy since their expectations of me are so high. I'm really scared of it.
3. death. no, not to myself. it's a bit selfish of me, but I don't want anyone I'm close to to die. I don't want to face the feeling of loss and misery. I'd rather die and let others miss me... #selfish
these are the two I can think of at the moment, I'll update whenever.
update (28/3):
4. breaking hearts.
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
well so in the morning I suddenly imagined her. like super scary. then I was dafuq brain? why? so I was supposed to walk down the stairs from the floor I lived on. and since it was still quite dark, I kept imagining her face everywhere. so took the lift and nearly missed the bus coz I needed to walk more -.-
I'm retarded.
by the way, I don't really read other blogs anymore.
and also. if I joke about/insult you (with Jiawen especially) I really really don't mean it. point to note, I don't hate/dislike people. I find it impossible to. I sometimes merely hate/dislike certain actions of certain people, or just bored and hyper. so please, please. don't ever think I hate/dislike you.
the dance for snw is cool ._.
and my non-existant abs HURT SO BADLY OMG.
show choir went to SOTA for the SYF rehearsal today :3 damn awesomeeeeeeeeee SOTA IS SO COOL OMG #jelly
I got to skip TSC 8D
but I have so much work due tomorrow. english ws, chinese wb, chinese tb, math ws, admt doc. fudgecakes.
and Ryuuki has infected me with The Japanese. I now utter random words in japanese.
well so in the morning I suddenly imagined her. like super scary. then I was dafuq brain? why? so I was supposed to walk down the stairs from the floor I lived on. and since it was still quite dark, I kept imagining her face everywhere. so took the lift and nearly missed the bus coz I needed to walk more -.-
I'm retarded.
by the way, I don't really read other blogs anymore.
and also. if I joke about/insult you (with Jiawen especially) I really really don't mean it. point to note, I don't hate/dislike people. I find it impossible to. I sometimes merely hate/dislike certain actions of certain people, or just bored and hyper. so please, please. don't ever think I hate/dislike you.
the dance for snw is cool ._.
and my non-existant abs HURT SO BADLY OMG.
show choir went to SOTA for the SYF rehearsal today :3 damn awesomeeeeeeeeee SOTA IS SO COOL OMG #jelly
I got to skip TSC 8D
but I have so much work due tomorrow. english ws, chinese wb, chinese tb, math ws, admt doc. fudgecakes.
and Ryuuki has infected me with The Japanese. I now utter random words in japanese.
Sunday, February 17, 2013
apology post.
I think.
I was a little bit crazy on my last post.
it seems so weird ._.
not like me D:
I would like to apologise.
I was a little bit crazy on my last post.
it seems so weird ._.
not like me D:
I would like to apologise.
Saturday, February 16, 2013
as long as you love me~
o.o my brother just called me. at least it wasn't awkward :D
and btw, confession page is interesting o.o in case you don't know the link, it's
and also yay. Sean got blogged about in
^ I don't hate her at all. but yea, I agree. she's entertaining to talk about.
and now for today.
the teacher really looks like Shi Jie. but he's nice. he gives out toothpaste oreo. and I also found out a quicker solution to one of the math problems :D *celebrate*
when Matt, Avani, Claudia and I were like at bv, we met Jun You going to CF's house o.o
((btw CF thinks me and Bruce are fighting ._. coz of what I posted on fb using his account. don't bother looking for it, it's deleted. I might put the screenshot here though))
and then now I'm at home.
I think I'll put the screenshot :)
I'm lazy to blog more. everything that I planned to blog just now just seems extremely insignificant now >~<
and btw, confession page is interesting o.o in case you don't know the link, it's
and also yay. Sean got blogged about in
^ I don't hate her at all. but yea, I agree. she's entertaining to talk about.
and now for today.
the teacher really looks like Shi Jie. but he's nice. he gives out toothpaste oreo. and I also found out a quicker solution to one of the math problems :D *celebrate*
when Matt, Avani, Claudia and I were like at bv, we met Jun You going to CF's house o.o
((btw CF thinks me and Bruce are fighting ._. coz of what I posted on fb using his account. don't bother looking for it, it's deleted. I might put the screenshot here though))
and then now I'm at home.
I think I'll put the screenshot :)
I'm lazy to blog more. everything that I planned to blog just now just seems extremely insignificant now >~<
Friday, February 15, 2013
talking to the moon~
well so at 2 am yesterday something happened. I was asleep.
yesterday was a pretty... okay valentine's day I guess ^~^ in the morning I was like super hyper. then I gave Jiawen the chocolate that he told me to give her, and her reaction was heartbreaking. luckily he doesn't know. he doesn't need to.
I received Jiawen's beautiful swag birthday card thing, a potato (also belated birthday gift) and some chocolate. well.
I owe Gabriel and Jiawen birthday gifts. and no. I do not owe Kai Chek a sandwich anymore. I owe Bruce 50c and Ryan Choo owes me 1 and 1/4 koi~
classes yesterday ^~^ s&w was okay, I got picked to be in some whatever thing (group 2). english the story thing damn cool o.o can't wait to read the end. *suspense* geography was cool. science was okay I guess, relief teacher. math Ms Ng lose her voice >~< but our class also very quiet. this proves that the less she talks, the less we talk. then chinese.
moving on to today.
so as I was walking from the bus stop to school, I saw a dying baby rat/squirrel/mouse. it was lying in a puddle, in the near darkness on the pavement. it was like twitching :< I wish I stopped to pick it up and take care of it or something... I hope nobody stepped on it. #sad
classes today::: science we just starting the circuit thingy. I feel like our class is very slow. history was good. I have to admit it, Ms Kaur actually looks okay when she smiles. she's a good teacher I guess. then during break I was siting at the canteen talking to Crystal and Chris Kok but I was longing to talk to him >~< I managed to when I asked Crystal to like go upstairs before me... I feel kinda mean to her :< sorry. math relief teacher, Mr Thomas Yeo I believe. omg he actually teaches, unlike Ms Ng. again, I'm feeling mean, but I hope she doesn't get well TOO soon. then chinese. then adv assembly. lol I was running up and down looking for our teacher.
then Ms Pat Ng gave me a guilt talk ,_, I hate that people have high expectations of me.
heard that the east west line was disrupted or something, I hope that everyone is safe and well now :)
I just updated the homework blogzzzz and the homework checklist too
okay now gonna continue watching adventure time and talk to people and do homework <3 baigaiz
~goat-food-eating lynn
yesterday was a pretty... okay valentine's day I guess ^~^ in the morning I was like super hyper. then I gave Jiawen the chocolate that he told me to give her, and her reaction was heartbreaking. luckily he doesn't know. he doesn't need to.
I received Jiawen's beautiful swag birthday card thing, a potato (also belated birthday gift) and some chocolate. well.
I owe Gabriel and Jiawen birthday gifts. and no. I do not owe Kai Chek a sandwich anymore. I owe Bruce 50c and Ryan Choo owes me 1 and 1/4 koi~
classes yesterday ^~^ s&w was okay, I got picked to be in some whatever thing (group 2). english the story thing damn cool o.o can't wait to read the end. *suspense* geography was cool. science was okay I guess, relief teacher. math Ms Ng lose her voice >~< but our class also very quiet. this proves that the less she talks, the less we talk. then chinese.
moving on to today.
so as I was walking from the bus stop to school, I saw a dying baby rat/squirrel/mouse. it was lying in a puddle, in the near darkness on the pavement. it was like twitching :< I wish I stopped to pick it up and take care of it or something... I hope nobody stepped on it. #sad
classes today::: science we just starting the circuit thingy. I feel like our class is very slow. history was good. I have to admit it, Ms Kaur actually looks okay when she smiles. she's a good teacher I guess. then during break I was siting at the canteen talking to Crystal and Chris Kok but I was longing to talk to him >~< I managed to when I asked Crystal to like go upstairs before me... I feel kinda mean to her :< sorry. math relief teacher, Mr Thomas Yeo I believe. omg he actually teaches, unlike Ms Ng. again, I'm feeling mean, but I hope she doesn't get well TOO soon. then chinese. then adv assembly. lol I was running up and down looking for our teacher.
then Ms Pat Ng gave me a guilt talk ,_, I hate that people have high expectations of me.
heard that the east west line was disrupted or something, I hope that everyone is safe and well now :)
I just updated the homework blogzzzz and the homework checklist too
okay now gonna continue watching adventure time and talk to people and do homework <3 baigaiz
~goat-food-eating lynn
Thursday, February 14, 2013
oh new post. why not?
today after school we had this meeting with Ms Quan. well before that....
'new mutant fruit, brutally raped by two students of sst as dr Paul Shin was operating on the fruit's anus
professors, lynnette, matthea and christopher, have analysed the fruit and have said that the exotic fruit was a orange lemon, that smelled like peach, had watermelon seeds, durian flesh that tasted like banana and contained mango juice.'
we have a video.
it's probably unglam.
then cca >~< sudden leg cramp. nearly died. but it was okay ^^
then went home with my pet oxygen.
yay and idk why, but this is going up on my blog ^~^
'new mutant fruit, brutally raped by two students of sst as dr Paul Shin was operating on the fruit's anus
professors, lynnette, matthea and christopher, have analysed the fruit and have said that the exotic fruit was a orange lemon, that smelled like peach, had watermelon seeds, durian flesh that tasted like banana and contained mango juice.'
we have a video.
it's probably unglam.
then cca >~< sudden leg cramp. nearly died. but it was okay ^^
then went home with my pet oxygen.
yay and idk why, but this is going up on my blog ^~^
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
today wasn't a really good day
well at least I received belated birthday presents from sexy_chiamboy_99, Crystal and Sa~ thank you all so much
so about the sst confessions. I have a screenshot here of one post, coz I was there on the post when the admin deleted the page. no. we didn't get scolded or anything.
though we are on stomp.
well, I have to say that history classes really sharpen our inferring skills. from the fact that the stomper liked only our school's page, we can deduce that the stomper is probably from our school.
but I do believe confession pages are silly.
I heard that the HCI vice-principal found theirs and idk what's gonna happen.
well coming back to ours, it got deleted shortly after it got posted on stomp. (and a schoolmate of mine posted it in our school's facebook group)
and we all don't know who the admin is (some sec 3-4 who likes the wanted over one direction and dislikes kpop girls) and we also don't know who the stomper is.
I'm trying to refrain from passing judgement on this situation. I don't want to get into trouble because of my personal views.
other things: speaking of history class, well we are supposed to get historical articles right? idk if mine are counted :/ but idk.
and also tomorrow is valentine's day~ aka forever alone day for most of us.
get well soon darling >~<
oh and minecraft hurts my head. like how this video does too.
eh but whatever. ryan giving me minecraft premium.
and I found the first/only electronic keyboard I ever had -oh memories- well I played on it for the first 2-3 years of my piano learning life.
well, I better do my theoryofmusic, chinese and geography ^~^ someone send me their speed of river ejournal pretty please.
I'll edit this post if I find a need to add/delete info.
well at least I received belated birthday presents from sexy_chiamboy_99, Crystal and Sa~ thank you all so much
so about the sst confessions. I have a screenshot here of one post, coz I was there on the post when the admin deleted the page. no. we didn't get scolded or anything.
though we are on stomp.
well, I have to say that history classes really sharpen our inferring skills. from the fact that the stomper liked only our school's page, we can deduce that the stomper is probably from our school.
I heard that the HCI vice-principal found theirs and idk what's gonna happen.
well coming back to ours, it got deleted shortly after it got posted on stomp. (and a schoolmate of mine posted it in our school's facebook group)
and we all don't know who the admin is (some sec 3-4 who likes the wanted over one direction and dislikes kpop girls) and we also don't know who the stomper is.
I'm trying to refrain from passing judgement on this situation. I don't want to get into trouble because of my personal views.
other things: speaking of history class, well we are supposed to get historical articles right? idk if mine are counted :/ but idk.
and also tomorrow is valentine's day~ aka forever alone day for most of us.
get well soon darling >~<
oh and minecraft hurts my head. like how this video does too.
eh but whatever. ryan giving me minecraft premium.
and I found the first/only electronic keyboard I ever had -oh memories- well I played on it for the first 2-3 years of my piano learning life.
well, I better do my theoryofmusic, chinese and geography ^~^ someone send me their speed of river ejournal pretty please.
I'll edit this post if I find a need to add/delete info.
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
second post, right after my first one :3
lol iDunno.
pretty <3
and um, I'm currently uploading a recording of me and my cousin messing around on the piano. hope it turns out okay.
and omg my hair is so awesome <3 ~~
and um. I'm supposed to sing this with Crystal, but no luck memorizing the lyrics >~<
also darling please get well soon >< you know who you are..
and um, Joshua stop pmsing?
and um, you, stop messaging me in the middle of the night :/
and ah we actually ran out of spaghetti so no more spaghetti day T^T
currently wondering if I should upload the recordings. we played beauty and the beat, one thing, what makes you beautiful, I wish, daylight, don't you worry child, 50 ways to say goodbye, secrets, when you're gone, country road take me home (all very fail, coz is like trial and error de chords de >~<)
ah well, the uploadings failed.
still remember when Ethan was singing on the karaoke site? I still have the recordings XD
I'm not gonna blog anymore (hopefully)
goodbye ~lynnyan

ASDF 6 is out btw~ tbh, I don't find it really random anymore. it's like getting predictable, except maybe the magical pony part ._.
if you haven't watched it,
well unless you're in china, I don't believe they have youtube there. *chong* *oriental music sounds*
well since it's still like the lunar new year (3rd day now :3) happinyewyear~
yesterday, I went to SGCC to like see the lion dance and shit, but I couldn't see anything. too many people ._. then childhood friends, Rachel, Joanne and Benjamin came to visit D: Benjamin forgot me :/ forgivable, since the last time I saw him he was like, 1 year old.
He's adorable~~ hehe.
stalking Rachel's facebook... ah here. a picture.
and random other pictures (from me >~<)

I look retarded, but it's okay, coz this is my blog.
now today my dad is gonna mass produce spaghetti. today is deh spaghetti day. and I'm gonna eat all day long~~~
and homework. 4 questions of math, dk how to do. 2 chinese worksheets. well.
--buhbye~~ <3 lynnoes
Sunday, February 10, 2013
happy lunar birthday
okay firstly, thank you everyone who wished me happy birthday/happy new year on my facebook wall, via facebook message, sms, twitter or in real life ^^ <3 I love you all very much
secondly, I needa go shower soon so I'll probably be editing this post after midnight okay? I just wanna post this before my birthday is over :D
later I'll describe my day and put in pictures, but for now, HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR EVERYBODY!! hope you get a lot of hongbao money and stuff. OH. AND ALSO. CONTACT ME IF YOU ARE GAME TO GO OUT THIS TUESDAY. tankyewt~
okay brb shower >~< I'll be back soon.
firstly imma start with what I wore today ^~^ sorry if you're a guy, bear with me please
head: started with this weird bundled hair thing, then Adeline transformed it into a really beautiful hairstyle. kind of like the singapore airline stewardess hairstyle, but cooler. used like 14 pins. earrings, absolute no makeup.
this beautiful cheongsam. and a bell bracelet thing. and this old-fashioned handbag thing.
then sparkly black flats with a flower on top o.o
Time according to mac: 11.26.05pm
What was I doing beforehand: showering
Chats on facebook: Bruce
Listening to: titanium
Status: happy, tipsy (veryvery little)
today I went to my grandma's house early in the morning :D then I was there hongbao farming, but very bored, until my cousin kind of invited me with her boyfriend to mcdonalds. oh damn, it was awkward, but he was friendly so I guess it wasn't too bad. his name was Daniel (goodness, how many of them are there) and he reminds me a LOT of our other SC instructor, Mr Tan. (not Joshua's father luh, that one is Mr Khoo.) then Cynthia Koh came in while I was putting on my socks -_- how awkward. yessu. (ahhhh she wished me happy birthday :D) (sorry if I'm gushing)
haha. (my whole evening was basically spent on trying to get photos of her)
so you see, my cousin is her boyfriend. he is 12 years younger than her I think ._.
don't sell the info -.-
and um. I have photos. but no, I don't want to upload them. *coughcontactmeifyouwantcough*
oh but I'll upload other photos ofc. some of them have them tgt, but I suppose it's okay..
zzz and someone just asked me a really awkward question.
uhm. no.
anyway I haz got birthday gifts from my cousin ^^
a really pretty cute abacus necklace and surprisingly, the same earrings I got for Jiawen last year >~<
thank you :D
and now, imma dump my hongbaos on top of my mini piano *kedump*
imma stop blogging now, tell me if you wanna go out on tuesday, and um, I have some selfcam pics of myself on my mac ._. just saying.
secondly, I needa go shower soon so I'll probably be editing this post after midnight okay? I just wanna post this before my birthday is over :D
later I'll describe my day and put in pictures, but for now, HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR EVERYBODY!! hope you get a lot of hongbao money and stuff. OH. AND ALSO. CONTACT ME IF YOU ARE GAME TO GO OUT THIS TUESDAY. tankyewt~
okay brb shower >~< I'll be back soon.
firstly imma start with what I wore today ^~^ sorry if you're a guy, bear with me please
head: started with this weird bundled hair thing, then Adeline transformed it into a really beautiful hairstyle. kind of like the singapore airline stewardess hairstyle, but cooler. used like 14 pins. earrings, absolute no makeup.
this beautiful cheongsam. and a bell bracelet thing. and this old-fashioned handbag thing.
then sparkly black flats with a flower on top o.o
Time according to mac: 11.26.05pm
What was I doing beforehand: showering
Chats on facebook: Bruce
Listening to: titanium
Status: happy, tipsy (veryvery little)
today I went to my grandma's house early in the morning :D then I was there hongbao farming, but very bored, until my cousin kind of invited me with her boyfriend to mcdonalds. oh damn, it was awkward, but he was friendly so I guess it wasn't too bad. his name was Daniel (goodness, how many of them are there) and he reminds me a LOT of our other SC instructor, Mr Tan. (not Joshua's father luh, that one is Mr Khoo.) then Cynthia Koh came in while I was putting on my socks -_- how awkward. yessu. (ahhhh she wished me happy birthday :D) (sorry if I'm gushing)
haha. (my whole evening was basically spent on trying to get photos of her)
so you see, my cousin is her boyfriend. he is 12 years younger than her I think ._.
don't sell the info -.-
and um. I have photos. but no, I don't want to upload them. *coughcontactmeifyouwantcough*
oh but I'll upload other photos ofc. some of them have them tgt, but I suppose it's okay..
zzz and someone just asked me a really awkward question.
uhm. no.
anyway I haz got birthday gifts from my cousin ^^
a really pretty cute abacus necklace and surprisingly, the same earrings I got for Jiawen last year >~<
thank you :D
and now, imma dump my hongbaos on top of my mini piano *kedump*
imma stop blogging now, tell me if you wanna go out on tuesday, and um, I have some selfcam pics of myself on my mac ._. just saying.
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